food Sandwich of the Month

Holy fuckin shit f**k bitch ass whiffle f**k shit balls CJ!

Girl you guys need to move here. That's gonna be some great pork!

Some notes on the cuban Sammy, from true experience from local diner windows.

The real recipe doesn't call for it, but sometimes mayo appears, and that's ok. It's awesome.
Always swiss cheese, but we love whatever CJ puts on hers!

There is a strong debate between Miami and Tampa as to the origins, but in Tampa they often put salami on it as well.

Fuckin salami! You on that Wheebz?

I've had it both ways, but I prefer miami style.

Some people butter the bread inside AND out before pressing, but what's important is that it is pressed.
Has to be. A Cuban is a hot sandwich.

And I love it. No matter how it comes!

Probably Sunday for me, but the porks cookin mañana. (tomorrow in thp Spanish)
I've had it both ways, but I prefer miami style.

And I love it. No matter how it comes!

FIFY :rofl:

Here's my go at a Cuban Sammie.

Pulled poke on American mustard

Thin sliced dill pickles, ham steaks and swiss cheese


Improvised CI press


Finished. Over cooked the top a bit, but all good. Interesting mix of flavours in this sammie. It's guuuuuud, gonna go there again soon :D

And the Aussie rocks it Cubano-Style!!!!!

Wicked goooood!!!!!!

DTS - that's just beautiful!!!!!

Got anymore pics of your CI pressing? I'm nervous about that part.
Thanks CJ :)

I used whatever CI i had in the cupboard that had a flat surface and heated them on low then brushed a light coat of oil on. I ended up flipping my sammie halfway through because i didn't have enough heat on top. I also used a plate to add weight and really squish it down.
Cj wait till u see my sandwich press...
It's NOT double CI (though I have the capabilities).
But it's something everyone should have on hand in the kitchen.

Don't say it sum

Nice Sammy dts!!!! Hope you enjoyed a version of something I eat quite often.
That last pic was the money shot. I want some!
Is that swiss cheese made down under? It looks weird for swiss. No big deal, I still WANT SOME!
Alright, I'm going to come back over the top before long, but just to have something to track to remind me ... this turkey on rye was actually pretty tasty the other day ...


fresh rye w/ seeds from the deli ...
dressed w/ Duke's and some quality mustard ...
Boar's Head jerk turkey (it's surprisingly spicy and my rear can't differentiate it from hot pods) ...
smoked provolone ...
garlic sliced/ridged pickle slices from the refrigerator section at the store (if you know, you know) ... not visible, unfortunately ...
fresh tomato slices ...

It's damn hot here in Florida, so this is what I like this time of year for a weekend lunch ...

I'll get back w/ ya in fall/winter for something a little heavier =)
Yup, South Cape Swiss. They make amazing cheesesses.

Mine didn't have any holes in it though, which was a bit strange...


Ahh. As I suspected! I love the meltynessicity of your sammy. I wonder if we can get that here. Imonna look!
Lol that's weird, it shows holes on the label but none in the package. Oh well, looks awesome as is.
Thanks for posting the pic of it!
As some of you know I have started a fun, kick my butt trial with a tree company. Today while eating lunch today I remembered Dagwoods I made while working at the steel mill years ago. Stopped by the store this afternoon for supplies. I am mainly a carnivore as you will see. Add your own rabbit food. :rofl:


Loaf Italian Bread
1/2 pound Hickory Smoked Turkey
1/2 pound Buffalo Chicken Breast
1/2 pound Swiss
1/4 pound Boarshead Horseradish Cheddar
1/4 pound Provolone
Miracle Whip
Habitually Orange

Extra points for the fiber in the background =)

FD might jump in on Sunday, but I'm thinking I just did what he was just about to do.

So here's a traditional Cuban sandwich w/ Marie Sharps (white label). Cuban sandwiches are not originally intended to be spicey, but the flavors work great.

Threw the Boston butt cut of pork into the pressure cooker dusted with a healthy dose of garlic powder, cumin, salt, and a little over a cup and a half of water. Fat side down... and let that thing go for about an hour and fifteen minutes.



That makes it fork tender and you can pull it like this... and mix with a healthy drizzle of mojo sauce. I let this mixture sit in the bowl for about ten minutes with foil stuffed into the bowl to cover it all.


Then you get your Cuban bread out, slice it in half, and start loading it up.


The pulled pork typically is the first thing in the pile, followed by thinly sliced pickles.


Then the thick cut ham. Thin sliced sandwich ham just doesn't cut it in this case.


Then it's topped with swiss cheese and yellow mustard. I added a few dashes of Marie Sharps for some heat.


Usually tossed into a panini press till the cheese melts a bit. I heat up my quesadilla skillet and one of my cast iron skillets on medium... let them get to temp and then do this.



The Cuban sandwich is damn good... and this is how you do it.

I need another kitchen appliance like I need another hole in my ...

But, I think you just coerced me into opening up another FF tab to source a pressure cooker from Amazon ...

How long did that take to cook?
I had a sweet pressure cooker once, but was too askeered to use it. Waaaaay pre-THP!

Dang it - I am such a kitchen chicken! But THP is so supportive and filled with 411, that I keep (willingly) finding myself stretching beyond my comfort zones!

GM - GO GET THAT P. COOKER!!!!!!! And luv it loooong time! :D
GM- The pressure cooker is one of THE most efficient ways to cook, but it has a learning curve. This took about 7 minutes to get to pressure temp on medium high heat. Then dropped it down a click or two below medium for about an hour and 15 minutes. All stoves are different. What works for me might not work for you, but a pressure cooker can do some amazing things. It cut out about 6-7 hours of cooking time. Of course, you could always throw it in a Crock Pot set it and forget it for 8 hours and have the same thing. I used the pressure cooker for two reasons: 1~ I wanted to enter something sooner rather than later (bought my ingriedients a little too late in the day), and 2~ The pressure cooker is used pretty heavily by the Cuban community so I felt like it was my duty to spotlight the use of it. [Edit: Cooking time stated is for the pulled pork only. It took a little longer with resting time, prep, assemblage, and hot pressing.]

CJ- The new pressure cookers out today have safety mechanisms that keep them from over-pressurizing and blowing up. Also, to keep you from opening them when they are still pressurized. No more worries! It's a funny name, but my pressure cooker is made by Fagor.

Sum's, that is. Perfect.

Just catching up on this topic. Looks like there's more. Is this a "sandwich of the month" topic and this month is Cubans?

Nice one too DTS.
GM- The pressure cooker is one of THE most efficient ways to cook, but it has a learning curve. This took about 7 minutes to get to pressure temp on medium high heat. Then dropped it down a click or two below medium for about an hour and 15 minutes. All stoves are different. What works for me might not work for you, but a pressure cooker can do some amazing things. It cut out about 6-7 hours of cooking time. Of course, you could always throw it in a Crock Pot set it and forget it for 8 hours and have the same thing. I used the pressure cooker for two reasons: 1~ I wanted to enter something sooner rather than later (bought my ingriedients a little too late in the day), and 2~ The pressure cooker is used pretty heavily by the Cuban community so I felt like it was my duty to spotlight the use of it. [Edit: Cooking time stated is for the pulled pork only. It took a little longer with resting time, prep, assemblage, and hot pressing.]

Thanks for the info ... Danielle has wanted one for a bit, I could stand to be setup for canning, and frankly I love cooking appliances ...

It's like everywhere else too, it's all about having the right tool for the job!

Just catching up on this topic. Looks like there's more. Is this a "sandwich of the month" topic and this month is Cubans?


Yup! You have until the end of the month to get your Cuban on.

Break out the Guayaberas and the dominoes... take a shot of Cuban coffee and then chillax in the shade with a Cuba Libre.
Sum that's pretty classic and just how I like it my only critique is I like the pernil in larger chunks (or sliced) and not shredded.
Sum that's pretty classic and just how I like it my only critique is I like the pernil in larger chunks (or sliced) and not shredded.

Yeah... FD and I got into a private debate about the roast pork and how it should be handled for a Cuban. In Miami you'll find it both ways. Most of the Cubans I've had have been shredded pork. Preference on texture, really. The flavor is the same. We'll see what FD does probably on Sunday. He'll likely lean towards sliced.
Sliced or shredded....arrrrgggg!

I've rolled with intuition thus far....

...might as well roll the dice tomorrow too! hahahaha

Dang, I'm having fun with this sammie thang! :)