Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

I think I know some:
7 Pot Brain Strain - L
Aconcagua - E1
Bhut Jolokia - H1
Chinese 5 Color - A2
Dorset Naga - C1
Fatalii - H
Fish - T1
Fresno - B
Joe's Long Cayenne - B1
Manzano Orange - Q1
Manzano Red - Y1
Mesilla - Y
Pasilla Bajio(Chilaca/Chile Negro) - N
Serrano - A1
Trinidad Douglah - R1
Trinidad Scorpion - Q
Two from a plant marked Douglah? - W1

Outstanding harvest! Thanks for labeling them. I've never seen some of those before.
Thanks ZS.

All right but 2. Y an R1 incorrect. ;)
Thanks MW. Not too short on rainfall here and it poured down for about 45 minutes yesterday. With the plastic mulch though I have to turn on the water about once every 10 days as most rain runs off. One of the big disadvantages of the stuff.
Hey Josh, of the chilies in the SWCs only have a Douglah in the ground for comparison. My comparison was with plants in regular containers. Between containers there isn't a lot of difference yet, but will try and get some pics up in a few days.

Oh ok. Even if they grow the same, it must be nice not having to water them.

That is quite a harvest you have there. I would give the name matching a go but I am too lazy right now.
All right but 2. Y an R1 incorrect. ;)

Typo on the Doughlah, meant to say P1. Guessing the Mesilla is V1 then. How do you like it? I grew one back in 2007. It was a great producer, but back then I was looking for more heat. Now I'm thinking of tracking down some seed and growing it for 2011.
Oh ok. Even if they grow the same, it must be nice not having to water them.

That is quite a harvest you have there. I would give the name matching a go but I am too lazy right now.
Thanks Josh, will post the tags I have later, but considered a reward for first to get all right. :)

Typo on the Doughlah, meant to say P1. Guessing the Mesilla is V1 then. How do you like it? I grew one back in 2007. It was a great producer, but back then I was looking for more heat. Now I'm thinking of tracking down some seed and growing it for 2011.
Now you're batting a 1000. Haven't tasted it yet and will have more patience for a ripe one first. :)
Wow SS im bummed i havent seen ur page in a bit but damn!! il like the variety and growing skills also photos skils. anyways, what varietires have standed out to you this year? awesome work bub
OK first you're sampling and commenting on all the superhots you're growing and now you're providing games for us too? SS you are the man!
Wow SS im bummed i havent seen ur page in a bit but damn!! il like the variety and growing skills also photos skils. anyways, what varietires have standed out to you this year? awesome work bub
Thanks nate. Well, let's see, the Dorsets are bushes, the Lemon Drop is sprawled in a large circle on the ground due to massive pod weight, Mucho Nacho is leaning under its load and needed another stake, Aconcagua and Marconi need cages, Pasilla Bajio is a fine producer, so is Joe's Long Cayenne, Burkina Yellow Scotch Bonnet is really loaded and so is Caribbean Red, Aji Cereza, Aji de la Tierra, Antillais Caribbean, Black Hungarian, Congo Trinidad, Jalapeno Jaloro, Jamaican Scotch Bonnet, Polombo, Red Savina and White Habanero. Others would have done much better had it not been for my faulty irrigation system. I'm looking forward to flavoring some of my powder mixes with the awesome flavor of the Pasilla Bajio.

OK first you're sampling and commenting on all the superhots you're growing and now you're providing games for us too? SS you are the man!
Thanks P. But you're not playing? :)

No incentive? OK, first all correct post gets all the fresh pods from my next harvest that will fit into a Priority Mail flat rate box. 3 to 4 days until my next harvest, the clock is tickin'. :)
I was really going to give IDing all of those peppers my best shot however that is just taking far too long! Looks great SS hope you still got a full bottle in the freezer :cool:
I was really going to give IDing all of those peppers my best shot however that is just taking far too long! Looks great SS hope you still got a full bottle in the freezer :cool:

ZanderSpice has already giver you a great start with the correct answers for many and the process of elimination should help with the others.

As for the bottle still being full, you should know better than that. :lol:

Edit: Have to limit the prize to stateside, unless an international winner wants to pay the postage.
Ok this was no easy task, and am fairly sure some of them are incorrect, I dont believe I have any dups in here, if there are I am sorry. Here is what I came up with:


7 Pot Brain Strain L
Aconcagua E1
Bhut Jolokia H1
Chinese 5 Color A2
Dorset Naga C1
Fatalii H
Fish T1
Fresno B
Joe's Long Cayenne B1
Manzano Orange Q1
Manzano Red Y1
Mesilla V1
Pasilla Bajio(Chilaca/Chile Negro) N
Serrano A1
Trinidad Douglah P1
Trinidad Scorpion Q
Two from a plant marked Douglah? w1
Pimento A

n1 Aji Amarillo
D1 Aji Limon
D Antillais Caribbean
j1 Polombo (PI439411)
K1 Pimento
R1 Yellow Scorpion
s Congo Trinidad
m Caribbean Red more likely to have a tail
J1 Marconi Red
R Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet
I1 Charleston Hot
C Black Hungarian
g1 Golden Nugget
Y Nardello
W Yellow 7 Pot
U Aji de la Tierra
J Punjab
i Jaloro
g Datil
b2 Lemon Drop
E Burkina Yellow Scotch Bonnet
O Orange Habanero
K Aji Cereza
T1 Aji Lucento
B2 Cumari o' Passarinho
X1 Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Z1 Bulgarian Carrot
O1 Costeno Amarillo
L1 Red Savina
F1 Piment d' Espelette
V Jalapeno M
X Mulato Isleno
Z White Habanero
P Yellow Habanero
M1 Mucho NachoX
S1 Bellingrath Gardens