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The Dreaded Ring-of-Fire

Oh god...the "Lava flow" prblem. (Dams, I just got bacvk from the bar and my spelling is all screwed up, sorry folks). Two days ago I went to BJ's brewery and ordered a baked patato with some "fresh peppers: they had in the kitchen. They were Jalapenos and Serranos(big and green). They were so green that the juices were filled with (what I assumed) was cloraphill. 3 hours later...lava flow for 5 minutes on the toilet and gas for the rest of the night. I've never had a reaction like that to peppers (only onions...and that funny cactus that's growing in my backyard...)...me thinks there was some sort of pesticide that they didn't wahsh off the peppers....:think:
Not necessarily the case. I can handle some extremely hot stuff (tolerance build-up from quality control testing), but for some reason, those stupid little hot cherry peppers (B&G has the best) tear my gut up like a roto-tiller. I love the stupid little things, but they hate me.
More to the point: You eat cactii?

Wait.... is that what you yanks call Peyote, perchance? I'm only familiar with it through Hunter Thompson and Beavis and Butthead.
That would be mescaline. A bit different than a cherry pepper. The only reason your stomach would hurt from that would be from uncontrollably laughing for the previous 6-8 hours. LOL!
tinner666 said:
I know what abidet is. I was actyally praying for a submerged axxxhole one eruptive morning. Ice cubes in the water would have been a nice touch too.:hell:

I had consumed about a whole can of jalapenos (reaturant size, about 3-5 lbs. The morning after was more of a lava flow, with no end to it!!:)

If it had been possible, I would have gotten into the bathtub with cold water!!!!!:hell:
Couldn't pause it though!!!!!!!!!:hell:

Thats almost a time you'd have wished for a bidet that shoots ice cream out of it
DEFCON Creator said:
That would be mescaline.
That would be correct. But the cacti I have is the San Pedro. It is completely legal to have (illegal to consume though), looks like every other cactus, AND has the same amount of mescaline as the Peyote.

DEFCON Creator said:
The only reason your stomach would hurt from that would be from uncontrollably laughing for the previous 6-8 hours. LOL!
HA! Actually it was because the alchohol extraction I did didn't agree with my system. I was fine when I just ate it, but extracting doesn't like me...
imaguitargod said:
HA! Actually it was because the alchohol extraction I did didn't agree with my system.

Perhaps you confused the isopropynol with good stuff? That would definitely have a hand in an upset stomach...And long term effects may include vocational reinstruction to include learning Braille.
DEFCON Creator said:
Perhaps you confused the isopropynol with good stuff? That would definitely have a hand in an upset stomach...And long term effects may include vocational reinstruction to include learning Braille.
LOL, no it wasn't isopropynol, it was vodka. I also did the extract that the shamans use (make a tea out of it by boiling for a few hours) and that made me sick too. Just eating it staight appears to be the way to go for my system.
I think I kind of get it.... spaghetti hit would mean grating it and putting it in a dish, like "special" brownies, right?

Dating yourself: reference to being able to tell your age by reference to the era in which this was the preferred method of peyote ingestion, perhaps.

So... peyote = mescaline?
Just eat a bowl of ice cream after eating the peppers. Then the next morning after taking care of business, you sit there screaming COME ON ICE CREAM !!!!!!
mikeyinokc said:
Just eat a bowl of ice cream after eating the peppers. Then the next morning after taking care of business, you sit there screaming COME ON ICE CREAM !!!!!!
HAHAHA! I can just imagine myself doing that...would freak out the roommates even more....:)
Scotty said:
You know when you had a good meal? .... when your whole "arse" gets hot... not just the ring!
If it's shootin out that fast to light the rest of your skin up, then it's time for some Imodium AD.
mikeyinokc said:
Just eat a bowl of ice cream after eating the peppers. Then the next morning after taking care of business, you sit there screaming COME ON ICE CREAM !!!!!!

S'matter? Did you eat one of them burritos, too, man?

"Come on, cheeks." "Come on. Tighten up." "Come on, cheeks."
"Stay together." "Let's stay together."
"Hey, excuse me. Where's the toilet? Oh, thank you very much."
"Oh, God. I hope that was a fart."
"Oh, shi....Oh, I'm sorry, man."
"oh yeah"

One of my favorite movies.

"Do you know who this is?
"No, WHO IS DIS IS???":lol: :P :lol: