food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

tctenten said:
Really the only eggs I will eat are in an omelet or a bacon, egg & cheese sammie.  I do love it as an ingredient however....
I ate none through childhood, and was the same for a lot of my young adult life ...
Eggs Benedict was the game changer ...
That's funny, it says I liked it, but I only remember seeing the other pizza from the pizza thread?! ...
Oh well, that's nice too =)
Is my memory correct that you have worked out making gyoza using some wrappers that work better than the commonly prescribed one's? ...
Alynne said:
Yum! Where are the pickles?
Like she said.
That sammich demands to have sliced kosher baby dills on it.
Wait on got dang minute!
WTF is this "turkey ham" sheeit?
Is that even legal in this country?
Here me now, believe me later...
Thats right up there with SOYRIZO!
You bastige!
I'm going to milk this one for the next 6 months at least.
"turkey ham".
Who in the hell buys that sheeit?
Tell you what.
Go down the hallway to your bathroom.
Put your hand in your pants and grab your cajones.
But instead of manning the fuck up...
Look yourself in the mirror and say...
"I am such a pussy".
"turkey ham".
I will work that one ALL DAY!