food Sandwich of the Month

Just finished eating SOTM 2, August.

So damn good.

Took pics, did happen...

But I have to wait until Sum posts first.

Spoiler alert...Homemade Flour Tortillas.

Stay Tuned
Thank yous all.

I did the meat a little different this time. Not quite such a hot pan, and when the meat was almost done, I put in 2 TBS of the broth/worschersstirechrie mixture.
After prong-clamping the meat onto the buns, I dropped the cheese in the pan and whisked it with all of the moo juice goodness.
Then poured that queso nectar on top of the sammies.

THAT is the way to do it!
Yeah, get another box of wine and shut up you damn wino.

By the way, a new and amazing cheese steak is in the works for tonight... In fact, I shall start preparations now.