that surprise¡¡¡

I'm afraid I shoot first and ask questions later........

When you have most of the worlds top 10 deadliest snakes that frequent your property you get a little cautious. And most of them aren't as placid as that one...

Great photos though....
I leaves to continues its way, I hope to repels iguanas who loves my habaneros.

Is that a serious comment? I mean do iguanas really eat Habanoeros? That is the weirdest thing i have heard, well all day anyway:)
It is great that you like Snakes, i am afraid that if he popped his head up at my place he would not have it attached to his body for long!!
nuh uh honey, that thing would be gone or I'd know why...don't like that kind of surprises. Snakes have rights too as long as it's far from me3.
Great pic! I'd love to find that one in my garden! Well, I know they don't live round here, but you know what I mean. :)

I love snakes, lizards, frogs, toads...
cool having a red tail on your plants :cool:
looks like it was in the molting stage, kinda has that look & dull looking.

as for me, I would of caught it just for the fun of it :lol:
I sure do miss having big constrictors :(
Beautiful snake! I'm glad you let it go on it's merry way.

I don't like them much myself but my kids do. They each have one.