food Sandwich of the Month

I know it's not the SOTM, but I had my first of many to come Reuben's lastnight. Where have you been my life sammie! Damn you :D

Rye, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, thousand island dressing and slow cooked corned beef (Kiwi staple). Butter roasted baby 'taters in the background.

Reminds me of one of my favourite sandwiches growing up. One of my Dad's favourite meals: Corned beef, boiled carrots, stewed cabbage and mashed potatoes with a mustard sauce. I'd pile the corned beef, a bit of cabbage, butter, pepper and mashed potatoes into a sammie. Good times!


He poops awesome and pisses excellence!

Just look at that sammich.


That thang is worth pushing grandma down the stairs in her wheel chair to get at.

Crack a cold hoskey and mellow down easy amigo.

Life is good.

I'll be mojoficatin' in The Blues Kitchen tonight.

No piccy's 'til manana though.

Until then you just get me.

Talkin' sheeit.
Sorry y'all I've been busy.

Bear. That guy. was texting me photos of his junk.

It was buck wild furry n' sheeit.

I'ma tell him to get in touch with my beautician.

Y'all believe me now, hear me later, I am sheeiting you not when I tell you that the date on this package of ground beef is/was 10/02/12. Its been going round the world in my freezer all this time. Is it freezer burnt? Nope. None that I can tell. It doesn't smell. Its a pinkish gray or grayish pink.


Screw the meat! I feel like chasing the dragon.

Y'all know what this is.


The beginnings of an ages old Texas Rustic Artisan BoHunkian style sloppus josephusufistus


I hit this with regular old mustard and ketchup. I won't endorse any particular brand or label for free. I gotz to get paid.


Slapped the mojo joe like yo' mama on to some toasted 100% hhhhwhole hhhhhwheat bread.


Some scheeze fell on it and got all melty. Scheeizit.


I know you want to have sex with this sammich. 20 dollah she love you loooong time.


Bust a nut right up in there.


Entre nous Fisticus Maximus.


ahhh yeah.

Anyone got a smoke I can bum?
Hells yeah, TB! Sloppy Joe on the realsies. I know I've got some ground beef altering positions in the freezer. Gonna have to break that out and buy some buns.
Putting THAT on whole wheat bread does about as much good as ordering a diet coke to go along with your Supersize Triple Heart Attack Burger and Fries at McDougals.

Looks damn good though.
Dude, you just made up a new sandwich!!! I personally, am not all that keen on canned tuna, but hey, (as Si says), long live the Tuban!
Dude, you just made up a new sandwich!!! I personally, am not all that keen on canned tuna, but hey, (as Si says), long live the Tuban!

Ha, and my high school teachers all said I wouldn't amount to anything! Now to get a patent.

I usually just buy the "gourmet" canned tuna. Its a lot better than the regular stuff.

It is pretty good, but it would probably be even better if I had real cuban bread rather than this wanna be french bread like stuff. It cut the hell out of my mouth!

Pickles with tuna is delicious BTW