food Sandwich of the Month

Ego Checked Non Cuban Pressed Picnic Sammich

I'm fixin to fix up a sandwich we make at least once every summer. All this meat and pressin had us thinkin and cravin.
Great for Parties, or Leftover lunches, or the goddamm munchies.

• Homemade Vinaigrette,
~1-1/2 tsp Dijon Mustard
~1 Tbs Balsamic Vinegar
~1/4 C Olive Oil
~2 Tbs Warm Water
~1 Large Garlic Clove
~S & P

Start with hollowing out the top and bottom of a 10" loaf of French or Sourdough.
We used Italian. Use your finners, and make crubons with the scoopage.
Brush with Vinaigrette, and layer as follows....


Roasted Yellow Bell Pepper, and Red Jalapeños,

Then deli sliced Ham, and Grilled Zucchini,

Genoa Salami with Wine,

Marinated Mozzarella balls,

Italian Dry Salami,

Fresh Basil from the garden, and drizzle remaining Vinaigrette,

Put Hollowed out Top on, and wrap tightly with Geeme wrap.


Weight for an Hour at room temp with something HEAVY! In our case, The Hearse...

Final Plating pics in about an hour. mmmmmmm
Holy hell you just threw Jay's combo #7 on the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And stepped on it. :lol:
Thanks for the love, y'all,

feast on this, and make sure you ain't near yo granny, cuz you might gittup and slapp'er!

CJ's plate,






darned hhwhiskey....

That's some pasta salad that Cj made with Cavatappi Pasta, white beans, *basil, tomatoes, green onion, feta, *spinach,
garlic, *lemon thyme, *oregano, vinaigrette.

Peperoncini, peppers, Divina Greek olive mix, and


y'all are invited anytime...

* = fresh from our garden
Mother muffalata fuffalata!
That looks absolutely incredible and your pics are awesome!

Jts Italian had me craving that all damn day, and this is just making it better!

Needs me some fatty Italian meats
O MY GAWDDDD -- Not again!!! My deli cant handle that nevermind the 30$ they waould charge for it - NICSSSSSSEEEE

Is there any left ? :cheers:
bought a GD pressure cooker from Amazon ... Sat. deliv ... because of Sum's entry last wknd ...

on the plus, i guess i can look into making jellies/jams out of peppers now, too ...

hope my first try works out ;)
we don't have cuban bread readily available and i forgot swiss at the store ... i also made an error in electing for sweetbay - who doesn't carry the cure 81 I wanted - instead of my usual publix ... still, i brute forced something cubanesque and ventured into a number of unchartered territories at once ...

we decided to coat the pork in a little flour and ghost pepper seasoning, heat a small amount of butter, and brown the pork butt until it looks like brains ...


after getting all sides, i plopped it into the pressure cooker w/ 2 cups of fiji ...


i loaded up some bread and butter ovals, some wickles pickles, some barely ripe apricot slices, and a split cayenne in the retained pork fat and butter and some licor 43 ...


and after an hour of cooking at 15 or so, we released the steam ...


and found a nicely cooked pork butt ...


which i shredded up ...


and finished heating up the rest of the stuff ...


which i slid onto the pulled pork on the roll coated w/ a little mustard and mashed into the pan w/ my knuckles ...


and rocked it out ...


It was a fine meal for a 2am DC special, but not even close to as good as any number of Cubans I've had ... I'll leave this sandwich to the pro's ...

On a positive note ... the pressure cooker worked killer and I'm looking forward to slathering some of that pulled pork in some kicked-up BBQ sauce in a bit and having my way w/ it ...

The cuarenta y tres treatment of the barely ripe apricots and wickles and double smoked ham was pure gold ... cooked in pork fat, you simply cannot go astray ... that flavor was chingon ...

Also true, I'll likely not buy another pack of white american cheese food garbage for another couple of decades ... not sure what I was thinking ...
I bought a jar of Wickles okra when we were in Sarasota....and fell in looooove with 'em!!!!

So, last night, at some point, I created a mango chutney. Again, something I've never tasted, so I don't know what the goal was.
But I recall it being pretty tasty! I imagine at some point it will get acquainted with the smoked pork butt between some bread.

If it's a happy union, I'll post pics! :)
Yes, those Wickles were Awesome. The Sic's turned us on to them. And I don't usually care for Okra.
We bought them at the Publix on S. Tamiami trail, we also bought beer. LOL
Good lookin Sammy. I see what you mean about smoking for a few, after pulling it. DO IT !