Silver_Surfer's season starts

Corn was already tosslin' and okra was gettin' fried at this time last season. May was crazy; the first half record cold and the last half set records for heat. June is hot and dry so far so the drip irrigation gets a workout. The drip tape is performing much, much better than the soaker hose used last season, but it sucks to get plants started earlier and set out so late. I did manage to pick over a pound of pods this AM though. :)

I'll try and snap a few close up shots of a few plants this evening.




Beautiful garden SS those plants look great! Really can see all the extra work you laid out in your garden with the drip tape and mulch and the trellis. Do you start all your other plants like corn and okra from seed like the 'maters and peppers. We have a long season and hopefully your weather improves from the horrible May in your state Allen. I am anly pickin' tomatoes and jalapenos in my garden, very few C.Chinense peppers have ripened yet so far. If I was just driving by and saw your garden on the side of the road I'd want to take a closer look, hope you don't cause any accidents got a place for them across the street. All your plants look perfectly green and professionally grown beautiful garden.
Thanks guys.

Yes Cappy, everything I grow is always started from seed.

Seed planted directly into the plastic mulch: Okra, 4 types of pole beans, cantaloupe, butternut squash, and cucumber. The Silver Queen corn is the only thing that isn't mulched. I've picked only a few ripe tomatoes from the porch so far but will soon have enough for a mess of fried green ones.
Most of the peppers I picked today were annuums but I did get one ripe Bonda Ma Jacques and a few Cheiro Recife, Peruvian Chinense, and a couple from a plant that is supposed to be a Naga Morich but it appears that plant is probably a cross.
Your garden is incredible SS!
Those plants look amazing!
So bushy and green!
If thats a late start on your garden, I can only imagine what an early start would look like by now!
Great work man!!

your plants look great surfer but as Buffet would say..."kick it into second wind"...

I don't know about your summer, but I am thinking record heat this summer out here in North Texas and dry...lord have mercy it is dry...

agree 100% on the drip irrigation...saves water (money in my case) AND time....
Thanks guys.

Yeah AJ, it's above normal for this time of year here, 98F and humid today with the lows in the low seventies. Nothing but nineties in the foreseeable future. Rainfall is scarce as well, but that means the grass needs mowing less often. ;)

Sorry about the blurry pics, the skeeters were joslin' the shots. With all of the flooding this year
along the Mississippi we'll have a bumper crop of mosquitos this season. Those little suckers can travel up to 25 miles in one night.

7 Pod Barrockpore

7 Pod Brown

7 Pod Jonah

7 Pod Orange

7 Pod SR Strain

7 Pod Yellow
Wow! Not only healthy looking plants but a well designed, great looking, low maintenance garden.
I plan to start planting my garden this weekend, and I hope it can look as clean and well organized as yours S.S.
Boy, there's a ton a work in those pics SS, but it's already starting to pay off. Your garden looks like a magazine cover and the plants look awesome. Can't wait for the crop pics. :)
Thanks for the compliments fellas and I really appreciate the flowers POTAWIE, but I'm sure you'll continue to set the bar very, very high. :)

This years Pubes.

A few pods.

More Pube pods

These pubes from Brazil are the only ones that continue to set and bloom in this Bama heat.
Thanks a bunch for the seeds Brito.