The three trays of onions from here:
Freeze dried and vacuum sealed, About 5 quarts. And my "lone" Brainstrain pod.

OK, the first steps on the Mucho Nacho jelly journey are completed. 
Using about 3 1/2 pounds ? of peppers as shown here:  
It actually ended up being about 2 bowls full cut up and ready to juice. And I saved seeds from the biggest fattest ones.

And here is the outcome of the juicing operation, about 2 1/2 pints of pure unadulterated Mucho Nacho Jalapeno juice.

The wife and I were in Orlando, FL yesterday so we decided to eat at a little place called "CHICKEN FIRE". 


I had the "Slider Box". Their "sliders" are not the mini sandwiches like other places as each one had an approx. 1/2 pound slab of chicken breast in it  coated with their signature sauce and topped with cole slaw and thick slab pickles in a large bun. I had the medium heat  after reading reviews stating that their heat levels were actually about one level up from most other restaurants. The chicken was cooked juicy and perfect. I don't know what the pepper blend is that they use for coating the chicken but the medium was fairly hot but not the kind of heat that burned your mouth or throat but a heat that had my forehead sweating fairly heavily. It was very good, probably the best spicy chicken I have ever had, and I'm old and I've had quite a lot!
I thought I would post my current smoothie mix, it's pretty good. First I put in the Strawberries.


Then I pour in some Oatmilk.


Then I add in 4-6 oz of my 50/50 blend of mango and pineapple(grown on my property). I'd also like to add that I keep finding more uses for those vacuum lids. They work great for keeping things fresh in a jar. I found that I could make a huge batch of coleslaw, put it in 1 1/2 pint jars and put it under vacuum with these lids and it would stay crunchy for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator. I take out what I want each time and then just pump it down again. Anyway, back to the smoothie!


I've been throwing in a scoop of Beet Root powder to help open up my crusty old arteries and lower my blood pressure.


And done.


And the smoothie has been completely consumed as I finish this post.
I thought I would post my current smoothie mix, it's pretty good. First I put in the Strawberries.


Then I pour in some Oatmilk.


Then I add in 4-6 oz of my 50/50 blend of mango and pineapple(grown on my property). I'd also like to add that I keep finding more uses for those vacuum lids. They work great for keeping things fresh in a jar. I found that I could make a huge batch of coleslaw, put it in 1 1/2 pint jars and put it under vacuum with these lids and it would stay crunchy for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator. I take out what I want each time and then just pump it down again. Anyway, back to the smoothie!


I've been throwing in a scoop of Beet Root powder to help open up my crusty old arteries and lower my blood pressure.


And done.


And the smoothie has been completely consumed as I finish this post.
SB, we may be peas outta the same pod. I do a blueberry/banana, hemp heart, almond milk, kale powder breakfast smoothie and spicy chicken burritos for supper.

Beetroot I'll give a try.

Good lookin cooks, sir.