food Sandwich of the Month

You know, scovie....... you and JayT might consider going to a museum and asking if they'll lend you a full suit of armour on the day we finally meet. I dunno how much good it's actually going to do you, but it might at least give you a false sense of security before your annihilation. . . .

I went to the Museum of Natural History one time and G was there!!!

As an exhibit.

True story.
Damn sto'.

They had oysters all right.

Fresh in jars.

For $6.99 for 6 truly sad and waterlogged snot lookin' 'thangs.

I should have got them yesterday at the hippy store but nooooooooooooooooo.

Maybe I'll do shrimps for the po'boy.
I reckon I need to get my po' boy on this weekend.

But first I got to go on an oyster hunt.

Damn sto'.

They had oysters all right.

Fresh in jars.

For $6.99 for 6 truly sad and waterlogged snot lookin' 'thangs.

I should have got them yesterday at the hippy store but nooooooooooooooooo.

Maybe I'll do shrimps for the po'boy.

Listen, jabberjaw, less talkie more postie, YOUR RULES! :lol:
Hey THP.....

You still haven't posted a CUBANO.

One of them fancy ones you buy at your favorite NYC Cuban deli on 876th and Broadway.

Or some such place.
Yeah but THP had a point too. This is YOUR thread and it is now the 15th of the month and still no posty, just a bunch of talky.
I'm halfway between another po boy, or a pimped ass cheap pizza tomorrow for the gator game vs Tennessee.

But I already did sotm and lots of the stalwarts haven't...
Yeah but THP had a point too. This is YOUR thread and it is now the 15th of the month and still no posty, just a bunch of talky.

Boooo on you!

You of all people know I am having health issues.

In fact I am getting ready for my surgery on thursday.

When I get back I expect you to address me as Tamara Blues.
Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but I got a package in the mail yesterday with an assortment of sandwiches. I've identified all but one, and I could really use your help in telling me what I have here.

The sandwich looks like it's made with deli thin sliced ham, meunster cheese, and a dash or two of chipotle powder. It also looks like it was slapped on a skillet with both sides buttered and flipped until golden brown on both sides.

So here's my question:

Is this a ham and cheese hybrid, or a grilled cheese sandwich?


Thanks for your help in this matter.

[Just ribbin' ya Gee. ;) ]
LOL! THAT, my dear sir, is a fancy-smancy GRILLED CHEESE WITH HAM sammie.

Or a grilled ham and cheese sammie. Or a ham and cheese melt. Or......

It's all good! ;)
Waaaaaay more jamon than scheeze.

I call that a ham & cheese sammich.

And it looks fantasticle.

I wish my package (USPS) looked as good as that.
Hold up, hold up, hold up...........

You got SAMMIES in the MAIL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

WTF?! I got a visa bill & a Victoria's Secret catalog.

That does it - I'm moving to Florida!!!!!!!! ;)
Victoria's Secret?

That's amateur porn.

I get the REAL stuff in the mail.

Cabela's & Bass Pro catalogues.

Sum gets all sorts of stuff in the mail.

Just another one of the many benefits of being a writer for Hustler Magazine.