Should we have a fun 2009 grow contest?

I thought I would take a minute out of my not so busy day and show you people the start of the winning fatalii plants.


Don't take it too hard, you can all finish second if you try real hard. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha:P
5 fatalii seeds went in my very last paper towel and my very last baggie that i had to scavenge (it's time to go grocery shopping) about 5 minutes ago. I figured i'd let all of you get a head start so I can come from behind and kick you all in the ass on my way to the top ;p
Keep dreaming Tex, after i plant my seeds this afternoon you are all doomed!! I would only have to plant one seed to whoop your ass!! hehehe
Hmmm better plant all four...
I think we Aussies have a "comparison" going with the northern folk but more of a local competition as we will be growing into winter.

God i hope one of my seeds sprout.

bigt said:
I bought this back in early December from Amazon, but it was around $5 cheaper with free shipping then.
The heat mat is only 17 watts and keeps the temp at 82F. It has no timer or adjustment but seems to work as I have some seeds sprouting within a week. Here it is at The Garden Depot for only $25. That has got to be a deal.
Thanks man. Garden Depot won out. I opted for the next unit up as the dome was 6in instead of 2in.

I finished setting my seeds. I have them on my stove for now. The pilot light keeps the stove warm, so until i get the mini hothouse this will be just fine.
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patrick said:
I thought I would take a minute out of my not so busy day and show you people the start of the winning fatalii plants.


Don't take it too hard, you can all finish second if you try real hard. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha:P

I keep looking at this pic for winners and I just don't see anything. Anybody else?
Maybe it's just my old eyes. :shocked:
tony05 said:
I think we Aussies have a "comparison" going with the northern folk but more of a local competition as we will be growing into winter.

God i hope one of my seeds sprout.


I know what you mean. I have been checking mine just in case. My wife has now disowned me.

On another note, out of 12 seeds I planted 10 days ago, 4 have come up so far-Burke's Backyard Thai, Bishop's Crown, Scotch Bonnet Yellow, and Peter Pepper. Im just happy that I can make things grow, even for a little while!
thepodpiper said:
Derek, when you get seeds to sprout in a paper towel how long before you put the in a pot and what size pot do you first put them in? I have never used the paper towel method.

When I see a little white tail on a seed (I think that's what POTAWIE meant by "sprout") I bury it under about 5mm of medium, in any size pot you want to start them in. Try to keep it from drying out until the roots go down enough.
I use this method now because I lost a bunch of seeds last month by just sticking them in the pots when I had no control over the surface temps(too cool). I had them on a warm thing, but the top surfaces were still too cold and they just molded I think. Maybe they will still come up, but I don't think so. :(
If you have lights on above the seeds they should come up without using the baggie method though.
I did a test run 7 days ago with four seeds in paper towel in a chinese container. 1 has already sprouted!!

I just planted five with the same method so watch out homeboys im gunna whoop ya Fatallis :)
Ahhhhhhhh your all screwed.

If you can grow one like my devil tongue plant you will be getting close.

check out the leaves......... you should see all the flowers!

If Moyboys plant ends up as scungy as all his others he has no hope :)

I gotta little tail!

One of my fatallis has a little root poking out already since I put it in a baggie on the 7th.
Whoo hoo!
I'll plant it tonight since I gotta go to work now.
Damn Pat... is that MILDEW I see on there?:shocked:
That's gotta suck this early in the game!
The ones I started in my incubatore are doing GREAT!:lol:


patrick said:
I thought I would take a minute out of my not so busy day and show you people the start of the winning fatalii plants.


Don't take it too hard, you can all finish second if you try real hard. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha:P
Here are my lousy six seeds. And I finally found a way to use this hydro set up that I paid 200 dollars for. Now if I can keep the temps ok it should be good, gonna pop them into hydro after a while. First time trying hydro will have to see how it works.
Looks good VtPepper--good luck with that.

Mildew? Ha! That's my special superdeluxeturbocharged plant growing secret stuff I use when I really want to embarrass folks. It's like magic!
patrick said:
Looks good VtPepper--good luck with that.

Mildew? Ha! That's my special superdeluxeturbocharged plant growing secret stuff I use when I really want to embarrass folks. It's like magic!

I don't know about everybody else but I can see the seeds under the soil actually starting to germinate.:mouthonfire:
