RocketMan said:
Man Jeff, those are some beautiful pods there brother. I love the shelf containers, bet you got a good price on them too
Thanks Bill, surface material is getting expensive. even cheap plywood isn't so cheap anymore, gotta save were you can!! lol this is a cutthroat business. ;o)
stc3248 said:
Haha...A sauna style dehydrator! Always something crazy at Jeff's place! Welcome home brother!
Cheers, Shane - It's good - no it's great to be home and it's good to be crazy, that way folks won't mess with you so much
stickman said:
Glad to have you back Jeff! Those sure are nice looking pods! I always wondered how someone would dry chiles in bulk this far north... now I know...

Cheers bro'
Thanks Rick, I sure miss this place!! There was really heavy frost this morning - thank god for heaters. Not sure if it's the right way to dry chili's or the most efficient but it'll get the job done until something better comes along.
capsidadburn said:
Always impressive display of operation Jeff! Thanks for continuing to show us, and inspire us with your grow and production each year.
Have a great winter.
Thanks for the kind words Mike, not sure how to respond to that because I still feel the chalkboard is in front of me and not behind.

still learning every year.
Spicegeist said:
Holy cow! Are those yellow bhuts?
Charles, I believe them to be fatalli's, my Y-Bhut's were just a little smaller and smother. over all, a really weird year for shapes, textures and sizes.
PaulG said:
Hey SC, over the top drying shed, my friend!
I just had to stop in here and see what a real grow looks like.
Good luck getting everything dried and packaged/prepped.
I was really bummed for you when I read about the hail storm,
but your remaining grow is just beautiful - I think I said this last
year, but your landscaping of the pepper grow is an art form!
Paul - buddy ;o) your aren't making fun of me are you? " what a real grow looks like" lol seriously tho -- can't imagine there are not 100's of growers on here that did way better then I this year, it's really sad that I don't know that for a fact because of no time to look, even though I want to. My wife and I decided that this years grow was our last, but I am not so sure. Hate to go out on such a bad note, will have to make up our minds soon cause seed starting is in just a couple months.
Selling pods, powders and snacks is a consumers novelistic purchase and not a necessity so the economy has a direct impact on sales, point being - sometimes the reward is not worth the effort. I will really hate to give it up but a ball and chain it is for sure.
Thanks for the kind words!!
sicman said:
word up! you are a pimp my man. everything is just so neat,clean and sexy! i love it.
Papa Sic, If you love it, I must surmise that your operation is also neat, clean and sexy.

would love to see it!!
Devv said:
Very nice harvest!
Sorry about the earlier losses..
I like the UPS boxes, fantastic idea!
Thanks Devv, the boxes actually work better than the metal or plastic tray because they absorb the moisture and it evaporates faster.
Cheers, everyone and thanks again for stopping by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!