food Sandwich of the Month

I love the textures you got goin on there. everything is nice and light and crunchy. mmmmmmmmm
We had a sammy similar to that one time, they had Ranch dressing and black olives of all things. good tho.

A+ Jay.
Was gonna do some Roo Tacos tonight, but no hard shells, soft tortillas or any other form of thingamajigs. CBF making tortillas from scratch also so this is what i did

and needed a break from all the fish eating going on

Some Hot LDHS, rocket and tomatoes



Topped with some beetroot and caramelised onions


Holy sheeit Boom.

I like to be liking ever 'thang about that sammich lessen' the lettuce.

Even the beet root seems apropos.

I'd rock that thang hard!
You need to let go TB, Lettuce is your friend. Gives you ruffage. That's roo? Cool!


Lettuce has little to no nutritional value.

Roughage you say?

Maybe if you're eating it by the bale.

I say leave it off and not cover up the toms, meat, onions, etc. oh..and that gorgeous looking multigrain bread!

Save the lettuce and ship it off to starving hippy pencil necks.
iceberg doesn't contribute much save sodium, but you can't ignore the water content ... lettuce is a huge part of hydration and keeping my plumbing clean, personally ... it's definitely better to use romaine though, which has the dark leafy stuff - antioxidants and other macular degeneration fighting compounds ...

there's def good reason to eat lettuce ...
Ha! I heard he's into lettuce wraps. That trumps Jay's wrapping habit.
Oh shoot... How many laws will be broken if someone posts up a lettuce wrap???

JT saving wraps...

GM saving lettuce....

Combined their forces will not be stopped.
Well there's 10 minutes I'll never get back.
Nice Sandwich Boom. That Roo meat looks tender and juicy.
I had Beets with my lunch today, I just never think to put them on my Sandwich.
I love the hell outta some beets. Is that ok Lord TB?