food Sandwich of the Month

One of my favorite pictures of my daughter is when we were in Maine and she was 4, just a few years ago.
She is digging in the sand at the coast, pulling out those Geoducks.

I have a shot of her holding one, looking at it like it's from another planet.

But the one she caught didn't have a huge horse-penis like the one THP has pictures of.

3 questions:
How many pictures like that are on your computer?
Was the Geoduck (cock-lobster) consenting, and at least 18?
Did it come off the guy who shirtless-ly attended Wheebz' Pole Dancing Lessons??

Just wondering...
THP geoduck is only found in Washington state and British Columbia.

Fitty that mainerd one your daughter got was an impersonator.

God only knows what's on THP's computer.

Clam porn.

That's just sick.
Boz, I haz one dolla for five foot long.

FD! Seriously? I have never caught a Geoduck.
Even after an hour with a Shovel and a crater in the sand that you could see from the moon.
You sure little miz FD caught a Geoduck? Damm!
Well... it was Maine... they call those Geoducklings. :rofl:

TB, they say that about all the "Tide-water food" Geoducks go out and down a little deeper than Dungees, Clams, or Mussels,
but the Mercury is wherever the mercury is.
Still more appealing than a Hudson River Geoduck. hahahahahahahahahahahaha (yo- whassup)

I'm starting to sound a little drunktified, even to myself...

WHOOT! more drunken Scovie drivel later...

TB... Bearded Clam porn I'm sure
I haz a bottle of cheapass vodka hidden in The Blues Music Plush Chamber.

Right behind the Marshall cabinet.

mrs. blues never goes in that room.

I need to find my grapefruit juice.
I don't know, the Maintards called these things Geoducks.
I'm just a cracker-ass white boy from Miami. What do I know???
You tell me...

That's a Horse Clam, with a very scary Horse Clam harvester showing his wares.

He was so unsuccessful at Horse Clam harvesting, theat he decided to go into Beer making.
He lives under a stripper pole and survives on TaterTots.

True story.

Check it FD...
Holy Clam Bake Batman - what the hell happened to this thread?!?!?!?! :rofl:

Okay, so...what was I going to say????

OH! FD - you go ahead and ROCK out that conch Po' Boy!!!!!
I've only had conch once....inna a fritter, innna fish shack o' love, in The Key of Largo.....and it rocked my world all kindsa sideways!
I'm thinking I'd take conch over clam any day of the year. Even over butter clams. With butter. Now geoducks...well, they're just FUN! Like catching a marlin in da sandy beeeeeeech.....! :D
Today I decided I want to try a duck sausage PB ... That's the meat that sounds theoretically best to me having never had a Po Boy ... In my travels learning of the art of duck sausage, I came across the Urban Dictionary definition of "duck sausage" which I was previously unaware of ... hilarity. ensued.

Now I must procure or produce duck sausage ... it must be done.
FD4 good for you for protecting your child's identity. But with a sweaty red-faced chair dancer?
Pole Dancing and Chair Dancing are healthy forms of exercise. Something America should embrace as a proactive and healthy lifestyle that could help curb our prolific obesity epidemic. How dare you judge those sinners! :P
I don't know, the Maintards called these things Geoducks.
I'm just a cracker-ass white boy from Miami. What do I know???
You tell me...

Those are Steamer Clams or Soft shell and they are Effing AWESOME - This is something us New Englanders know for a change - A bowl full of those with some butter and beer and I'd consider that my Frito Pie :lol:
It's like Christmas morning!!!!!!

A new month is's FINALLY here!!!

Po'Boys for everyone!!!!

"Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus!!"
(and he's going to be breaded in corn meal, deep fried, and served on a baguette with some kick ass remoulade!)
I'm rollin today.
Haste makes waste.

Plus it gives me more time to do my OTHER po'boy.
You know, the CRAZY one.

The one people ask for after everybody posts "traditional" po'boys.

Yep, I have a trick up my sleeve.

But don't sleep on what I'm 'bout to do today. It's gonna be great.
2 different shellfish, soflo twist. Cold ones already flowin.
Sum's droppin by in a bit. Booya.
I left a tin of cat food by the front porch last night so bear might swing by too. No promises, tho.
Better get Sum's favorite avocado urinal stall all cleaned up and ready for him.

Save your shellfish shells.

I need 'em for my compost pile.