Should we have a fun 2009 grow contest?

call it 12:01 AM minute after midnight
thats pretty cool TCG...
redeyes said:
TX, that is cool man good job!!! are we seeing who brings the first ripe pod down ???

Sorry dude, you're not allowed in this. I've seen your grow log and plant steroids are banned in this comp :lol:
So, how is it? Is 12:01am GMT going to be the official starting time? Potawie never commented on this, and since he started the whole thing, it would be nice with an ok from him.
Tx, that is a cool countdown.....

But If it is correct then the start time is in 3 hours from this post......and I am at work for another 8 hours......You will all get the jump on me....:)

I'm using my blog to show the movements of my test subject....So even though I will post pics here, All the main info will be in my blog....Just so it's all in one spot.
I am a cheater, I started the seeds a couple of hours ago. It's bedtime soon, then a long day of hard (not) work and after that some planned social responsibilities. (Hanging out w/ friends stuffing our faces with pizza watching a movie that is.)

But I honestly think that a few hours or even days won't make any difference at all in a few weeks even it this was a competion;)
I will start mine in 3 hours 20 minutes
I am planting 6 of each:

Red Fatalii (From Peppermania)
Chocolate Fatalii (From Peppermania)
Regular Fatalii (From Peppermania)
Regular Fatalii (From Tomato Growers)
Regular Fatalii (from my 2008 late season)
Regular Fatalii (from my 2008 mid season)
Devils Tongue (from Uncle Steve's Hot Stuff 2008 seeds)

and all will be treated equally...they get the Botanicare treatment.

my starting medium (Hoffmans seed starting mix) is already in the starting tray, wet and up to 86F...ready for the seeds....
thepodpiper said:
And I, in 2 hrs. 37mins. How many is everyone planting and are you going to try diff. things with each plant?



I think I have a dozen. The only difference is I will start these in an egg carton rather than a To-Go tray.

I'm not sure how many I'll start. I only plan on raising one single plant, so I should just sow enough to be sure I have one plant. 3-4 maybe. These are peppermania seeds, but I have had trouble germinating these. I have tried 4 in dirt since mid december, and only one has popped. But maybe it's better chance of success in paper? Any thoughts?
I am only going to grow one, maybe 2 fatallis for the comparison, it all depends on the size of the over winter grow box I build?

I am starting 3 seeds in general seed raising mix, 3 seeds in coco and 3 seeds in peat jiffy pellets.....

The plant(s) will live in coco and perlite mix (still thinking about humus as well - but can't find any anyway). and I will make sure the final transplant takes place well before the temps start to drop here.
I may try different fertilizes for soil treatment when I transplant to 5 gallon containers, like rabbit pellets, chicken s***, horse manure, and what others I can come up with just to see if there is any difference...
I'll start 5 seeds in rockwool when the counter reaches zero. They will go on the heat mat with the other seeds. When they sprout they will be transferred to plastic cups with native soil and then potted up when reaching transplant size.
AlabamaJack said:
I may try different fertilizes for soil treatment when I transplant to 5 gallon containers, like rabbit pellets, chicken s***, horse manure, and what others I can come up with just to see if there is any difference...

Tony05 and I swear by horse is great stuff, but the down side to it in the garden is the weeds that grow from the poop......Not a major problem in pots unless you have large numbers of pots

:points at AJ:

I also love chicken poo.....not directly mixed with the soil but put in a large bucket of water and let it breakdown, then use the natural fertilizer rich water on the plants.......Stops the over rich straight poo 'burning' the roots and also stops 'that smell'......

In winter one of my project will be to set up a 100 litre plastic tank/container with a tap at the bottom and mech fixed about 4 inches from the bottom and this will be my chicken poo water tank.....I can get 10kg bags for $1.....
And, then it's on! Mine went in the baggie 40 minutes before the time. It's 12:24am local time, and I couldn't wait any longer. Gotta get up at 06:30 to get to work. Started 3 seeds. Took lots of pictures for documentation. Guess I'll just start a blog tomorrow where I'll put these.
I bought my starter tray today. 100% biodegradable all around. I'm gonna soak em in some fert stuff i got over the summer. Should be a good thing. I am getting things prepped now. What is the official "begin" time? I won't drop the fataliis until than.