CJ ~ Scovie no likey the fat pheesh? And why won't he let you have it? He's been snorting dust from the tile saw again hasn't he?
Nope! He no likey! He says that pheesh ain't natural....but he's fussy when it comes to pheesh.
Not me tho! If it's from water, chances are I'm all over it. He'd "let" me have it anytime I want....I just don't want to listen to him snark about it while I'm eating! haha
Get this! One Christmas Eve, I was sauteéing oysters for my family's tradition of oyster stew. He walked in and started making a fuss about the smell, and.....started spraying LYSOL!!!!!! Lysol + oysters...eeeewwww!!!!!! hahahaha He felt so bad that I got an extra gift under the tree that year!
So......I try to respect his 'sensitivities'.....and he shucks me fresh oysters whenever I want. Pretty good gig!