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Testifying to the 7 Pot

I don't bother with gloves usually. It is so inconvenient to be pulling them on if I'm only cutting up a hab to throw into something...which is just about a daily occurrence. Josh you are right, though...even cutting up one 7 pot you simply have to wear the gloves.

I've gotten to the point where not only do the sensitive areas (eyes, nose, cheeks, ears , "other" :)) become painful, but the fingertips themselves! ...And that can last a couple of days. I never learn my lesson. :mouthonfire:
Doesn't pain usually keep you from repeating something? Pretty sure we're all hopeless. Ahhh the things we put up with for our obsession.

But like Martha says, "It's a good thing.":)
I've never used gloves, but the hottest I've ever cut up was Chocolate Habs. I wouldn't mind growing some 7 Pots, but that's a project for 2010 as I already have enough planned for this year. If you wash your hands with hot soapy water and then dry them really well, there's usually no problem. If you forget to wash your hands, obviously you're finished. Another danger aspect to peppers that makes it more fun.
bigt said:
I've never used gloves, but the hottest I've ever cut up was Chocolate Habs. I wouldn't mind growing some 7 Pots, but that's a project for 2010 as I already have enough planned for this year. If you wash your hands with hot soapy water and then dry them really well, there's usually no problem. If you forget to wash your hands, obviously you're finished. Another danger aspect to peppers that makes it more fun.

I usually don't wear gloves and wash my hands thorougly. But once I rubbed my eye after washing my hands three times. No fun at all!
When I really suffered from burning hands for hours and couldn't function properly (I know that's quite normal for me) but to the point where I had tried everything to help them and ended up dancing around in the cold in the garden as I couldn't bear it any longer, I couldn't type on a computer or touch anything. DEFCON Creator said,

"First scrub the affected areas with bleach, then wash them thoroughly with rubbing alcohol. While rinsing with the rubbing alcohol, take a fine grit (#220) sandpaper and 'sand' the affected area. That should do the trick. It may sound weird, but trust me, I've had more than one relatively major accident."
rainbowberry said:
When I really suffered from burning hands for hours and couldn't function properly (I know that's quite normal for me) but to the point where I had tried everything to help them and ended up dancing around in the cold in the garden as I couldn't bear it any longer, I couldn't type on a computer or touch anything. DEFCON Creator said,

"First scrub the affected areas with bleach, then wash them thoroughly with rubbing alcohol. While rinsing with the rubbing alcohol, take a fine grit (#220) sandpaper and 'sand' the affected area. That should do the trick. It may sound weird, but trust me, I've had more than one relatively major accident."

RB, are you saying you tried this? It sounds like one of those cures from the middle ages: "Take the blood of a new born kid...mix with ground up pig testicles, drink from a human skull...and call me in the morning."
No, my hands were mended by the time I read this post, I would have tried it at the time though, I was getting desperate to get rid of the pain.
I coated my hands with sour cream once...figuring that it might work the way drinking milk does. It did provide at least temporary relief. Looked bizarre though.
I dunked my hands in every liquid available (glad Sickmont's not here to comment) and tried putting various types of cream on them, the only thing that really gave me relief for about ten seconds was iced water, I just couldn't keep my hands still.
I've often wondered if maybe that de-greasing deep cleanser meant for mechanics would work. I can't remember what it's called, I had a tube of it a long time ago. You use it without water and just rub it in. I remember that it smelled like oranges. I should go to a hardware store and get a tube to have on hand.
PrairieChilihead said:
I've often wondered if maybe that de-greasing deep cleanser meant for mechanics would work. I can't remember what it's called, I had a tube of it a long time ago. You use it without water and just rub it in. I remember that it smelled like oranges. I should go to a hardware store and get a tube to have on hand.

rainbowberry said:
When I really suffered from burning hands for hours and couldn't function properly (I know that's quite normal for me) but to the point where I had tried everything to help them and ended up dancing around in the cold in the garden as I couldn't bear it any longer, I couldn't type on a computer or touch anything. DEFCON Creator said,

"First scrub the affected areas with bleach, then wash them thoroughly with rubbing alcohol. While rinsing with the rubbing alcohol, take a fine grit (#220) sandpaper and 'sand' the affected area. That should do the trick. It may sound weird, but trust me, I've had more than one relatively major accident."

Wow - was that Naga's or something? It had to be some serious badass pepper.
PrairieChilihead said:
Have you ever tried it for capsaicin relief, Josh? Well, you couldn't rub it into your eyes, but maybe some of the other victimized body parts...:lol:

No, sorry.
My daughter got a wicked case of hunan hands after gutting Hot Salsa peppers for a couple of hours bare handed. She was hurting, bad. I did the google thing and came up with vinegar, ice water, butter and Pepto Bismol. All were at best temporary relief. It just took time. I won't let her do it anymore without gloves.
bigt said:
Wow - was that Naga's or something? It had to be some serious badass pepper.

I spent hours one morning de-seeding all types of hot peppers, mainly habs though. I stupidly used my bare hands to de-seed them. I think the ones that did my hands in in the end were the very juicy Burkina Yellows.
Always where my gloves to de-seed now after de-seeding some Douglah and Choc Habolokia woke up with my eyes,Face,lips stinging even after extensive washing was a painful learning curve :lol: