food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

I love when we pick a topic to all hang out in... it's like we're at JayT's house shooting the shit waiting for the damn lasagna lol.
geeme said:
I am SO CONFUSED. WTF with calling TB by my moniker?  :lol:

That aside, TB, dearest darling Texan friend, why all the razzing about turkey ham? Some varieties of it are pretty darned good, and often less than 1/3 the sodium content of pork ham - maybe 1/4 the sodium. That alone should be giving it the TB thumb ring of approval.
I always figured it's okay to call it that as ham is a process of cooking pork, so it can apply to other meats if the same process... like turkey pastrami and beef bacon, hey at least they are calling it the meat it is...
I most like hanging out in JayT's thread when he's not watching it, though ...
Eggs and Bunnies are a classic pairing ... festive like Easter.
JayT - did your box come yet? LOL =)
Jay are you there? Ohh call waiting hold on....
Ok, but I am still CONFUSED. Grant says "veggie lasagna" and somehow that gets turned into everyone waiting for J to produce a lasagna? Or did he say he was making one and I just flat missed it???? Oh, never mind. The sammie looks good, I'm just wondering if it's actually slices of pork loin or tenderloin on there. Doesn't matter, it's now 9:07pm so I am going to bed. I'll see if a lasagna post hit this thread (or not) in the a.m………… maybe I'll have a dream about turkey lasagna……. or ham lasagna…… or……..
geeme said:
Ok, but I am still CONFUSED. Grant says "veggie lasagna" and somehow that gets turned into everyone waiting for J to produce a lasagna? Or did he say he was making one and I just flat missed it???? Oh, never mind. The sammie looks good, I'm just wondering if it's actually slices of pork loin or tenderloin on there. Doesn't matter, it's now 9:07pm so I am going to bed. I'll see if a lasagna post hit this thread (or not) in the a.m………… maybe I'll have a dream about turkey lasagna……. or ham lasagna…… or……..
It's a ref to JHP's thread where he posted veggie lasagna ... JayT called him out, that his wife must have made it (turned out to be true) ... I said "You think you know someone, and then they veggie lasagna" ... and tctenten agrees ...
That's the back story.
geeme said:
I am SO CONFUSED. WTF with calling TB by my moniker?  :lol:

That aside, TB, dearest darling Texan friend, why all the razzing about turkey ham? Some varieties of it are pretty darned good, and often less than 1/3 the sodium content of pork ham - maybe 1/4 the sodium. That alone should be giving it the TB thumb ring of approval.
You mean I'm waiting for nothing? :lol:
Only reason I posted all that lasagna crap was I was thought he was posting one... and was defending meatless... now I see I have been talking some nonsensical ass shit, what else is new? I need to find a new bar... let me see if Grant's Grill is open. :lol:
The food isn't good there, this weekend.
The sous vide lobster in my creed thread got my full attention, and otherwise it's mostly been Nitro All The Things.
I didn't win any awards on the grill this weekend, and I literally made pork rinds out of perfectly good (albeit quite diminutive) ribs ...
I'll have to redeem myself outside on the grill soon.
I have the other pork rib roast.
I did not like my cook on that last time ...
I need to do something very different for that, this next time ...
No bleeders in pork for me ... or fleshy texture.
I don't care what the new guidelines are for whole cut pork, I like mine MW to W, I guess ...
texas blues said:
I don't even give a shit about lasagna.
What's really significant is the fact that you and even THP hissef' have taken to posting double spaced style as I do.
You f**kers are now on double secret probation!
And I need to change my style to triple something or other.
"Lasagna" started this.
Stinkin' lasagna.
I hate you.
Bwahahaha Lasagnagate
The Hot Pepper said:
Okay Jay where is this thing????
Where is what thing?