food Sandwich of the Month

My store has pork butts on sale this week!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!

I am dying to make another roast......exactly and precisely the way I did it for the cubanos!
Just to see if I can hit the jackpot twice in a row.

And this time, it might not even make it to the bread......:)
Y'all are fohgettin 'bout
Cubano McMuffins, on an English Muffin, to go.
Cuban Benedict, open faceded
Cuban Californication, with Avocado.

Heck, even a Christmas Cuban with Fruitcake and crushed candy canes sprinkled on top, (hold the pickles please).
Alright that's a stretch, but if you're :high: in December?
Ah, the Christmas Cuban... or the Christmas Eve Cuban

Nochebuena Cuban (and it would be ridiculous)

Cuban sandwich topped with Moros y Cristianos (black beans and rice), yucca fries, platanos maduros (fried sweet plaintains), with a healthy drizzle of garlic butter sauce.

I can actually picture myself making a Nochebuena Cuban in about 6 months.
Tried to do a Cuban BLT'd tonight. Got hit by the fail faries. Thought I had bacon that was still good in the fridge. Not the case this time. First level of frustration reached. Then I got my pressing pans too hot. Burned the bread a little more than perfect, but still not too bad. Because of that, I couldn't get my cheese all melty. Second level of frustration reached. When I had some bread stickage to the bottom of my CI.... Level 3. Managed to salvage it. During the photoshoot, my camera refussed to take some pictures that it normally does. Level up frustration to 4. During photoshoot, while trying to get the right angle, the sandwich started to slide apart. Level 5. Never had a problem with Photobucket, but I think it sensed that right now would be the perfect time to screw with me. Fun times. Enjoy.


Tried to do a Cuban BLT'd tonight. Got hit by the fail faries. Thought I had bacon that was still good in the fridge. Not the case this time. First level of frustration reached. Then I got my pressing pans too hot. Burned the bread a little more than perfect, but still not too bad. Because of that, I couldn't get my cheese all melty. Second level of frustration reached. When I had some bread stickage to the bottom of my CI.... Level 3. Managed to salvage it. During the photoshoot, my camera refussed to take some pictures that it normally does. Level up frustration to 4. During photoshoot, while trying to get the right angle, the sandwich started to slide apart. Level 5. Never had a problem with Photobucket, but I think it sensed that right now would be the perfect time to screw with me. Fun times. Enjoy.



and yet the profile shot looks amazing ...
Dude! The best food in the world either falls apart or runs down your arm!
And with each frustration level, you earn 2 beers, or a tall hhwiskey fatboy.
Eat, drink, and be merry. Looks awesome bro.
I dunno what you call this. I call it...Gork the Darg n fricken the Doogle.

Chilli: Very browned ground beef, 2 onions, paprika, cayenne pepper, crushed coriander seed, dry oregano, tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, garlic, chilli, salt, beef stock.

Cooked low n slow for 'bout 2 hours.

Bread boat, grilled with butter and filled with chilli. 'Easy Cheese' on top. Same thing almost as cheez wiz without the dispenser.

I'm going to do a different sandwich because, simply, I can't beat the cubans done so far. I am making an Italian coldcut sandwich.



Amoroso Roll
Asiago Cheese
Roasted Red Peppers
Baby Romaine Lettuce
Banana Peppers
Deli Mustard
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Coarse Ground Pepper






Missing a couple of pictures, but rest assured its all there. Maybe I should have used onions too, oh well, next time. Manga!
Tried to do a Cuban BLT'd tonight. Got hit by the fail faries. Thought I had bacon that was still good in the fridge. Not the case this time. First level of frustration reached. Then I got my pressing pans too hot. Burned the bread a little more than perfect, but still not too bad. Because of that, I couldn't get my cheese all melty. Second level of frustration reached. When I had some bread stickage to the bottom of my CI.... Level 3. Managed to salvage it. During the photoshoot, my camera refussed to take some pictures that it normally does. Level up frustration to 4. During photoshoot, while trying to get the right angle, the sandwich started to slide apart. Level 5. Never had a problem with Photobucket, but I think it sensed that right now would be the perfect time to screw with me. Fun times. Enjoy.

I was expecting to see it Thrown on Flo' ... :shh: ... I'd still hit it 2X

Wheebz you had me at Capocollo - Outstanding! I declare that this will be my lunch today :drooling:
Heh heh, he called me Wheebz. Must be the avatar. :lol: No, LD it is I JayT. That pic is Wheebz after he ate a bite of the Scorpion I sent him last fall.
Heh heh, he called me Wheebz. Must be the avatar. :lol: No, LD it is I JayT. That pic is Wheebz after he ate a bite of the Scorpion I sent him last fall.

:doh: LOL - I re-read this thread and saw it - maybe I shouldnt post before 8 a.m. LOL

Still going to hit it like it owes me money
Told ya JwheezyT that looked good this a.m.
Capicola, Salami,Pepperoni,Provolone, LTMO, hot cherry peppers, hot sauce - chased with a coke and fritos - BOOM
JayT what did you make on that sandwich? :lol:

Nice.... assembly.
JayT what did you make on that sandwich? :lol:

Nice.... assembly.

You know, I love to cook and post here, but I am not about to start curing my own meats, baking my own rolls, grinding and making my own mustard, picking and pressing olives, milking cows to make cheese, etc etc etc just to post a picture of my lunch! :rolleyes: