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Spring has Sprung in Oz

Things are underway at the Nerd ranch. While I've overwintered most of my plants theres a few new additions and some old stuff revisited.


The douglah that nearly died at end of last season has recovered & looks indestructible with at least 20 flowers in various stages of bloom.


115 Dorset Naga seeds (thanks THSC),5 T.Scorpions (thanks BB) 5 Kapowie (thanks Potawie....still get a laugh from that b'day card :lol:). All being sprouted up to go in raised garden beds I'm building from old fence palings. Some of the Nagas may wind up on a property at Gin Gin if I run out of space.


the potato cage starts over again - this time add more eyes with each layer. Fiercely confident of this bringing a bumper crop this time around. (great plan wordwiz)

....more coming in a min

the 7-pot plot (i love trying to say that lol). so these were sprouted quite a while before winter & kept root bound in small pots outside all winter where they just stagnated for months.No water, no fert. I planted them in the ground not long after the equinox. (few weeks from memory)

I had to pick flowers off them first month because they were only 3" high but they pumped them out as soon as they hit fresh dirt.


Another pic of the 7's - they're really starting to kick in now. :)
I am jealous of your 7-pot plot Bent, apart from the weeds, oh yeah they make things called "mowers" too.hahaha

How did you get away with growing them through winter?
I am one step ahead with the Dorsets but:) Not 115 of them though....
Yeah...I'm the worlds laziest gardener lol. i let the weeds grow a bit then pull them out & let em compost right there. As for mowing Bah...Neils coming up week after next - he's an expert :lol:

We didnt get a frost here this year & they survived on the moisture from morning dew. they were already a month or so old when winter struck, but yeah was a mild one. Good to know too that you can put chilli plants into a 'holding pattern' by letting them run low on nutes & keeping them root bound. Seem to be springing back o.k. - Next year they'll be monsters.
Bloody oath they will be monsters next year, they will be huge by the end of the season! I laughed at the comment about Neil too, mention "free" and "accomadation" in the same sentence, then watch as he cracks out the victor!!

What are you planning on doing with 115 dorset plants?
Novacastrian said:
Bloody oath they will be monsters next year, they will be huge by the end of the season! I laughed at the comment about Neil too, mention "free" and "accomadation" in the same sentence, then watch as he cracks out the victor!!

I'm just getting him from the airport & shouting a BBQ burger lunch...thats gotta be worth something :lol: but ssshhhh, he doesn't know yet.

What are you planning on doing with 115 dorset plants?

more 'pain' & 'pain2' and a 7-pot pain (7's & nagas) if the crop allows.
nice looking plants bent, looks like overwintering was a great idea.

I can't see any mowing getting done when you and THSC get together, maybe a fair bit of drinking, smoking and pepper munching. in order to maintain your organic gardening approach, why not go and buy a goat and let him take care of things for you. at the end of spring when the nagas are ripened you can then have goat on a spit with garlic naga baste... mmmmmmmmmm garlic goat naga...
Thanks mate. Goat would be great...they make the absolute best spit roast take my word for it. Especially when you feed it a cup of Indian curry powder 4 times a day for a week before.

I am a little worried about why they call goatsweed 'goatsweed' though. That plant put out loads of really nice & hot pods all through winter. Uh oh...should grow more of them too lol.....running out of space :P
bentalphanerd said:
oh & after how ever many years of water restrictions....having long grass is like an absolute luxury.

Honestly it isn't a luxury..Can we swop,And some great overwinterd super-hots which will see you through those things called..Sorry trying to remember the word..er o ye summer..A word lost to us back in the uk this year and last :lol:
One day your grandchildren will ask you to tell them about cars and recordplayers, let's hope they won't ask for stories about summer!

A great start. Us northern guys can look forward to your progress as we bide our time until February.

I like the idea of starting seeds in a tray. That's how we raised tobacco and tomato plants - sow them in plots that were 100 feet long by 10 feet wide.

I'll be real curious to see how adding extra eyes work, if you get bumper crop of potatoes us northern guys can try that next year.

Happy growing!

Mmmmmmmmm Beautiful.. i must be backwards have tomatos in tyres, and a garden that could fill full of naga's nope, potatoes
oooooooooooo potato cage tomorrow going in here , thanks for that.

ya got to love water restrictions too, what are they again :P dunno what level we are on here 3 i think or 4, can't even use a watering can on gardens its that bad..

looks lush up there :)
I'm glad the Kapowie f4 seeds germinated for you sister in-law:lol: and I hope they do well in your climate. The f1-f3's produced very well for me and the pods are usually quite big

Here's one of my last chances this year to show off this beauty
I'm looking to the skies... It's still too early in Spring for us Kiwi's down here (at our latitude November is when things get decently warm).

A selection of my plants have sprouted - some exciting varieties are showing strong growth in the hot-bed seed ranch.
Yes i too have started my seeds. Started them a few weeks ago, but now the weather is starting to look better!!!

Will post some pics once i work out how to make them a bit smaller lol.

And yes, bring on spring, and summer, only thing is, it is going to be one hot summer here in South Oz.
Flex said:
Yes i too have started my seeds. Started them a few weeks ago, but now the weather is starting to look better!!!

Will post some pics once i work out how to make them a bit smaller lol.

And yes, bring on spring, and summer, only thing is, it is going to be one hot summer here in South Oz.

Irfanview is a good FREE easy pic editor for resizing pics - http://www.irfanview.com/

or just load them up to Imageshack & use the resize button - it also gives you a link to copy & paste into forums - http://www.imageshack.us/
They have a fruity taste and good C. chinense heat but nothing like red savinas or Caribben reds, kind of hard to explain.
They have a fairly thick skin too and are heavy for a hottie.
I can't wait to see how they grow down-under;)