Would prefer this to be in the proper forum, but it seems no matter what i post its considered "Promotion"....mods please place in correct place if not here....
I guess it was going to happen at some point out there in the world, so why not here in Florida at Baker's Peppers??
I was out walking through "The Reaper" section in my shadehouse today and I happen to notice one particular plant out of the corner of my eye..... So I walked over and got a closer look....Reached out and "snapped" a ripe pod off the plant...My eyes were correct!!!
This plant had about 15 ripe pods on it and they were ALL deep chocolate in color! There is also about 40-50 more about to be ripe in a week or so. I harvested all the fully ripe peppers and went STRAIGHT to the processing facility to begin seed removal/drying from these AWESOME looking peppers! I harvested enough seed to start about 200 new plants from these and they will be started in a few days
Im posting this to kinda let people know it has happened, and that we are trying to grow out this variety in hopes to make it available to the public
I do also have extra seeds and i will make it available on our website (Update coming within 24 hours). Im not going to guarantee much from these seeds, as they are strictly accidental to my knowledge at this point. Im making them available to anyone who may want to try to grow them and try their luck!
May grow more of the same looking pods, may not. I WILL however guarantee that the seeds you will be sent if purchased DID come from pods that look just like these pictured bellow and are off this very plant im speaking of now (This plant is no longer out in the general population, it is now in isolation.)
Also, im leaving this open to discussion, as i would like to see the members and visitors input on this topic
Like i said, im not claiming i invented a new pepper or anything even close to that, this is just an accidental thing i found growing out in the "Reaper" section...... Worth trying to grow out and stabilize??? ABSOLUTELY!!! 
I tried a little slice.....heat is a 10+!!!
Pics below.....
Sizzling Salutations!,
Dale Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers on Twitter
I guess it was going to happen at some point out there in the world, so why not here in Florida at Baker's Peppers??

I was out walking through "The Reaper" section in my shadehouse today and I happen to notice one particular plant out of the corner of my eye..... So I walked over and got a closer look....Reached out and "snapped" a ripe pod off the plant...My eyes were correct!!!
This plant had about 15 ripe pods on it and they were ALL deep chocolate in color! There is also about 40-50 more about to be ripe in a week or so. I harvested all the fully ripe peppers and went STRAIGHT to the processing facility to begin seed removal/drying from these AWESOME looking peppers! I harvested enough seed to start about 200 new plants from these and they will be started in a few days

Im posting this to kinda let people know it has happened, and that we are trying to grow out this variety in hopes to make it available to the public

I do also have extra seeds and i will make it available on our website (Update coming within 24 hours). Im not going to guarantee much from these seeds, as they are strictly accidental to my knowledge at this point. Im making them available to anyone who may want to try to grow them and try their luck!

Also, im leaving this open to discussion, as i would like to see the members and visitors input on this topic

I tried a little slice.....heat is a 10+!!!
Pics below.....
Sizzling Salutations!,
Dale Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers on Twitter