food Sandwich of the Month

I might wear my blue one tomorrow ($#!+, today). FD is coming over to help me brew some beer and show/teach some friends how it's done. Might break out the dominoes during the process. We'll see what happens. Can't promise pictures though.

Back on topic... Cuban sandwiches.
DTS, you nailed it as usual.

Wish more of the Aussie's would post more in food related topics.

Y'all are cooking fools!

Salami is indeed used sometimes in Tampa on a Cuban. Italian immigrant influence I reckon. Might not go over well in Havana though.

GM, we dig on you posting your turkey sammich but we need cavity/money shots. We want all the porn, not just the foreplay.

THP finally weighs in. C'mon Dan, bring your Cuban. Can't cook? Okay, I think I speak for the rest of us in allowing you this one time to post a Cuban from your favorite joint. You've mentioned how they do it many times and we need to see for ourselves the real deal. Do it!

Thus far, its split pretty even between pulled pork and sliced/whole pieces.

You guys are awesome!
So here's my Cuban y'all.

What is a Cuban? The classic Cuban or Cubano, is roasted pork or pernil as is sometimes called, ham, swiss cheese, dill pickles and mustard. The bread is typically a Cuban style bread but more often than not, can be an Italian style loaf or baguette, but generally not overly crusty.

For novelties sake I'll go a little overboard with the step by step pics.

Here's what I got. Not wanting to do an entire pork shoulder, I opted instead to braise a few center cut boneless pork chops. Its all good. I like black forest ham from the deli too. The swiss is some decent but not exceptional generic. Use an artisan style sharper swiss if you like. Mustard is the standard yellow variety which is typical for the Cuban. Pickles are made right here in Texas. I like whole pickled jalapeno's to bite into between mouthfuls of sandwich.


Lay down a nice spread of mustard. Notice I didn't trim the fat off the chops. I like the flavor.


Next, lay a generous amount of thin sliced ham over the pork and then add the pickles and finally the swiss.


The Cuban is most often grilled and pressed panini style. I think its a waste of money to have an actual panini press when I have cast iron laying around. A comal and skillet work just fine.


I like to grill them to where the swiss just starts to melt. You want a nice browning of the bread but not so much that its hard and cuts your mouth when biting into the sandwich.


Now whats not to like about this? I loved it loooooooong time.


Have mercy this was good!


So what y'all got? A Cuban? A club? A sub? A naan tofu chingadera?

Get to posting!

So dig it y'all. This is too funny not to post.

The pics I posted are from last night but the night before that was when I initially began my drunken cheffery.

In true DC form, I came up with the idea to not only use the skillet for the top press but to also heat up Black Betty so that it performed more in the manner of a panini press and toast on both sides at once.

Big mistake.

As you can imagine, I heated the skillet too much and when I went to pull it off, the top half of the sandwich stuck to the bottom of the pan.


I finally got the sandwich freed from its steely bonds and managed to get the whole thing on a plate.

Pickles, bread, scheeze and meat were flying every where I tell ya' and it weren't purdy.


I ate it anyway.

Wimp style.

With a knife and fork.

looks like Prencada- we used to make em with chicken, ham, piri-pri, onion and cheese in MOZMBQE. Nice

Pregos are good.
I think I speak for the rest of us in allowing you this one time to post a Cuban from your favorite joint. You've mentioned how they do it many times and we need to see for ourselves the real deal. Do it!
You guys are awesome!

Seconded, Thirded, and Fourthded!
That would be awesome boss to see what you get to chow down on. Maybe a Food Truck shmazzle?

now where's that auto ignore button.....
Salami is indeed used sometimes in Tampa on a Cuban. Italian immigrant influence I reckon. Might not go over well in Havana though.
GM, we dig on you posting your turkey sammich but we need cavity/money shots. We want all the porn, not just the foreplay.

That *WAS* a weak entry for me, which I probably wouldn't have submitted sans alcohol ... see the other thread for how my evening unfolded =)

I'm in Sarasota, 60 mins S. of Tampa, and I have never seen salami in a Cuban in all of my life living here ...

The best Cuban sandwich overall, is at a hole in the wall place in Ruskin called Ybor Grille ...

The best individual Cubans I've ever had were every single one of them from a window in Miami, after partying ...

The best Cuban meat though, is I believe at Carmine's on Seventh Ave in Ybor City ...

And fortunately we've got a pretty good Cuban right here in town, at El Habanero ...

I'm going to take a swipe at one for the thread this week sometime, but I can't say that I honestly think using a hot ingredient adds to a Cuban whatsoever ... so I'll probably try to offset it or at least minimize it's impact ...
the shop in ybor is it gone now,i only ask cause the walk just went bankrupt,like 2 days ago

p.s. salami in a cuban ive never heard of it,and ive eaten lots of them.everyware from n.y.-tn.-fl. by the way the best cuban ive had that my mother didnt make was in tn.
the shop in ybor is it gone now,i only ask cause the walk just went bankrupt,like 2 days ago

p.s. salami in a cuban ive never heard of it,and ive eaten lots of them.everyware from n.y.-tn.-fl. by the way the best cuban ive had that my mother didnt make was in tn.

I'm a big fan myself, and tend to have them as a 1st choice anywhere where I think it'll be a good one ...

That said, like mac-n-cheese, I like the occasional food somewhat tame in terms of spiciness ... and I think Cuban's fall into this for me ... that's why you can't go all foodie/gourmet on the mustard or it's ruined (imho) ...

Anyways, to each ... as always ...

The backstory is that I've always thought Carmine's had the best Cuban overall ... many evenings of debauchery in Ybor involved window slices and/or a Cuban from that place ... Then though, a couple of years ago, we were installing granite tops in an entire building at Little Harbor in Ruskin (Tarpon Point, I think) and we found this little run down place on the way back to our shop ... they had the best Cuban overall, ever ... Ybor Grille it's called, but it's in Ruskin, not Ybor ... I want one NAO ...

Cheers man!
GM & Sic,

The salami is pretty much a Tampa 'thang and probably limited even in Tampa. Sum or Fitty could probably expand on that more than I. Those cats are like Sauron and the all seeing eye for all 'thangs SoFlo.

As far as heat involved, do like I do and have it on the side. The way I grew up eating jalapeno's is just the way I presented it in my pic, on the side. For a sammich or a burger, I'd maybe eat 2-3 whole 'peno's. For something more expansive like a meat, starch, veg, salad, sitdown, more like 5 or 6. Its all cool and the gang.

In the end, this thread is not so fussy as some other threads (like DC and booze) as we want to focus on the food and the pics.

Style and technique are important but secondary. We just like sammich's!

SoFlo where you at?
Hold Up! I thought El Habanero was gone! Someone recommended it to us, but when I Googled it, it said the restaurant was out of business!

Have you checked out Darwin's on 4th yet GM?
GM & Sic,

The salami is pretty much a Tampa 'thang and probably limited even in Tampa. Sum or Fitty could probably expand on that more than I. Those cats are like Sauron and the all seeing eye for all 'thangs SoFlo.

As far as heat involved, do like I do and have it on the side. The way I grew up eating jalapeno's is just the way I presented it in my pic, on the side. For a sammich or a burger, I'd maybe eat 2-3 whole 'peno's. For something more expansive like a meat, starch, veg, salad, sitdown, more like 5 or 6. Its all cool and the gang.

In the end, this thread is not so fussy as some other threads (like DC and booze) as we want to focus on the food and the pics.

Style and technique are important but secondary. We just like sammich's!

SoFlo where you at?
tampa is not so flo!!!!! its part of my gang the sin flo
Alrighty then sin flo.

Stop yer sinnin' and start yer researchin' and give us the straight poop on the salami on a Cubano.

TB fail. Getta map.


I never said Tampa was in SoFlo.

I just defer to those guys because they are a good source for all things Flo in general.

I bet if you ask Sum or Fitty a question about Epcot they'd both pull out season tickets out of their butts and post pics.

SoFlo knows Cuban and SoFlo knows...well...Flo.
Oh Holy Havana Batman!!!! I just cracked the lid to take a whiff of my pork roast.....OMG! I've never smelled anything like THAT in my life!!!!! It's amazing!

Another hour or so and I can start shredding, or pulling, or just jumping in and dancing with it! God, I hope I can make it all the way to the sammich makin' portion of the program!!!!!!

TB - this was a freaking FABULOUS idea!!!!!!!! :party:
my dear grrl,why wait eat some of that pork. i would. t.b. i bet fo sure neither one of them have season passes! why i xay that you might ask? because they wont do the drive,no offense guys im just saying truth.

so flo dont know everything ab out florida miami is a world away from here . people dont even do the same things
When Sicman and LadySic picked us up from the airport, on the drive to their house, they asked what we wanted to see and do.
I said, I wanted to see Epcot, LeggoLand, and Busch Gardens.
Sicman slammed on the brakes, and told me to get out. I had to ride in the back of the truck, for the rest of the trip.

When we got to their house, he pushed me down and said "Mind your business".
I never got to see Epcot, LeggoLand, or Busch Gardens.

True story.
Hear me now, forgive me later.

That's just like a woman.

I am ready to accept my punishment.

TB - no forgiveness necessary! Now punishment...that's optional!!!!! :lol:
Glad you appreciate my sexist pig humor.

You and I both know mrs. blues wears the pants in my casa.

But don't tell her or SL please.

The Corrector can be all hurty n' sheeit.



I'l pick up some ingredients soon and jump on the Cuban bandwagon. Yummy looking sammies so far~
When Sicman and LadySic picked us up from the airport, on the drive to their house, they asked what we wanted to see and do.
I said, I wanted to see Epcot, LeggoLand, and Busch Gardens.
Sicman slammed on the brakes, and told me to get out. I had to ride in the back of the truck, for the rest of the trip.

When we got to their house, he pushed me down and said "Mind your business".
I never got to see Epcot, LeggoLand, or Busch Gardens.

True story.
fuct you,lol...if i remember right it was we just want to chillax and thats what we provided!

what do you mean the truck????? its THE TONIGHT