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Same Sex Marriage - Now legal in all 50 States

hot stuff said:
I hope someone brings me some chiles in prison when I'm arrested for practicing 1st amendment rights of free speech and free exercise of religion. Fellow pastors in Canada have already been arrested for doing so.
Who doesn't have to do things they would rather not?
You "should take your rebellious child out and have them stoned by the townspeople" ... like, The Lottery? ...
"Seize the infants of your enemies and dash them against rocks" ...
The Bible says you can "loot and kill if it suits your cause" ... #Ferguson ...
Life's hard, let's go shopping ...
Well sure. If were still under the Old Testament laws in Israel. Not quite there any more. There's a new order of things in the New Testament.

Who say's I'd rather not? I'm just asking for visitors with gifts of chilies.
grantmichaels said:
Who doesn't have to do things they would rather not?
You "should take your rebellious child out and have them stoned by the townspeople" ... like, The Lottery? ...
"Seize the infants of your enemies and dash them against rocks" ...
The Bible says you can "loot and kill if it suits your cause" ... #Ferguson ...
Life's hard, let's go shopping ...
That's called a straw man fallacy.
Giving one group of people equal rites hardly strips you of any rites. You're still free to be a biggot if that's the road you choose. Can even use your religion to practice hate if that's what you're about. Just can force it on one less group of people. Preach hate all day long to the ears of your congregation where it is well recieved. Just don't cry that it doesn't reach the ears of those who don't want to hear it. Your ideology and beliefs should have no bearing on my or my bretherns ways of life. Too many people seem to have the liberal mantality that if they don't like it no one should get to do or have it.
Proud Marine Dad said:
That's called a straw man fallacy.
It seemed less shitty than exclaiming that I like my fantasy from Tolkien or George R.R. Martin or Douglas Adams ...
sicman said:
I would have to disagree with your comment.
  You know for a fact that its controversial? Dont be a Heckle :rofl:
shouldnt this gay stuff be in hawt topics? /sicleg
Proud Marine Dad said:
You do know Tolkien was a Christian and believed the book you feel is fantasy right? ;) :lol:
I'm not here to deprive anyone of their belief, or to change anyone's mind about what they believe ...
I'm simply the product of the choices my parents (and then I) made in regards to those things - and I evolve and change my mind as I go, on my own timeline ...
I think organized religion has an important place in maintaining a sense of order amongst us, whether or not I believe in the basis of it, the storified lessons it aims to impart, or the earliest beliefs at present really isn't all that important ...
I'm fully supportive of religious people.
My beef is, and has always been, with fanaticals.
I don't like religious fanaticism.
I don't believe there's enough there (read, provably - like mathematically provable - and not some anecdotal or otherwise subjective "evidence") to warrant anyone being fanatical about it.
Believe what you want, make choices that you want, and let others do the same ... simple, really.
D3monic said:
Giving one group of people equal rites hardly strips you of any rites. You're still free to be a biggot if that's the road you choose. Can even use your religion to practice hate if that's what you're about. Just can force it on one less group of people. Preach hate all day long to the ears of your congregation where it is well recieved. Just don't cry that it doesn't reach the ears of those who don't want to hear it. Your ideology and beliefs should have no bearing on my or my bretherns ways of life. Too many people seem to have the liberal mantality that if they don't like it no one should get to do or have it.
That's just silly.

So preaching against murder on this basis is bigoted and hateful. Sorry don't see it. You obviously have had a different experience in churches that preach against and who also preach forgiveness for those very sins. If you you think preaching against sin is hateful how do you think your comments of being bigoted and hateful seem?

"Too many people seem to have the liberal mantality that if they don't like it no one should get to do or have it."

That's really funny.

Anyway, it's never been about rights but about redefinition.
So now we're equating gay marriage to murder? I'm confused. Awfully big hop skip and jump. 


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hot stuff said:
Immorality is immorality that's all I'm saying.
Very few things in life are binary. There's usually a gradient. Life seems to take place in the continuum of gray area ...

Immorality comes in degrees, and is stepped, because of side-effects. Even if acts can be decidedly "good" or "bad" in and of themselves, the complexity and combinatorics of weighing the same set of acts w/ all the permutations that exist taking into consideration downstream effects on other parties grows exponentially - perhaps innumerably ...

All of these things have analogues in measurable places too, like side-chain reactions in science or medicine ...

I don't have any appreciation for magic or mysticism in my reality, nor do I need that to find life fascinating. The foibles of humans, let alone the constant selfishness and exploitation of one another is a least fascinating.
If religious folks started working with the rigor of proof, like that which with mathematicians deal in - instead of actively working against them - then maybe we'd see an acceleration in our progression here on Earth.
And ... while I'm up on my soapbox, enjoying the timbre of my own voice - why did it take my lifetime to get a pope with a lick of common sense? The church needs to improve their ability to respond to the deltas of a modern, interconnected world people.
Having spewed all of this, I find myself somewhat sure that you've given all of this sort of conjecture far more time and thought that I have, and yet because I'm that guy ... I'll still click Post.
Thanks for helping a lot of people (including a lot of lost souls) better experience life ...
Most of what I've experienced leads me to believe that hell is pervasive and rather ineluctable, before, during, and after consciousness.
sicman said:
Why is weed in hot topics ??????????????????????????? This isnt.
Just give it a few more minutes ...
sicman said:
Why is weed in hot topics ??????????????????????????? This isnt.
'cause no one was disagreeing until Hot Stuff started calling it immoral. :rolleyes:
I mean, if it all didn't start with two hot girls kissing, then there would be no Ménage à trois in the first place........ :rofl:
I know, I'm not helping. My wife keeps telling me that, but I just can't really express my level of apathy about the whole topic. What other people do in their own bedrooms shouldn't really bother anyone else in any way.
hot stuff said:
Immorality is immorality that's all I'm saying.
I agree with this sentiment, yet I also believe that love is of paramount importance in this world; in whatever form it takes.  I also believe that being gay is not a 'choice' - it's how you're born.  Denying someone's humanity and the subsequent shelters and benefits that het married people get based on who someone sleeps with is also immoral to me.  
The immorality that I see on a daily basis has more to do with greed, intolerance and judging others than love, and more love & understanding needs to be cultivated in this world.  Inclusion and tolerance are great things.  Throw a bunch of love in the mix and there's some real power.  
Personally I think the stuff written in holy texts condemning homosexuality has more to do with gays not producing children who then grow up to become more church members than anything else.  Kinda like religious texts prohibiting eating pork - back then pork was very dirty and many people who ate it got sick - so they outlawed it.  America was founded by religious zealots who left England so they could be *more* religious after all, and the legacy that has left us with is a severe problem.  Janet Jackson pops a nip during the superbowl and the entire nation freaks out, yet no one mentions the big tittie models in the beer commercials or the constant ads for viagra.  Hypocrites we...  
D3monic said:
Too many people seem to have the liberal mantality that if they don't like it no one should get to do or have it.
Those are radicals you're seeing. Most of us aren't raving lunatics ​shitty excuses for humans tumblristas that bad.
There's even a whole subreddit dedicated to cataloging them. http://www.reddit.com/r/tumblrinactionif anyone wants to see their daily load of shit.