Closest to Maynards WORK reaction-at the end
I hope you got to chug a few pints of shine before you went to work...
A sad state of affairs when sobriety rears it's ugly head.
More about Mexico you say?
How I met the Shrimpers in Puerto Panasco.
Well after everyone stopped celebrating the dodgers win and all but the Shrimpers went home or just passed out,they the shrimpers broke out a gal. milk type plastic bottle/jug of what looked to be water.
We proceeded to drink it.
After 6 weeks,when I got back to the states,I found out it was Home brew Takillya,somewhere near 500 proof.
Back to the Shrimpers.
They stayed up drinking in prep for going out on the next high tide,dark thirty something I think.Seems that both moons were in the sky as we went on board the trawler.
Since there were only 3 gunboats in the harbour to stop the shrimpers from going out.They would ALL go out at once.The federalies can only stop 3 boats so the rest made it out.
They would offload on different beaches before coming back in(to the U haul guys,shrimp runners).
Pissed the guys in the gunboats off real good when the shrimpers came in empty,no shrimp to tax.Just piles of empty milk jugs.
SO even though I only know a few cuss words in Spanish and nobody spoke english.
The marvels of a good jug of home brew are amazing.
So somehow we got invited to go out with a shrimper to do some fishing.(they said they had a mucho Takillya on board).
SOO,I find myself sitting on a pile of ropes,gal. jug in hand,floating around the coast of Mexico somewhere.
I'm getting bored by this time,I want to fish,shrimping isn't fishing.
The clear stuff is cool though...
All of a sudden,one of the deck hands/shrimp hands/Piscadoros? comes running up with some kind of heavy duty fishing rod in hand yelling something in mexican.
I figured out it was time to fish.
These Mexicans don't waste anything...
It seems when they pull the nets up every fish in the Ocean hears the dinner bell.
All kinds of stuff besides shrimp is in the net.
They empty the net on deck and shovel the non shrimp items overboard.
Us Gringos call it Chumming.
Well you grab a chunk of whatever they are tossing overboard and put it on a size gazillion/0 hook and drop it over the side.
Since sharks in the 40ft category are the top of the food chain,you end up hooking one of them most times.
Or you get a Fishdunken-Cod inside a Bonita inside a Tuna inside a shark.
Did I mention the fishing pole was an old flag pole with steal cable welded to the end?
Anyway,the shrimpers let you play with the shark until you need another chug from the milk jug,then out comes the skeet shooter with slugs in his shot gun.
Boom Boom,time to play with another shark.
If the shark was a mako or something good they lasso the tail,cut off a few steaks and toss it back in.
They hate sharks,they tear holes in the nets etc.
They normally would have kept the sharks but I think icing them down in a U haul,trucking them around doesn't keep them fresh enough for a ride in the desert to the U.S.
Something about shrimp being small are easily cooled,a 30000000Kilo shark doesn't cool or something...
I also found out the stuff in the milk jug REALLY lets you get your Sea Legs FAST.
Once you adjust your stagger,you'll think you are on dry land in the days when you were afflicted with sobriety.
Gotta hit up the liquor store.
More to come,IF someone reminds me of my time in mexico...
Oh ya,there was that BIG takillya Goat BBQ...I remember some one telling me about it.
The home brew Takillya and grub was EXNT.
Seems there were a lot of Woman,Mooey Bonita.
Only thing that gets a good drunk better is one or 4 of them bonitas serving you the shots as needed.
After a couple pints I'll post more adventures if you want to read more stories about how I got to be a Pro.