food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

texas blues said:
Like she said.
That sammich demands to have sliced kosher baby dills on it.
Wait on got dang minute!
WTF is this "turkey ham" sheeit?
Is that even legal in this country?
Here me now, believe me later...
Thats right up there with SOYRIZO!
You bastige!
I'm going to milk this one for the next 6 months at least.
"turkey ham".
Who in the hell buys that sheeit?
Tell you what.
Go down the hallway to your bathroom.
Put your hand in your pants and grab your cajones.
But instead of manning the f**k up...
Look yourself in the mirror and say...
"I am such a pussy".
"turkey ham".
I will work that one ALL DAY!

Haha....I think he just left a comma out......turkey, ham.....but you can run with it.
Lasagna like pizza and other pasta dishes doesn't always need meat sheesh. 
The Hot Pepper said:
Lasagna like pizza and other pasta dishes doesn't always need meat sheesh.
You are right it doesn't need meat, I get just cheese lasagna, but no veggies on my lasagna. It's just me, I have no issues with veggies in other pasta dishes, but I do when it comes to lasagna.

I guess it's like lettuce on a burger for TB....or avocado.
tctenten said:
10x worse than turkey ham.
Not really because veggie lasagna is usually identified as "veggie lasagna".
This crap on the other hand...
Even though its officially labeled as "turkey ham"....
Might as well be sold as vacuum packed "hippy wimp ham".
Not only would real hippies call BS on it but its also an insult to real wimps the world over.
tctenten said:
You are right it doesn't need meat, I get just cheese lasagna, but no veggies on my lasagna. It's just me, I have no issues with veggies in other pasta dishes, but I do when it comes to lasagna.

I guess it's like lettuce on a burger for TB....or avocado.
Isn't that cheese parm ... cheese parm is fine ...
Veggie lasagna only response from me ... "Why?"
You did ALL THAT WORK ... for *THAT*??!? ...
Pass me the canned ravioli and I'll enjoy the shit out of it at room temp while you eat that ...
Truth be told...
I don't even like lasagna.
My mother made it one time when I was a kid and used cottage cheese.
It might as well have been liver.
Which I also hate.
I can't stand it to this day.
And the strange?
I won a Throwdown with lasagna.
And mrs. blues onliest and favoritist lasagna is with king crab and garlic cream mozz lasagna.
Which pretty much makes me a hypocrite of the highest order.
TO ME (everyone is different) they key is a bechamel sauce... and good plum tomato sauce... no ricotta (that's an American thang, trust on the bechamel)... good fresh mozz and good "flat not crinkle edge" pasta. It's all in the layering. The sauce, then bechamel to richen it up, fresh mozz, some Parmigiano-Reggiano, sauce again, and it all mingles in between the noodles. Mushrooms can add a meatiness, but to me, the craft is in the layering and ingredients.
I like it rich and tangy.
The Hot Pepper said:
TO ME (everyone is different) they key is a bechamel sauce... and good plum tomato sauce... no ricotta (that's an American thang, trust on the bechamel)... good fresh mozz and good "flat not crinkle edge" pasta. It's all in the layering. The sauce, then bechamel to richen it up, fresh mozz, some Parmigiano-Reggiano, sauce again, and it all mingles in between the noodles. Mushrooms can add a meatiness, but to me, the craft is in the layering and ingredients.
So wait, WTF ...
So you don't like "lasagna" either, in the common tongue - the vernacular definition throughout the country ...
You like a European or some shit lasagne with basically everything modified from what most people consume here ...

I like your style, and THAT - sounds goodern shit.
But that's not American lasagne w/o fucking meat ... and that shit is nazty. Hold the fucking zucchini ...
I've had it w/ sausage and bechamel and loved it ...
During a phase of my life, lasagne was important to me ... and the thing I would order if I was somewhere where it was good ...
I do not make good lasagne, however, Danielle does ...
OCD is a fine quality when you are making things w/ layers ...
Danielle makes a great lasagne, actually ...
She rocks a 7 layer salad in ways that would make a room full of engineers stand up and clap ...
Okay at least you know what I'm talking about now w/bechamel style, and yes sausage is the best meat to use... we are on the same page. I just know I can make it damn tasty w/o meat because I have had to... and also I really don't dig ricotta in there... it makes for more separate tasting layers/flavors then w/ the bechamel which seems to get into all the flavors and tie them together.
Okay Jay where is this thing????
grantmichaels said:
I've had it w/ sausage and bechamel and loved it ...
During a phase of my life, lasagne was important to me ... and the thing I would order if I was somewhere where it was good ...
I do not make good lasagne, however, Danielle does ...
OCD is a fine quality when you are making things w/ layers ...
Danielle makes a great lasagne, actually ...
She rocks a 7 layer salad in ways that would make a room full of engineers stand up and clap ...
I don't even give a shit about lasagna.
What's really significant is the fact that you and even THP hissef' have taken to posting double spaced style as I do.
You fuckers are now on double secret probation!
And I need to change my style to triple something or other.
"Lasagna" started this.
Stinkin' lasagna.
I hate you.
Drunkernhell and seein double.. my posts are not double spaced... but G's are :lol:
G where's the thumb ring?
D3monic got one... TB totally missed it in Burgers.

(oh hell the irony I just double spaced that lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
The Hot Pepper said:
Drunkernhell and seein double.. my posts are not double spaced... but G's are :lol:
G where's the thumb ring?
D3monic got one... TB totally missed it in Burgers.
I rocked chunky silver jewelry in the early 90's ...
I just can't, now ...
Maybe if I ever return to DJ'ing ... but otherwise, nah ...
I am SO CONFUSED. WTF with calling TB by my moniker?  :lol:

That aside, TB, dearest darling Texan friend, why all the razzing about turkey ham? Some varieties of it are pretty darned good, and often less than 1/3 the sodium content of pork ham - maybe 1/4 the sodium. That alone should be giving it the TB thumb ring of approval.