• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End

Well here we go again! Those that saw my grow last year know that I was plagued by virus issues and many other problems, but I was still able to pull off the most amazing grow of my life. By season's end every plant was infected. Some keeled over, but others just kept right on trucking. I learned a ton, and hope to use it to pull off a season without that virus making a repeat appearance. It will be tough. I had huge numbers of pods, and many hit the ground and rotted, so there are sure to be some infected volunteers that show up. My grow this year will be MUCH smaller and focused on the varieties I liked best along with a couple new ones I really wanna try out.

First a couple of my money shots from last year...




I plan to use a similar grow setup to start with...here are a couple pics of how it looked...


My setup evolved as the season began. I started with a single t8 shoplight...the two shoplights and ended up with a single row of CFL's down the center hooked into a 4' power strip the the two shoplights angled in from the sides. The light from the sides really seemed to promote growth at the lower nodes...so for this year...

I bought some more CFL's Mix of 100w and 75w equivalents. The 100w eq were around $10 for 4 at HD and the 75w were $3 for 6 at COSTCO!!! Also bought some splitters for the sockets and here's what the power strip looks like now...

This thing feels like its giving you a sunburn from 6' away...I alternated 100/75 on each side all the way down...Instead of the mylar I am going with foil sided foam sheathing...

My "plan" with this stuff is to make the Shelf unit more of a grow tent type setup. Hoping I can use the lights and a small space heater to maintain a constant temp in the mid 80s. I am also going to "try" to use magnetic tape to attach this stuff so access will be easy. We shall see. May get too warm...but easy enough to vent if need be. I am going to try to keep them indoors much longer this year. I put them out to early last year, and some of the late starts that stayed inside until the night time temps were higher passed many of my early starts that were already in the ground.

My final dilemma is the wife says 20 plants...and I have all these awesome seeds! So I am going to see if the wife's # is sort of like the over the counter dosage...the full prescription strength is double, so I am aiming for 40. I will start almost twice that # though so if you're near SD be watching this glog around plant out, I will be getting rid of some plants...

Well here is the list for now...If something you sent didn't make it I still have them, and will get to them some day. Momma is already pissed! :rolleyes:

Tepin 15 (seed train 2012)
Pequin Chiapas (Griff87)
Bird Aji (Seed Train 2012)
Cumari (Romy6)
PI 438638 (Romy6)

Jamaican Hot Yellow (My Seed)
Goat's Weed (My seed)
Explosive Ember (My seed)
Tri-color Variagata (Seed Train 2012)
Numex Centennial (the next seed train)

Ultra Pube PI 585266 (SocalChilehead)
Manzano (farmer's market)

Yellow Aji from Peru (Paul G)

Giant Twisted Chocolate Hab (CMPMAN 1974 Via Pr0digal_son)
St Marteen Marigot Mkt Yellow Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Belize City Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Fatalii (Pulpiteer)

The Supers
Yellow Billy Boy Douglah (SilverSurfer via Coheed via Romy6)
Yellow Cardi Scorpion (Romy6)
Yellow 7 Pot Brain Strain (Unknown Source probably the next seed train???)
Yellow 7 Pot (Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot Brain Strain (Romy6 Had some from Jamie and got some more from PaulG)
7 Pot Congo SR (CMPMAN 1974 via Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot White (SocalChilehead)
7 Pot Monster Infinity (gnslngr)
7 Pot Primo (MGold via PaulG)
Douglah (Pr0digal_son)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga (Bakers Peppers)
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (Pr0digal_son)

7 Pot Barrackpore (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )
HP22B aka Carolina Reaper (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )

Ummm...I count 32ish varieties. May scrub a couple off, but may not!!! Thinking I can get by with the Ornamentals and Wilds as long as I keep them small and Bonchi them to look perdy for Momma??? :rofl:

I think I will skip most all of the grocery store available varieties this year so I can grow more of the good stuff...That's if for now everybody! Hope you all have a great season!!!

stc3248 said:
Speaking of a thousand pods...

Very close to a thousand pods in this pic...there are 100 pods in my hand and over 9 hand fulls total. I started out to count them all, but quickly changed my mind when I got to 100 and still had so many left! Single plant...single pull. Almost a record, the Bird Aji (Wild Brazil) I grew last year produced over 1200 pods in a single pull...I counted as I picked them because I couldn't figure out why that one plant took so freakin long to harvest!!! Mystery solved!!! I couldn't get any of those seeds to pop for this season, but hope I can get one going next year!


The lobes are so freaking cool on these pods!
That is quite the pull of Charapitas, Shane!!! :eek:
No sprouts for me yet... :mope:
That second pod looks ALIEN to me.
Holy :censored: Shane... you really got it goin' on brother! It's all looking super nice and tasty... After last year's disappointments it's nice to see you do so well this year. I'm hoping for great things from you in the kitchen this winter!
What the hell are we all going to do with these peppers.....lol I mean we all grow a shot ton, then we freeze them or dry them and then the next season we have still too much left over....then we grow a shit ton more...lol

Holy moly!

Something keeps chewing small holes up towards the tips of my peppers.....I'm on the hunt for whatever it is. Have you had this problem?

Too bad you didn't land on old Briggy..oops I mean I'm GLAD you didn't land on old Briggy.....that would have been a shame...

It's a banger year buddy!
I can only keep repeating how amazing your updates are.
That tree is huge!! And that harvest looks like an example for a Bob Ross episode :cool:
When I'm coming over to California, I'd skip Yosemite, Death Valley and all the other highlights and visit your garden for my holiday pics :P
Voting for Poway as the pepper growing capital of the US. Fine job brother!! Maybe you could weigh the Charapitas as a whole, weigh a single Charapita,and then do the math. Might have to weigh a few to get a reading,not sure if one would register.

I am waving the white flag in the Birgy growdown. I did something similar to what you did but not enough amendments. I planted mine in the back row of a newer plot and it was loaded with clay,mine stalled out but is gaining some steam again. My initial goal was 12'+, now I will be content with 10. They hit 8' this weekend. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can get to mid-October with no frost. We were getting lows in the upper 40s the first week of August...crazy!
stc3248 said:
First off...Bonnie, they're yours!!! What else do you wanna try out??? Jamie's Mystery??? Fast growing 6' tree quick to produce tons??? Belize City Bonnets...smallish bush with a billion pods??? Lemme know!
I'd love to try the Belize City Scotch Bonnets!  My one Scotch Bonnet plant hasn't even started flowering.   I received a couple of Jamie's Mystery pods from him a year or two ago, but didn't have enough sense to save a few seeds, so I'd love those too.    :doh:
Ooh, and since I'm making a wishlist, how about those ginormous Aji Yellows you've got going on.  My Aji Yellow plant this year looks sickly and I won't be saving any seeds from it.
Thanks for asking!
Hi Shane,
   Boy, your last few pulls look like the season is ratcheting up on ya... The things that started producing early are still producing, and every few days another variety starts to ripen up. Good on ya for balancing a family, a demanding job and an equally demanding garden!
Thanks so much for the offer of a pod sampler... Those Charapita Yellows do sound intriguing! If you don't mind, could you also toss in a pod from your Naga-looking Reaper, Belize City Bonnet, Aji Amarillo from Paul and maybe a few Goat Weeds? I was looking forward to planting a Goat Weed from the seed in the pods you sent last year but didn't want to chance introducing any MMV. If I can return the favor, just let me know. Cheers!
RocketMan said:
Shane, has your box shown up yet? I have 2 unaccounted for that I'm hoping show up today.
 Yup! Mama sent me a text last night that I got some "stuff" from you!!! Woot!!! Hope there is still some left when I get home Friday! Thanks brotha!
Will get to some more replies later...gotta act like I am working for another couple hours!
Blows my Mind every update.
5' deep, Cow manure. I'm takin' notes, ya know ;)
Is that the Aji Amarillo, center left on the harvest shot -smooth symmetrical bullet? Nice looking pepper. 
WalkGood said:
I still say you are going to need a bigger ladder, lol. Everything looks great brethren, love all da colors, pics, pods & plants! Dam your pulls are 10x mine and even this last small one is larger than the one's I get, congrats and have a great week mon!
I should still be able to reach the top of that for a few more weeks...then I am gonna have to come up with something??? I am thinking a genius contraption involving old saw horses and old wood planks...redneck style baby! Back to my roots! The secret to large harvests is only being home on the weekends...can't pick through the plants all week!
Devv said:
Very nice Shane!
 I agree with the need for a bigger ladder! So when's the contest over? Dug 5' down? Maybe that's one of my issues, 2' and then rock. Got any dynamite?
Have a great week!
Haha...Contest ends on Halloween. Yeah...I have issues, tie the words "can't," "contest," or "challenge" to anything and I obsess a bit. I know the caliche beds very well. Worked summers on ranches digging post holes...or trenching for sewer lines...and swinging a pick or smashing a digging bar into that damn clay/rock. Sure does make a great ranch road though!!!
GnomeGrown said:
That is quite the pull of Charapitas, Shane!!! :eek:
No sprouts for me yet... :mope:
That second pod looks ALIEN to me.
Thanks Gnomey!!! They may take a little while to pop...but they'll pop! Those yellow whatever pods are crazy looking, delicious and freakin HOT for a yellow!!!
stickman said:
Holy :censored: Shane... you really got it goin' on brother! It's all looking super nice and tasty... After last year's disappointments it's nice to see you do so well this year. I'm hoping for great things from you in the kitchen this winter!
Thanks Rick!!! This year has not been without challenges...but most of them are starting to look better. One of the container grow challenges is timing the feeding and figuring out what they need. By this point in the season most of the nutes have been used up or washed through the containers. So I am feeding weekly now and it is really helping a few of them to get going again. I am really trying to keep up with saucing and powdering...and may dabble a little in canning some salsa soon...I miss my own foodie updates! Not that they haven't been happening...just slacking on the foodie pics. I saw you roasted a bunch of pods this weekend...as did I. 70 damn pods worth!!! Now I gotta peel them and put them away...not the fun part of the grow, but throw those chiles on ANYTHING and it pays off!
3/5King said:
What the hell are we all going to do with these peppers.....lol I mean we all grow a shot ton, then we freeze them or dry them and then the next season we have still too much left over....then we grow a shit ton more...lol

Holy moly!

Something keeps chewing small holes up towards the tips of my peppers.....I'm on the hunt for whatever it is. Have you had this problem?

Too bad you didn't land on old Briggy..oops I mean I'm GLAD you didn't land on old Briggy.....that would have been a shame...

It's a banger year buddy!
I dunno what the hell I am gonna do??? Processing 3 gallons a weekend and just breaking even...My brand new chest freezer is FULL!!! I gotta show a pic of that this weekend...very zen...until I think about all the processing again! I answered your pepper hole question over on your glog...yes, I have had that, and I think it was some sort of worm. Haven't had the trouble this year though. 
Yeah too bad on the birgits...it is stalling a bit now, so although John claims to be waving the flag...it ain't over for a WHILE! I resorted to more drastic measures on that damn gopher! Bill Murray is camped out back there right now dynamite in one hand and my .308 in the other. 
Trippa said:
You're a Growing Genius my Man... its all looking very very nice ... especially those harvests !!!
Thanks Trippa...very blessed. A lot of luck...with some good timing sprinkled in and I can't complain! 
wahlee76 said:
I can only keep repeating how amazing your updates are.
That tree is huge!! And that harvest looks like an example for a Bob Ross episode :cool:
When I'm coming over to California, I'd skip Yosemite, Death Valley and all the other highlights and visit your garden for my holiday pics :P
Thanks!!! That birgits is an amazing plant for sure...if I could do it again, I would have grown it in a cloth grow bag until the rootball was nice and filled in then planted it in ground. Think I could've gotten a better jump start if I'd have kept it indoors for a while longer too...haha, thanks...but my garden ain't all that perdy. I wish I had more time to spend on the landscaping. PEPPERS take precedence. 
all for now...work's calling.
Pr0digal_son said:
Voting for Poway as the pepper growing capital of the US. Fine job brother!! Maybe you could weigh the Charapitas as a whole, weigh a single Charapita,and then do the math. Might have to weigh a few to get a reading,not sure if one would register.

I am waving the white flag in the Birgy growdown. I did something similar to what you did but not enough amendments. I planted mine in the back row of a newer plot and it was loaded with clay,mine stalled out but is gaining some steam again. My initial goal was 12'+, now I will be content with 10. They hit 8' this weekend. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can get to mid-October with no frost. We were getting lows in the upper 40s the first week of August...crazy!
Like I said above John...ain't over 'till its over! I agree with weighing them. Funny though, neither system is solid since the second plant is putting out larger pods than the first, but a good guesstimate is all I really need. I think you're set to bust that 10' mark for sure. I am going full N overload from here on out...fine line between full speed ahead and burnt dead though!!! Hope your weather cooperates from here on out!
annie57 said:
+1 Shane, seriously dude! And manzanos too!! Geez! Astounding!
highalt said:
I'd love to try the Belize City Scotch Bonnets!  My one Scotch Bonnet plant hasn't even started flowering.   I received a couple of Jamie's Mystery pods from him a year or two ago, but didn't have enough sense to save a few seeds, so I'd love those too.    :doh:
Ooh, and since I'm making a wishlist, how about those ginormous Aji Yellows you've got going on.  My Aji Yellow plant this year looks sickly and I won't be saving any seeds from it.
Thanks for asking!
OK lady...you got it! I am pretty sure those Ajis are a cross of some sort. Growth habit and flower say Aji, but they're awful orange for an Yellow...and freakishly huge! Yup...some for you for sure!
stickman said:
Hi Shane,
   Boy, your last few pulls look like the season is ratcheting up on ya... The things that started producing early are still producing, and every few days another variety starts to ripen up. Good on ya for balancing a family, a demanding job and an equally demanding garden!
Thanks so much for the offer of a pod sampler... Those Charapita Yellows do sound intriguing! If you don't mind, could you also toss in a pod from your Naga-looking Reaper, Belize City Bonnet, Aji Amarillo from Paul and maybe a few Goat Weeds? I was looking forward to planting a Goat Weed from the seed in the pods you sent last year but didn't want to chance introducing any MMV. If I can return the favor, just let me know. Cheers!
Yeah...you summed it up. Bonnets are almost done with this round of pods and others are ripening first pods to replace them in the harvest basket. Numbers coming down, but if I can get them back on top health wise September will be really good!!! Got your list...and will put it together brotha! 
Bodeen said:
Heck of a pull.  Make sure you seed all them pods  :onfire:
Haha...maybe not ALL of them...but I am saving a bunch of seeds from the best ones out there. 
JJJessee said:
Blows my Mind every update.
5' deep, Cow manure. I'm takin' notes, ya know ;)
Is that the Aji Amarillo, center left on the harvest shot -smooth symmetrical bullet? Nice looking pepper. 
Thaks Triple J! Along with worm castings and compost...yes those orange pods are the yellow ajis, Look like orange jumbo jals!
millworkman said:
You have such an amazing way with words mill...couldn't have said it better! :rofl:
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I will never grow that plant again due to the pain it caused me to harvest the 3 I had! In the end I was like birds have at it, years later I still regret that!
Haha...It does take some time to harvest those little ball bearings...but well worth it! GROW IT!!!
Aight folks maybe some pics later...gotta get to work!
Brillant !
Each week/update...you top it.
Beautiful photos......(plantnicolor)......................especially the harvest(s)..........I never want  that big of a one day haul................. :liar:
very impressive
PIC 1 said:
Brillant !
Each week/update...you top it.
Beautiful photos......(plantnicolor)......................especially the harvest(s)..........I never want  that big of a one day haul................. :liar:
very impressive
Thanks Greg...you're too kind my friend! Somehow I think your big days are on the way...bucketloads!