• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End

Well here we go again! Those that saw my grow last year know that I was plagued by virus issues and many other problems, but I was still able to pull off the most amazing grow of my life. By season's end every plant was infected. Some keeled over, but others just kept right on trucking. I learned a ton, and hope to use it to pull off a season without that virus making a repeat appearance. It will be tough. I had huge numbers of pods, and many hit the ground and rotted, so there are sure to be some infected volunteers that show up. My grow this year will be MUCH smaller and focused on the varieties I liked best along with a couple new ones I really wanna try out.

First a couple of my money shots from last year...




I plan to use a similar grow setup to start with...here are a couple pics of how it looked...


My setup evolved as the season began. I started with a single t8 shoplight...the two shoplights and ended up with a single row of CFL's down the center hooked into a 4' power strip the the two shoplights angled in from the sides. The light from the sides really seemed to promote growth at the lower nodes...so for this year...

I bought some more CFL's Mix of 100w and 75w equivalents. The 100w eq were around $10 for 4 at HD and the 75w were $3 for 6 at COSTCO!!! Also bought some splitters for the sockets and here's what the power strip looks like now...

This thing feels like its giving you a sunburn from 6' away...I alternated 100/75 on each side all the way down...Instead of the mylar I am going with foil sided foam sheathing...

My "plan" with this stuff is to make the Shelf unit more of a grow tent type setup. Hoping I can use the lights and a small space heater to maintain a constant temp in the mid 80s. I am also going to "try" to use magnetic tape to attach this stuff so access will be easy. We shall see. May get too warm...but easy enough to vent if need be. I am going to try to keep them indoors much longer this year. I put them out to early last year, and some of the late starts that stayed inside until the night time temps were higher passed many of my early starts that were already in the ground.

My final dilemma is the wife says 20 plants...and I have all these awesome seeds! So I am going to see if the wife's # is sort of like the over the counter dosage...the full prescription strength is double, so I am aiming for 40. I will start almost twice that # though so if you're near SD be watching this glog around plant out, I will be getting rid of some plants...

Well here is the list for now...If something you sent didn't make it I still have them, and will get to them some day. Momma is already pissed! :rolleyes:

Tepin 15 (seed train 2012)
Pequin Chiapas (Griff87)
Bird Aji (Seed Train 2012)
Cumari (Romy6)
PI 438638 (Romy6)

Jamaican Hot Yellow (My Seed)
Goat's Weed (My seed)
Explosive Ember (My seed)
Tri-color Variagata (Seed Train 2012)
Numex Centennial (the next seed train)

Ultra Pube PI 585266 (SocalChilehead)
Manzano (farmer's market)

Yellow Aji from Peru (Paul G)

Giant Twisted Chocolate Hab (CMPMAN 1974 Via Pr0digal_son)
St Marteen Marigot Mkt Yellow Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Belize City Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Fatalii (Pulpiteer)

The Supers
Yellow Billy Boy Douglah (SilverSurfer via Coheed via Romy6)
Yellow Cardi Scorpion (Romy6)
Yellow 7 Pot Brain Strain (Unknown Source probably the next seed train???)
Yellow 7 Pot (Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot Brain Strain (Romy6 Had some from Jamie and got some more from PaulG)
7 Pot Congo SR (CMPMAN 1974 via Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot White (SocalChilehead)
7 Pot Monster Infinity (gnslngr)
7 Pot Primo (MGold via PaulG)
Douglah (Pr0digal_son)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga (Bakers Peppers)
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (Pr0digal_son)

7 Pot Barrackpore (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )
HP22B aka Carolina Reaper (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )

Ummm...I count 32ish varieties. May scrub a couple off, but may not!!! Thinking I can get by with the Ornamentals and Wilds as long as I keep them small and Bonchi them to look perdy for Momma??? :rofl:

I think I will skip most all of the grocery store available varieties this year so I can grow more of the good stuff...That's if for now everybody! Hope you all have a great season!!!

Holy crap Shane, did you quit your job to harvest all of those peppers. You're going to have to hire someone........I'm available.

Awesome pods. Those BS's are wicked. Love all the little candy poppin' wilds. GROW GROW GROW
Beautiful harvest! Thanks for all the work you put into this and sharing because it is a real education to me.
The mystery Annum  pods are cutie-pies. How do they compare with a Goat weed in heat and flavor, seed count, wall thickness and such?
Well, I didn't come by here to go on and on about how awesome your grow is, or your pods, or harvests, or pics, 'cause I KNOW how tired you are hearing that from everyone, haha!  
I'm with 3/5 King though, not sure how you have time for all of that and work full-time.  Are the days longer over there in sunny Cali?
BTW, I think you sent me the wrong plant.  I was supposed to get the YELLOW one!    ;)
Also, I'd love to be added to the list of those receiving the Charapita seeds when you get ready to send some out.  Thanks!!!
WalkGood said:
Nope not traveling … got back last Tuesday IIRC
Dam brother even better shots, love them all especially Trinidad Scorpion Moruga, [SIZE=10.5pt]Yellow Brain Strain 7 Pot (mine didn’t germinate early season so none from me dis year), [/SIZE]Fatalii and all da rest. Heck do the pictures keep getting better or is it my excitement … totally great stuff mon \o_
BTW I wrote a review on taste testing my first Trinidad Scorpion but mines not a Moruga blend, I think that blend makes smexier pods … have a great week brethren!
Thanks Ramon! I hope my pics are getting better...as much practice as I put in with all these updates! :rofl: Thank you to Matt for inspiring me to put a little light box together...already had the tripod and "pop up" foldable laundry hamper. Just wrapped it in an old sheer curtain and rearranged my grow shelf lighting to make it happen. I may tweak a little, but it works pretty damn good!  I'd be willing to bet your straight up scorp tasted better than a Moruga...they're not on my fav list. Overpowering, no sweetness...not really bitter, but brutal.
Scarecrw said:
Dat be a whole lotta peppers.I hope your wife helps you with them after you finish your honey do list.
Nah...the most I ever ask of mama is to unload the dehydrator on Wednesdays when I start a batch on Sunday.  Sucks not being home during the week, and no way to process them in the Barracks really. I tried processing some in the Barracks kitchen once...and lets just say there were some complaints. I just do what I can...then freeze the rest. Now that I am saucing I may get back on top. I need about 4 dozen more quart jars though! :rofl:
poypoyking said:
Dang Shane, that is out of control.  It must take you the whole weekend to process all those pods    I didn't follow your glog at all last year, what is/are your preferred method/s of preservation?
I dried most of them last season...and will probably sauce about half this year. There is no way for me to process them all on the weekend...and my freezer is almost full. My plan is to start using the ferments I have already started as starters for new batches each weekend. Splitting the ferments into two jars and topping with fresh pods...then repeating this each weekend. I have several different combos going and plan to let one batch of each ferment for 6 weeks and testing them out...then adjusting a little and going full bore. I processed 2 gallon bags full this weekend...but put over 5 gallons back in the freezer from the harvest. My NEW chest freezer is already almost full. I was hoping to pressure mama into an industrial sized dehydrator and a bunch of fermenting and canning equipment...but I ain't selling nothing (yet) so she don't see the purpose. I may be posting some stuff in Marketplace SOON....so be watching!
gnslngr said:
Wait , that's all?............................................................................................ 
Busy day, Monday is all about Fire Control issues...so I'll lazy and say what Pia said:Awesome awesome awesome awesomely terrific  
Thanks Dave...hoping to see MUCH more of you around the forum brotha...there are a few of y'all that's absence really impacts the vibe here...
Devv said:
Some beauty right there!
Please review them for taste and use.
Liking ALL of them, the yellows stand out in my book, well heck they all do! Very cool look on the Barrackpore's!
Someone posted about the wife helping, mine can't even tolerate Habs with gloves on.
I have a pretty good profile on most of them...haven't sampled the two phenos of the Reaper yet...first BIG pods on the real deal looking plant will be ready this weekend and I will try them both and note any differences and give thoughts. They're supposed to be BRUTALLY hot...but still sweet. The primos are similar to that...and made some amazing and freakin HOT powder...will update that one. I sampled my 7 Pot Congo SR on Saturday and it was freakin DELICIOUS...not exactly sure that one is true I will post some pics and hopefully John can chime in and give his thoughts...anyway it was really sweet and very meaty with a wonderful all over mouth burn. No hiccups, but I pulled a "Matt" and only ate a nice slice in stead of an entire punishing pod. The flavor was not overly floral or citrus...but had the signature chinense flavor which was not at all overpowering. Great pepper...all the yellows have that slight floral/citrus flavor with a fruity flavor. The Yellow Brains and Yellow Billy Boy Douglahs are hotter than many of the red supers I have eaten. All over mouth/lip burn, and a slight throat burn...painful pods to eat straight up, but the flavor is freakin wonderful. I like making sweet sauces with pineapple or mango or making them into Powder, seasoning blends/salts, and sweet pork type rubs...I am also dabbling with them in my ferments and will update once I have a finished sauce. I tried some yellow brain with tomato and cucumbers...hope it turns out as I envision. I really like them in a cucumber salsa or cucumber salsa based Ceviche...all yellows pair well with pork and seafood...I like to stick to red pods for chicken and beef...but can see using some on some chicken. There are some that are really only suited for use as a chemical weapon with terrible flavor coupled with freakin brutal heat. The Moruga is in that category...and the Infinity is close, but I can taste some sweet notes in the Infinities...so I am hopeful they'll powder and sauce OK. I will post more as I sample them.
Yeah...peppers aren't mama's thang either...so I am thankful when she'll at least bag up the pods out of the dehydrator....
meatfreak said:
:shocked: what an monster harvest, Shane. Absolutely awesome  That's as white the 7Pot White are gonna get  What are your plans with this fine harvest?
Yeah man...didn't mention the White 7's in my book above! What a fantastic pepper! Sweet and WAY hotter than expected! Large pods and a bunch of them. Taste is clean and sweet with very mild hints of the same floral/citrus the yellows have. More citrus than floral...the chinense flavor seems to be the mildest of any I have eaten. Long lasting burn from very firm meaty pods! Almost big enough to stuff for some killer big boy poppers even! Mmmmmm...As for the harvest, I smoked, sauced and dried as many as I could get to...between honey do's...
DocNrock said:
Dude, those "Barrackpores" are insane!  They look like Primos!  The one I grew from the same seed pack don't look like that!  Anyway, KA!  Everything looks amazing.  Huge harvests.  That Birgit's is massive!  Had to tape a stake to the steel pipe...now you're just showing off!  
Seriously, though, everything looks awesome.  Great looking Yellow Brains, as well.  Funny about the water in them.  I've seen the same thing in a couple varieties of mine, mostly in my Sepia Serpents.  I thought it was overwatering.  Werid.  Did you taste the juice?  
Yeah bro...they're not true Barrackpores...but I am actually really stoked about that! Cool pods that are really kicking "A" for me...thanks for the killer seeds brotha! Hmmm, seems as though you sent me all your best seeds and kept the others for yourself! What an awesome guy!!! :rofl:
PIC 1 said:
Wowie !
That sums it up ...
Super-duper harvests and the photography to back that claim up.
Shane you're really being creative and I can tell you're having fun at it.
Your climate makes the difference. My Belize Bonnet is a good producer but your plant is putting out some massive amounts,
Cool photo of the Fatalii....let's just say everything's cool here...
I am having fun...thanks for noticing Greg. I flip flop between hobbies and with all the commuting and time away from home, I was really beginning to lose motivation for my grow this year. I will be transferred back to San Diego in January...but I'll be on a ship again. We shall see what happens with that next year!!! The Bonnets are the two outboard yellows in the harvest shot above...on the far left are the Belize and the far right are the Jamaican from your 2007 seed. Both just crushing it!!! I pulled more Belize than Jamaican the past three weeks...the next three will be the other way around. Crazy freaking #s man...60ish pods per pull...EVERY WEEK from BOTH plants. I have a feeling those other Yellow Mysteries pictured above are something you sent too...got any thoughts??? Doesn't look exactly like either of the other bonnets...I also tried germing some of the St Marteen Marigot Bonnets and Bahamian Goat from you. Could be either since it germed after I already threw the peat pellet in the compost bin???  I smoked a gallon bag of those Jamaican pods this weekends and made...well lets just post some pics and see what I did! 
I actually froze those pods on Sunday...then when I decided to take Monday off... :shh: ...

I broke them back out and got busy!!!

Pods got stemmed then halved and thrown in a basket for the smoker...but...

Not the electric...went old school plate steel on these bad boys...really wanted to impart that apple wood flavor without overcooking. The Electric I said has a hard time maintaining a good smoke level below about 200 degrees...so they can get a little on the roasted side and start to dry out quickly. 

My old smoker ain't fancy...and neither am I. I used a meat thermometer to gauge my temp...maintained a temp between 115 and 125 with smoke rolling the whole time. Just takes a little more TLC. Open the damper a little...close the vents a bit...throw on 3 charcoal briquettes...a lump of apple wood...mess with the damper again...to keep it just right. While this was cooking along, I dug deep into the freezer to see if I still had a bag of Red Lantern Habs. (Inspired by a few inquires that resulted in the amazing review Ramon wrote about my Smoked Red Lantern Hot Salt) I didn''t have any Red Lanterns :mope: ...or if I do they're deeper than I dug. BUT!!!

BAM! How 'bout some Carribean Reds baby!!! Flavor profile was sooo close on these two...I think I can make them work baby!!!

Here are the Jamaican Bonnets in their new home for the next few months just a few short hours after adding the whey and jarring them up...See them bubbles baby!!!!  :party: 1 gallon bag smoked and mashed in the food processor made three quarts of ferment. Each of differing levels of pod to non pepper ingredients. This one was the "mildest" jar. 

and here are the Carribiean Reds after a few hours of apple wood smoke love. The low temps really preserved the color!!! Any brown you see in there are Chocolate Bhuts that I may have accidentally thrown in there for some added kick to the powder... :whistle:  Just texted mama and she's pulling these now crispy pods off the dehydrator for me right now!!! Mmmmm....
Hoping John can chime in as to whether or not these look true to form...

These are off my 7 Pot Congo SR...the reviews I read and watched of these look different and got not so great flavor reviews...but these are really good. and have a flavor profile similar to Caribbean Reds or the Red Lanterns...but with a WHOLE lot more heat...so I think I may have a real winner to make a KILLER batch of Smoked Red Hot Salt!!! Should also be a real contender for great sauces too!!!

Awwww...Look at 'em! 

Very meaty for a Chinense...should hold a ton of smokey flavor and make a good amount of powder from fewer pods...really excited about this one!!!
It for now...will get to more replies when I can!
3/5King said:
Holy crap Shane, did you quit your job to harvest all of those peppers. You're going to have to hire someone........I'm available.

Awesome pods. Those BS's are wicked. Love all the little candy poppin' wilds. GROW GROW GROW
No such luck brother! When we "quit" we face prison time in my line of work! Come on down' brotha! We'll go on a little trail run while you're here!!!  The BSs are BA but them Wilds...are OMG!!!
JJJessee said:
Beautiful harvest! Thanks for all the work you put into this and sharing because it is a real education to me.
The mystery Annum  pods are cutie-pies. How do they compare with a Goat weed in heat and flavor, seed count, wall thickness and such?
Haha...JJJ, thanks for reading all the BS I am posting! Haha...I could punish my Sailors by forcing them to read through this thing!!! Flavor is similar to the Goat's Weed...but has a hint of Chinense flavor hiding in the background. Kind of an Annuum flavor up front with a Chinense coming in later on...both are very hot for an annuum but the Mystery has the edge...pretty far over the edge actually. Seed counts for both are very high...wall thickness on the GW is paper thin, but firm...the mystery is also firm...REALLY firm, but have thicker walls. The GW is not sweet at all...but there is some sweetness in Mysteries. Very good and crazy productive plants!!!
highalt said:
Well, I didn't come by here to go on and on about how awesome your grow is, or your pods, or harvests, or pics, 'cause I KNOW how tired you are hearing that from everyone, haha!  
I'm with 3/5 King though, not sure how you have time for all of that and work full-time.  Are the days longer over there in sunny Cali?
BTW, I think you sent me the wrong plant.  I was supposed to get the YELLOW one!    ;)
Also, I'd love to be added to the list of those receiving the Charapita seeds when you get ready to send some out.  Thanks!!!
Please Bonnie...go ON AND ON!!! :rofl: Bottom line as mentioned above...I don't have time! I just do what I can when I can...We all have 24 hour days...I use most of them! Haha...you wanna pay shipping for your to me and vice versa I'll swap out Fataliis with ya! Hmmm...maybe better if I just make sure you get a few dozen yellow ones later on! Charapitas and Fataliis...sheesh you sure are demanding! :rofl: You got it lady...
Sawyer said:
Now that's a podapalooza!
Thanks brotha!
Pulpiteer said:
:shocked: Beautiful.
Thanks Andy! Your artistic pod shots are right around the corner...can't wait for that comment to come right back at ya!
PaulG said:
Once again, words fail me, my friend!  
+1 everybody's posts!
Talk about a blast of color!
Words NEVER fail you Paul...I think you're just getting lazy like me! :rofl: Good to see you my friend...your grow is moving along nicely! Errybody reading this should go visit it and bomb him with comments!!!
windchicken said:
Wow, that's really amazing Shane...You are a master grower!
Dude...Where's my car??? What's my tatoo say...."Dude" What's mine say "Sweet" hahahaha...Thanks for the props, wizard of the 6' raised rows in the woods! My "Container only" is kinda sticking it to me a little right now...can't wait to get some real room to roam like you my friend! Thanks for the drive by Gary!
Thanks for all the kind words everyone! See you on Friday!!!
Man, I really appreciate the time you take to get back to everyone and update your glog so thoroughly. It's impressive Shane. I'm sure everyone appreciates it. Glad to see that you don't have any wandering viruses like last year! Nothin' but boat loads of delicious pods! NOM NOM NOM.
Hey Shane. 50 pages in two nights/mornings! It was worth every minute. You couldn't have possibly imagined this kind of harvests back during seed-starting. Especially after last year.

You deserve all of the accolades from YOUR PEERS Brother!

When you get a minute, a break in the action, check your messages.
Those are some awesome food projects you've got going Shane! I'm excited to see how the ferment turns out for you - looking good!

Interesting about the congo sr - I'm growing those myself, and had not heard that about the flavor. I'm curious how they turn out.
stc3248 said:
Dude...Where's my car??? What's my tatoo say...."Dude" What's mine say "Sweet" hahahaha...Thanks for the props, wizard of the 6' raised rows in the woods! My "Container only" is kinda sticking it to me a little right now...can't wait to get some real room to roam like you my friend! Thanks for the drive by Gary!
Lol, someone finally got that reference....a cinematic masterpiece. Nothing Kutcher has done before or since begins to compare...:cool:
Thanks for the kind words...You know your Birgit's are shaming mine into abysmally low self-esteem....As soon as I whip out the camera, they hide behind the Thai bushes...
3/5King said:
Man, I really appreciate the time you take to get back to everyone and update your glog so thoroughly. It's impressive Shane. I'm sure everyone appreciates it. Glad to see that you don't have any wandering viruses like last year! Nothin' but boat loads of delicious pods! NOM NOM NOM.

I see someone forgot Shane's 2 weeks of MIA. He says vacation, I say ditching..... :)
Nice updates on pepper usage!
My supers are still waiting for cooler weather but the Red Caribbean's and funky Reapers have been holding us over. You're right those Red Caribbean's are dang tasty peppers and will be on my list next year, great flavor, and if more heat needed just add more.
Can't wait until next year to time things properly.
stc3248 said:
Aight...a promise is a promise. Crazy days over here! 
Thanks! I do love the big harvest pics...and the infinities, maybe I nominate Andy for the Infinity review! It'll be like the Brain Strain revisited!
Thanks Matt! I dunno how far they'll bleed, but any is far enough I suppose! Is Jess ready? :rofl:
Jaimie my man...I am gonna try at first to take a page outta you and Bill's book...A little smoke with a little twist!

Here are some of the subjects. These are some of the Jamaican Habs from Greg. Some look true to the Bonnet name. 

Here they are combined with some Belize City bonnets and a couple other peppers, cukes, onion and Tomatoes ready for the smoker...

Smoked mashed with just a few Goat's Weed and Brain Strains...So I am thinking of "My Brain on Jamaican and Belize Weed+Smoke" :high: Haha...threw in some yogurt whey to get things started and we'll have to see if it's bubbling when I get home!
This is off . . . smoked cukes. Too, too freaky! Luuv it!!! Shane, I just can't get past this ingenuity!
3/5King said:
Man, I really appreciate the time you take to get back to everyone and update your glog so thoroughly. It's impressive Shane. I'm sure everyone appreciates it. Glad to see that you don't have any wandering viruses like last year! Nothin' but boat loads of delicious pods! NOM NOM NOM.
Thanks Dave...So much going on this season in the glogs...when folks take the time to stop by, especially if they ask questions, they deserve an answer. I am trying hard to follow as many as I can, and even as often as I update...my thread was back three pages in the my content section today! Crazy :crazy:  I do have some plants with a funk out there, but it isn't viral. Looks to be a fungal issue. Treating with some Neem and Sulfur on alternating weekends with a little aspirin to strengthen their immune system, and some are responding and putting out good new growth, but others may not pull out of it. The really big pulls should continue for the next few weeks...then they'll slow a bit but still be solid through the rest of the season.
Bigoledude said:
Hey Shane. 50 pages in two nights/mornings! It was worth every minute. You couldn't have possibly imagined this kind of harvests back during seed-starting. Especially after last year.

You deserve all of the accolades from YOUR PEERS Brother!

When you get a minute, a break in the action, check your messages.
Haha....I'm sorry dude! I wouldn't wish 50 pages on anybody! Funny, I am growing about 1/2 the plants this year I was last year, and the pulls are almost as big. Freezer's almost full...life is good! I did check my messages...and thanks!
wahlee76 said:
Massive harvest you got there, just 
The processing looks cool too. I hope to learn how to do that one day
Thanks! Neither one is that hard...powder is just a question of the right time and temp in the dehydrator and a little bit of cheap grinding equipment. My Food Processor was around $25 and the coffee grinder was only around $15. The dehydrator was only about $30...so initial investment was $70...and if you already own any of the stuff you're golden! A blender could be used in place of the grinder. As far as the sauce, so easy...that same blender or FP, some jars and plain yogurt. Step by step process is here 101 thread over in the Hot Sauce forum...I am new to fermenting also, and the step by step there is what I used to get started!
Pulpiteer said:
Those are some awesome food projects you've got going Shane! I'm excited to see how the ferment turns out for you - looking good!

Interesting about the congo sr - I'm growing those myself, and had not heard that about the flavor. I'm curious how they turn out.
Thanks Andy...I sure can't wait to find out about the ferments too! Patience is not one of my best qualities...so fermenting is kinda like self torture! They're all bubbling along nicely, so fingers crossed! :pray:  :whistle:  I watched a vid Brian (compmodder) did on them and he hated them...but the pods looked much different. Mine are smaller and smooth and the one he tested for Judy was huge and textured. Crazy dude did back to back reviews...first a primo then the congo...show off!!! :rofl:
windchicken said:
Lol, someone finally got that reference....a cinematic masterpiece. Nothing Kutcher has done before or since begins to compare...
Thanks for the kind words...You know your Birgit's are shaming mine into abysmally low self-esteem....As soon as I whip out the camera, they hide behind the Thai bushes...
Haha...yeah, almost as good as Dumb and Dumber. Funny fo-sho! Haha...I am certain they're not able to hide behind a Thai. I think you're holding out!
MGOLD86 said:
I see someone forgot Shane's 2 weeks of MIA. He says vacation, I say ditching..... 
Haha...the Vaca wasn't from the Navy as much as from the garden!!! Ha! You got me bro!
Devv said:
Nice updates on pepper usage!
My supers are still waiting for cooler weather but the Red Caribbean's and funky Reapers have been holding us over. You're right those Red Caribbean's are dang tasty peppers and will be on my list next year, great flavor, and if more heat needed just add more.
Can't wait until next year to time things properly.
Thanks Scott! I am trying! I sampled the yellow mystery pods above, and will inform below. My funky reaper is kicking "A" as well...way more productive than my real deal Reaper! I may just grow the funky ones and leave the real ones out next year. I am still kicking myself for now growing out a red hab this season... :doh: Your timing was pretty darn good...you still almost got caught by a late frost remember! 
annie57 said:
This is off . . . smoked cukes. Too, too freaky! Luuv it!!! Shane, I just can't get past this ingenuity!
Annie...sweet Annie...thank you so much! I did another one that I am really excited about. I smoked a few ears of my sweet corn along with a basket of Big Jim green chiles for a mild green sauce. It already smells freaking fantastic! The cuke/tomato/Yellow Brain mix above was slow to start going well...had to really search to see any little bubbles. Was a bit worried that I had dorked it up...came home today to find them looking like sponge cake!!! :party: So they're all doin their thang! I cleared a shelf in the grow room and put them in trays (lesson learned on head space!!! They make a mess when you overfill.... :rofl: Pay attention to what I post up lady...and lemme know what looks promising to you!
So...looking to be another amazing pull this week. I spent over an hour pulling a bowl FULL of those tiny Charapitas today...and some of the larger pods out there are starting to color up!!! Including...

The Manzano!!! Woot! :woohoo: It's about damn time!!! These things first podded up in May...70 days later they're finally ripe. Sad part is, this is one of the ones that is looking a little crappy...but it's still blooming. Maybe it'll figure it out??? Maybe not...good news here is the little Manzano that could is really liking its spot in the front yard, and should be able to overwinter in place. If so...I will have a Manzano TREE next year!!!

Annie...here is one you may like. It's the Naga looking Reaper (DocNrock. I think theDorsett Naga was a parent plant of the Reaper? You mentioned a naga type...and this is the only one aside from the Bhut...which you said you didn't want.

Here is another possibility...Giant Twisted Chocolate Hab (cmpman_1974 via Pr0digal_son) Not a ton of these ready yet...but enough to send you a few if you like!

Another you may like Annie is the 7 Pot White...no throat burn, very sweet and plenty  :hot: !!! Very nice pod...Big and meaty!

Fatalii from Andy...Another you might consider! Plenty of these for ya if you want 'em...

Here are the 7 Pot Congo SR pods...not a lot ripe yet, but think they're right up your alley! Taste like a Caribbean Hab with more KICK! Not pictured that you expressed interest in is the Bubblegum 7 Pot (KingDenniz) which I have PLENTY of...so whatcha poison? Message me lady!
Next couple are of the mystery yellow...


I am now thinking its a Yellow 7 from John (Pr0digal_son) Whatcha think??? I tasted it today and it was very similar to the Yellow Cardi with a bit more kick...WAY hotter than the two Bonnet varieties I have going...Also they're showing a little texture on the newer pods...not as much as the brain, but its there. Any thoughts???

Ok...freaking scared and stoked...Douglah (coheed) is coloring up...this one is small, but there are some freakin beasty pods on here...

Oh...oh...another exciting one!!!! Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion (Walter Anderson's Nursery) How BA is it to be able to pick up a plant like this at your local Nursery??? BAM!!! :woohoo:
Ok...it for now. I snapped a few more, but I gotta go pick up my son from football practice!
Happy Friday errybody!
Your just killing it here. Not a bad photo in the bunch and the story line of pictures has an appealing flow to it.
I can't believe the crazy amounts pods, pods ,pods (no studdering intended)  that you're harvesting. I bet alot of folks check back here without commenting just to take another glimpse at the plants, harvests , kitchen and backyard production photos.
As far as the mystery Yellows............................I dunno
But that plant puts out also.
Have a great weekend !
Great update, Shane.  I don't think our 7PCSRs are the same.  Mine is the Giant from pepperlover.  Is that where you got yours?  You can take a look at my latest pictures here, fourth and fifth pictures down.  I'll have more to say after I harvest one of these, hopefully in about a week.  I pulled one earlier, but only got a nibble and some funk spread on it before it dried.  My impression of the flavor was okay, before the heat kicked in, but it was definitely a thin-walled pod. 