Something for Charity

Some one has to knock Nova over!!! The blood is on its way come the morning! Its gonna be a hot one! Some one beat NOVA!!!
Just over one week to go.....

I don't think anyone will beat Nova cause I think he is perpared to spend 2 weeks wages to get this package.....The only thing in our favour is the bidding ends at Midday so he might not be stoned so bidding my ease, but then again it will be a Saturday so he could still be stoneed......hehe.....We are in trouble...:D
Hey Mick,

I got my hometown paper here in Leesburg, VA to write a human interest piece. She said for any reason they can't get in time for press time they will still put it on their website. Someone will come by for the haircut to take some pics. She told me to bring the hot sauce with me.

I am going to mention Marita and your email just in case she wants to contact you. I am also mentioning your friend Kim. I won't mention her last name unless you would like me to. Maybe the press will raise more money, I don't know, but it doesn't hurt. My haircut will be done at 9am est and I hope I will have my friend available to film it.

If there is anything else I should tell the newspaper reporter, just send me an email. Otherwise I think I have covered everything on this end.
sounds great Buddah, keep us posted and if they need to contact me or Marita just get them to fire off the email.
when they get the article up in the paper or on the net you'll have to give us a link so we can forward it to the Leukaemia Foundation.

OK keep it all rolling only a week or so to Go.

stillmanz said:
sounds great Buddah, keep us posted and if they need to contact me or Marita just get them to fire off the email.
when they get the article up in the paper or on the net you'll have to give us a link so we can forward it to the Leukaemia Foundation.

OK keep it all rolling only a week or so to Go.


Will do!
Hey i'm single again.......

I might just play with the bidding again.......

Watch out nova...:D

Seeing that we are so close to end time, we need an offical count on the bid and the content of the winning package!!!
the team has passed $4000 dollars. I think you'll haven to ask Bent what is exactly in the package he might have some extra bits and peices.
so.. 7 pot pain by 2 plus pain 2.
bit of my stuff bit of Neils, bit of scorps bit of Lord Vs its a decent little package. All moneys from tthis auction can be donated directly to Maritas personal sponsorship page, this can be done online by credit card . When the winner is finally announced I'll send you the link.
Its been a great response guys, Buddah in th eUS has raised a heap of money, allthe team has done great.
I think I have sold about 147 sauce which I am pretty happy with I think I have a few bottles left will probably sell them all tommorrow so thats great.

Ok thanks again

Stillz if you've got a couple of bottles of the Worlds Greatest Shave day sauce I'd like to get a few. Two for me and another one that I'd like to donate back to you. How much and where do I pay for them.

Great thing all of you are doing, I wish all involved the very best.