• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SoCalChilehead 2012/2013 grow log

This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season
. I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list:
Red Trinidad Scorpion 1
Trinidad Scorpion Green 3
Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2
7 pot Chaguanas 2
7 pot Brainstrain red 1
7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1
7 pot Jonah 1
7 pot yellow 1
7 pot Burgundy 1
7 pot Brown 1
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1
Bhut Jolokia Peach 2
Bhut Jolokia Red 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow 1
Black Naga 1
Fatalii yellow 2
Peach Scorpanero 1
Large White Habanero 1
Congo Habanero 1
Sweet Habanero 1
Habanero Red Savina 1
Thai Dragon 1
Assam 1
Wasp 1
Large Hot Cherry 1
Giant Jalapeno 1
Wild Brazil 1
Holy Mole 1
Cayenne Thick 1
Broome Chile 1
Tobango Scotch Bonnet 1
Naga Morich 1
Zavory Nabanero 1
Aji Joe Mystery Hot Mix from Indian (1), Baccatum (1), Hot (1)

Thanks again to all the members for their help on the vast of information found on the THP forum and ability to build my grow list.
Everythings looking awesome Fernando, lovin' the pod pics!
Keep up the good work buddy.

It's been too long since I took a look.
I hope all is well with you :)

Brandon thanks for stopping by. How are things going on your end I was hoping to see how your plants are recovery and especially the flowers and pods from a few of your varieties. Everything is well the hiccup I had with the watering due to using root pouches was solved with the drip system made my life easier and the plants happier.
hey fernando the way your peppers is doing you might fill up a whole tub of peppers pretty soon, nice looking pods, that 7pod brain looks so wicked... :hell:
Thanks Pinoy lol I hope so probably by september or once this heat passes.
Great update Fernando, everything looks great! The Yellow Brains have a great shape already :)
Thanks Stefan I was surprised that out of all the pods on the plant I only had one with a different pod variation even that one had some of the brain characteristics, so now hopefully it stays true to the yellow.
Thanks again everyone for stopping by
Gotta love drip systems :) We haven't had to put mine up, I've had to water once this year.. no seriously.. one time. lol.

Thanks for asking. I've been meaning to update my glog, I had another few unfortunate things happen about a month ago and didn't wanna be the "debbie downer" of the glog section so I decided to take a back seat for awhile. Things have turned around once again though, for the 4th time this season lol, starting to see some pods anyway. Well Fernando you motivated me, I'll get an update up soon.

Thanks for the response buddy.

Looking very lush and full Fernando. You got yourself a dehydrator yet? Your gonna need it :dance:

When are we gonna get another video. It reaally shows your garden off the best :party:

Oh and I know the mystery plant but my lips are shut :shh:
Hey, Nando! Really enjoyed your latest update. Your sanctuary
greenhouse has really done the trick for your plants! That was
time and effort well spent, for sure. Hope you had a nice weekend
with your plants! What's on the school horizon for you?

I am definitely going to put my root pouches on the drip system next year.
Right now they are on my picnic table bench, so the plants get good sun,
but the pots are in the shade of the table top. Seems to be working pretty
well, but I can see that irrigating these would be the ticket.

Hope your weekend is going well, my friend.
Simply awesome. Love the baby Douglah...and the Yellow Brain.
Thanks man
Gotta love drip systems :) We haven't had to put mine up, I've had to water once this year.. no seriously.. one time. lol.

Thanks for asking. I've been meaning to update my glog, I had another few unfortunate things happen about a month ago and didn't wanna be the "debbie downer" of the glog section so I decided to take a back seat for awhile. Things have turned around once again though, for the 4th time this season lol, starting to see some pods anyway. Well Fernando you motivated me, I'll get an update up soon.

Thanks for the response buddy.

That is awesome Brandon can not wait to see that update and once I get things going I will send something out your way. Fourth time is a charm hopefully now it is all poddage. Thanks again for stopping by
Looking very lush and full Fernando. You got yourself a dehydrator yet? Your gonna need it :dance:

When are we gonna get another video. It reaally shows your garden off the best :party:

Oh and I know the mystery plant but my lips are shut :shh:
Thanks Jamie nah I haven't picked up a dehydrator yet may go with a smoker instead not sure. Next week I will do a video I think will need a ruler to show off the pimenta de neyde. I think it will be great to turn it into a small contest once they get bigger.
Hey, Nando! Really enjoyed your latest update. Your sanctuary
greenhouse has really done the trick for your plants! That was
time and effort well spent, for sure. Hope you had a nice weekend
with your plants! What's on the school horizon for you?

I am definitely going to put my root pouches on the drip system next year.
Right now they are on my picnic table bench, so the plants get good sun,
but the pots are in the shade of the table top. Seems to be working pretty
well, but I can see that irrigating these would be the ticket.

Hope your weekend is going well, my friend.
Yea Paul it was worth the effort it will help to grow through the short cold season to once I get the tarps and lights set up. I am almost done with summer school then finally my last year before I have to decide what direction to head towards. I wish the root pouch company would mention that a drip system would be essential for the plants. Next year depending on what happens I might switch 10 plants to 20 gallon containers.
Thanks again everyone for stopping and hope your enjoying the season
I finally worked on my first cross hopefully it becomes a success
Hey Fernando, just stopped by for the first time and I gotta say you have a great thing goin for ya! I love that grow house and it looks like you are gonna be swimming in pods before too long. It takes a while for them to start poppin, but once they do it is like they are opening the freakin flood gates!

Keep it up bro!
kickass... howd your plants like last weeks heat...glad this week while im away its gonna be somewhat cooler..

Hey Dennis the plants loved last week some even increase in growth which was just amazing to witness. I am with you that this week has been nice, but I do prefer the heat especially if it helps my plants.
Hey Fernando, just stopped by for the first time and I gotta say you have a great thing goin for ya! I love that grow house and it looks like you are gonna be swimming in pods before too long. It takes a while for them to start poppin, but once they do it is like they are opening the freakin flood gates!

Keep it up bro!
Matt thanks for stopping by. Thank you for the compliment the pepper sanctuary has been great protected from bugs, but I still need about 7 frames on the ceiling to finally close it up before they become fully protected. Hopefully I can harvest like you and most of the members here that have popping off pods especially the supers. I will be growing year round so hopefully pods continue through the short cold season.
Not 7 pod primo red (orangehero) ought to be interesting...
Yes Charles when Orangehero showed the picture it was one I needed to have it in this year grow.
Thanks again everyone for stopping by
Hi Fernando
I decided to up the ante a little and made some fire roasted tomato salsa and put both Lemon chiles and the other Cayenne Thick in it after saving the seeds. I licked one of the Lemons after cutting it in half and based my chile additions on that. I'd say the heat was at the upper end of moderate and the taste reminded me a little bit of the Chinense chiles I've tried. Not unpleasant though. I'll let the salsa marinate and try it this afternoon. Cheers
Yea Rick I loved the pepper for the usual lemon combination, but especially for the posole. It provides the citrus flavor with light heat. I know the marinate is going to be awesomecan not wait to see it.
Hello everybody just wanted to do a small tease before tomorrow before I do the video tomorrow. I also wanted to let everyone know that once harvest comes I will do an auction of box for a charity (full proceeds) to http://www.angelcitypits.org/ it is amazing organization that help pitbulls find and home and support in the Los Angeles area. They have an amazon wish list that I thought would be awesome for the winner to select everything for the pitbulls call it "Peppers for Pitbulls". The Cross I work on was a failure, but I will try again in August once the hot weather dies down hopefully. Now time for pod pics
TS green two variations one like a TS green another like a 7 pod Jonah


Pimenta De Neyde

7 pod yellow brainstrain


Bhut jolokia yellow or red not sure we will see the source for the yellow bhut was from a pod Buddy sent last year so it is strange that they would turn red.

Fatlii patch more all over the plant

7 pod Brown I think can not see the base of the plant

Mystery Superhot AjiJoe(amazing person)

Holy Mole are starting to pod up again

Thats it for now hopefully tomorrow I will find time to post the video
Any questions or comments please post
Most excellent, Fernando. Pods all over the place. Very cool of you to donate for Pitbulls. Great dogs if raised right. Unfortunately, many don't get that opportunity and give the breed a bad name.
I apologize for the pictures I was snapping in a hurry before it got dark should of paid attention of the screen, but I forgot to clean my lense so tomorrow should be a different story.
Most excellent, Fernando. Pods all over the place. Very cool of you to donate for Pitbulls. Great dogs if raised right. Unfortunately, many don't get that opportunity and give the breed a bad name.
Thanks Brent it is amazing every time I walk in and see the plants. Pod are everywhere so in no time I will start smoking and saucing pods. The organization does amazing work with the pitbulls I couldn't agree more bad name to a great breed. I was lucky enough to get my pitbull and save her from being used for breeding something me and my family despise especially if they are not going to care for the animal and just make money off them basically pimping. Thanks again for stopping by amazing pods and plants you got in the mail you will keep yourself heated for a while.
Hi Fernando
You're another one I'm trying to catch up with... What a pod jungle you have. Good of you to rescue dogs from owners who mistreat them. In my unfortunate experience, the people who mistreat their pets are no better parents. The sad part is that they really don't know any better. A woman I know and respect says that integrity is a disease and you can only catch it from someone who has it...
Thanks Rick my goal this year to provide the organization with everything on their wish list either through pod auctions or personally.

Well everybody video tour it was hassle not only moving through everything, but the weather wasn't helping that the reason my plants look a little wilted later tonight I will given them a small drink and they will be back up and kicking. The pods I am starting to find are amazing I really want to take the time and look at each one, but with this heat it is unbearable to just stop and enjoy the plants. Sorry about the cut off in the video I was cleaning the tub where I made my tea and the water was overflowing. Click on the pictures to view the video

Video #1

Video #2

Hope you all enjoy
Great update, Fernando! Next time you can bring your machete too go through that jungle :D Mystery Superhot AjiJoe looks to be a Habanero variety, did you harvest from it yet?