• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End

Well here we go again! Those that saw my grow last year know that I was plagued by virus issues and many other problems, but I was still able to pull off the most amazing grow of my life. By season's end every plant was infected. Some keeled over, but others just kept right on trucking. I learned a ton, and hope to use it to pull off a season without that virus making a repeat appearance. It will be tough. I had huge numbers of pods, and many hit the ground and rotted, so there are sure to be some infected volunteers that show up. My grow this year will be MUCH smaller and focused on the varieties I liked best along with a couple new ones I really wanna try out.

First a couple of my money shots from last year...




I plan to use a similar grow setup to start with...here are a couple pics of how it looked...


My setup evolved as the season began. I started with a single t8 shoplight...the two shoplights and ended up with a single row of CFL's down the center hooked into a 4' power strip the the two shoplights angled in from the sides. The light from the sides really seemed to promote growth at the lower nodes...so for this year...

I bought some more CFL's Mix of 100w and 75w equivalents. The 100w eq were around $10 for 4 at HD and the 75w were $3 for 6 at COSTCO!!! Also bought some splitters for the sockets and here's what the power strip looks like now...

This thing feels like its giving you a sunburn from 6' away...I alternated 100/75 on each side all the way down...Instead of the mylar I am going with foil sided foam sheathing...

My "plan" with this stuff is to make the Shelf unit more of a grow tent type setup. Hoping I can use the lights and a small space heater to maintain a constant temp in the mid 80s. I am also going to "try" to use magnetic tape to attach this stuff so access will be easy. We shall see. May get too warm...but easy enough to vent if need be. I am going to try to keep them indoors much longer this year. I put them out to early last year, and some of the late starts that stayed inside until the night time temps were higher passed many of my early starts that were already in the ground.

My final dilemma is the wife says 20 plants...and I have all these awesome seeds! So I am going to see if the wife's # is sort of like the over the counter dosage...the full prescription strength is double, so I am aiming for 40. I will start almost twice that # though so if you're near SD be watching this glog around plant out, I will be getting rid of some plants...

Well here is the list for now...If something you sent didn't make it I still have them, and will get to them some day. Momma is already pissed! :rolleyes:

Tepin 15 (seed train 2012)
Pequin Chiapas (Griff87)
Bird Aji (Seed Train 2012)
Cumari (Romy6)
PI 438638 (Romy6)

Jamaican Hot Yellow (My Seed)
Goat's Weed (My seed)
Explosive Ember (My seed)
Tri-color Variagata (Seed Train 2012)
Numex Centennial (the next seed train)

Ultra Pube PI 585266 (SocalChilehead)
Manzano (farmer's market)

Yellow Aji from Peru (Paul G)

Giant Twisted Chocolate Hab (CMPMAN 1974 Via Pr0digal_son)
St Marteen Marigot Mkt Yellow Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Belize City Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Fatalii (Pulpiteer)

The Supers
Yellow Billy Boy Douglah (SilverSurfer via Coheed via Romy6)
Yellow Cardi Scorpion (Romy6)
Yellow 7 Pot Brain Strain (Unknown Source probably the next seed train???)
Yellow 7 Pot (Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot Brain Strain (Romy6 Had some from Jamie and got some more from PaulG)
7 Pot Congo SR (CMPMAN 1974 via Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot White (SocalChilehead)
7 Pot Monster Infinity (gnslngr)
7 Pot Primo (MGold via PaulG)
Douglah (Pr0digal_son)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga (Bakers Peppers)
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (Pr0digal_son)

7 Pot Barrackpore (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )
HP22B aka Carolina Reaper (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )

Ummm...I count 32ish varieties. May scrub a couple off, but may not!!! Thinking I can get by with the Ornamentals and Wilds as long as I keep them small and Bonchi them to look perdy for Momma??? :rofl:

I think I will skip most all of the grocery store available varieties this year so I can grow more of the good stuff...That's if for now everybody! Hope you all have a great season!!!

Pr0digal_son said:
Voting for Poway as the pepper growing capital of the US. Fine job brother!! Maybe you could weigh the Charapitas as a whole, weigh a single Charapita,and then do the math. Might have to weigh a few to get a reading,not sure if one would register.
Why not... if Gilroy can be the Garlic capitol, let's lobby to have Poway named the Pepper capitol... ;)
As usual, your glog doesn't disappoint Chief... great pics of the denizens of deepest, darkest Shane-land, and I say again my last... after looking at your Reaper review... how do you walk with huevos that big? :confused:
I was really, seriously, really just practicing visual acuity :liar:  by staring at those manzanos for 30 minutes. No other pepper in field of vision. Faintly, I heard a cat meowing wanting be fed. Still, I stared, undaunted, entranced. Then finally a 20lb. cat was about on my head on back of couch or I'd still be on some hallucinogenic trip, just staring at manzanos. "Just Staring at Manzanos" could become a new song, Shane! Hotdamn that pull!  :dance: Poway, capital via Shane, it IS!
wahlee76 said:
Keep em coming :onfire:
edit; btw, what do I have to do to become a californian citizen? Become an action hero?
No...you have to go part crazy and drive like and A-Hole!!!
MGOLD86 said:
Damn Shane! Awesome pull bro. Those are some monsters. I nominate YOU to do the back to back to back Brain Strain comparison. Just let us all know when it is up and ready.
Thanks Matt...I keep thinking that its gonna slow down, but every time I pick one variety clean a new one starts to ripen! Haha...great problem to have unless your freezer is full, more to follow on that! I may not be the sharpest bowling  ball in the knife drawer, but I ain't eating three brains back to back!!!
GnomeGrown said:
I second the nomination.
Great pics, Shane.
Y'all keep right on waiting for that one...and in the meantime dig up Rich's (guru) brain vid...and follow it up with Andy's (pulpiteer)...Thanks for the props gnomey!!!
Devv said:
Nice pull Shane!
Those Manzano's look like tomatoes!
I can see that's a ton of pods and they're piled deep, can't beat that!
Have a great weekend!
Oh, that Reaper is a HP22G, so says the vid. Supposedly coming in at 2mil plus scovilles
Thanks Scott! I sorted seeds last year from store bough pods and these were from the largest one I got. Doing me right...I though it was a goner with the heat and an unidentified illness...but its comming on strong and setting another round now. Hmmm...22G huh, never heard of it! Will have to search that one out.
Spicegeist said:
Nice experiment with the different brain strains.  I have one which puts out rather smallish pods which are sometimes spiky, actually very nice.  The oil on the inside seems more substantial than the TS Morouga Blend.
Thanks SG...less an experiment and more just what popped for me. Two seed sources...three plants...three phenos. I am good with it though. Will make for a fun time testing them out for Matt! I haven't disected the three yet...will be the next step. Maybe next weekend!
HabaneroHead said:
I was quite invisible on the forum lately, new job, new house etc... But since it takes a good 50 mins to get into the office, I have plenty of time to check out 10-15 glogs every day. That plant (no..no..tree) is crazy, we had a discussion in the office about peppers on Friday, and when I told the guys that some types can reach 10 feet, nobody believed me...until I sent them your pics with the ladder.  :P
What camera are you using? Those pics are like the ones which are taken in a studio. Beautiful, deep colors.
I will definitely try out the Brigits Locoto, but I would need seeds for that project... Are you interested in trying out some Hungarian peppers?  :rolleyes:
Congratulations on the harvest, it is so good to see those pics, my friend!
We all get busy man, so I hear ya! Remind me about the seeds later on and you'll get some! I am always keen to try some new stuff...but I already got more seeds than room around here. I really like medium heat fryers/stuffers...if you got any in that category! Thanks for the props on the pics!!! I am still learning, but getting better.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Passed by Walt Anderson. No more healthy plants the one in SD. As for the bubblegums good work. I pulled out all the pods and it's only matter of time before the mites get to them. As for your yellow pods. Might be right about Congo.

These are yellow Congo fom Judy
They look similar Denniz, but those appear to have more texture...the ones I have are completely smooth. I didn't plant any "Yellow Congos" but they sure do have that shape! 
WalkGood said:
Seems to me that your harvest keep getting bigger and bigger, awesome haul!
Yeah man...that wasn't even the whole pull...I pulled the Birgits and Wilds yesterday...and forgot to pull the Goat's Weed, and it's loaded down. Not enough time to get it all done!
JJJessee said:
What is the flavor like on the Manzanos and how do you use them?
Manzanos are great for stuffing, salsas, powder...sauce. Heck just about anything! They're very meaty with a unique flavor. Very sweet with a hint of Annuum up front...then their tangy one of a kind flavor kicks in. Very hot for a pod of this shape and size, rivaling an Orange Hab in that department. Manzanos have hands down the LOOOONGEST nice even burn there is. Comes to a tolerable peak then stays right there for about a half hour. They are tough to dry, but since they're so meaty...a handful of pods makes a bunch of powder! They can be tricky to sprout...and finicky about temps and growing conditions, but are well worth it!
Will quote more later...for now did I mention a full freezer?

I have been powdering and saucing like crazy and still falling WAY behind. A few more pulls and I will be tapped out on space...I just bought this freezer and already need a bigger one!

Been neglecting to update this little one...She's the little one I left for dead in the growroom and after a month she was still clinging to life...I moved her out the the front yard still in her container and she sprung back to life. I decided to hide her from mama in with the Jasmine...can you see her? Still smallish, but very lush and green.

Lookie, lookie!!! A few baby pods are forming!!! I dunno if they'll make it to ripe or not, but I am hopeful that up close to the house she may survive the winter.

This one got sauced today! Simple mix, carrots...garlic...onion...and some smoked romy mysteries. I tell you what...those little suckers are the HOTTEST annuum I have ever had. That sauce is a scorcher! I didn't take any pics of the process, but I ran the whole batch through a juicer added a little vinegar/water to the pulp and cooked it down for about a half hour. Juiced it again...then mashed the pulp to get the good to the last drop leftovers. I simmered that for about another 30 minutes and put it in a sterilized pint jar. I left about a quarter of the jar in there as a starter and topped it with freshly smoked pods, onion, carrots and garlic...

Next up were the wilds...I weighed 100 pods...and then the whole bunch and came up with almost 1100 give or take just a little. I am getting better at picking the Charapitas though...a slight roll of the pod to one side between the fingers detaches them from their calyx. Still took forever!!!

This batch is pure pods...blended added brine and a little whey. I wanna see how this goes without the added sugars from the other ingredients...the Charapitas are pretty sweet though, so hopefully they get cookin!

Another one...onion and garlic in the jar White 7 Pots as an afterthought but hey they were sitting there...

ummm along with a few bubblegum pods I had just seeded...

Some smoked Manzanos as the main ingredient!!!

Bam!!! The Manzanos didn't wanna chop very well in the little FP...and I was between powder batches with my large FP...so they went in chunky. I will let them go a few weeks and then re-process them.
Not pictured is the over 5 oz of Fatalii powder I processed this weekend...busy days!!! I did more...and have more pics of it all...but it for now. Maybe I'll post a few more tomorrow...or Wednesday...???? :rofl:
Have a great week folks...thanks for lookin in!

It looks like a bunch of pods...but really its MORE! :party:

So what are the large yellow pods down the middle of the pic?
Nice haul on the Manzanos!  Mine is doing a lot of blooming, but no pods yet, and not sure there's enough time for them to ripen even if they do set at this point.
Oh, I harvested the first ripe Goat Weed yesterday, but haven't had a chance to taste it yet.  
After reading your Reaper review, I know for sure I am not ready for supers.  I have some of those same reactions, the excess salivation, uncertainty if it's going to stay down, etc, even with the NON supers!  I wish I just sweated and snotted like you pros do ...
highalt said:


It looks like a bunch of pods...but really its MORE! :party:

So what are the large yellow pods down the middle of the pic?
Nice haul on the Manzanos!  Mine is doing a lot of blooming, but no pods yet, and not sure there's enough time for them to ripen even if they do set at this point.
Oh, I harvested the first ripe Goat Weed yesterday, but haven't had a chance to taste it yet.  
After reading your Reaper review, I know for sure I am not ready for supers.  I have some of those same reactions, the excess salivation, uncertainty if it's going to stay down, etc, even with the NON supers!  I wish I just sweated and snotted like you pros do ...
Don't forget the hiccups Bonnie! Those yellows are from seeds saved out of pre-packaged "snacking peppers." They come in red, orange and yellow...pure sweet and delicious. Much more flavorful and sweet than a bell...and they're much more prolific. 
stickman said:
Why not... if Gilroy can be the Garlic capitol, let's lobby to have Poway named the Pepper capitol... ;)
As usual, your glog doesn't disappoint Chief... great pics of the denizens of deepest, darkest Shane-land, and I say again my last... after looking at your Reaper review... how do you walk with huevos that big? :confused:
I think its small brain vice big huevos...haha...
mlh5953 said:
Great photos! I especially enjoy seeing the Pequins and Charapitas. 
I may be able to hook you up!!! Gotta wait a bit though. Remind me and I'll get you some. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Amazing plants, photos and continued haul! Pods for days....weeks hell maybe years!
Yeah man...I don't know how folks with harvest in the tons do it??? Heck, I feel like I need to hire somebody and I only have about 60 plants!  :rofl:
GnomeGrown said:
Shane gifted me a small bag of these peppers. 
They are awesome.
Thanks again, Shane!
:shh:  its supposed to be a secret! :liar:
mlh5953 said:
Lucky you!!
Hmmm....see post above!
annie57 said:
I was really, seriously, really just practicing visual acuity :liar:  by staring at those manzanos for 30 minutes. No other pepper in field of vision. Faintly, I heard a cat meowing wanting be fed. Still, I stared, undaunted, entranced. Then finally a 20lb. cat was about on my head on back of couch or I'd still be on some hallucinogenic trip, just staring at manzanos. "Just Staring at Manzanos" could become a new song, Shane! Hotdamn that pull!  :dance: Poway, capital via Shane, it IS!
Those poor Manzanos never stood a chance...they've been sliced...diced...smoked...sauced...dried and powdered! Love them thangs! A little goes a long way with them bad boys! If I get another round to ripen late in the season off both plants...I may be able to send you one or 10??? Too bad they won't fit in the SFRB or you'd already have some!
Bodeen said:
Nice looking plants and holy crap that's a lot of pods
Yeah man...for once I am glad that I am losing a battle! The battle to empty my freezer! I keep on mama for a bigger dehydrator...but she still ain't having it. I may just have to settle for another small one...oh, and my coffee grinder powder machine is about to crap out on me. That little thing is a beast though. I don't know how many POUNDS of powder I have made with that little sucker. Its made by Mr Coffee...someone asked me that on here or in a PM and I think I answered it wrong. 
Thanks again for all the kind words folks!
Hab shot for you brother. I will get weights on some today.

Cracking down on internet use at work so my glog activity has been slow,been wearing out the like button. You are getting some insane numbers,I don't ever want that much! I have a package for you that is about 1/3 complete. I will be using John Doe on the envelope so your wife can't track me.