food The Drunken Chef

PF you have me laughing here. Foo foo and ghetto all in one dish. Smoked salmon and curried soup with Black Velvet and MT Dew :rofl:
JayT said:
PF you have me laughing here. Foo foo and ghetto all in one dish. Smoked salmon and curried soup with Black Velvet and MT Dew :rofl:

hehehe beleive it or not it all went pretty well together. Of course a fine bottle of merlot would have been better.
I am thinking of making a Roast leg of lamb with a Thunderbird demi glace. Heh heh. Just kidding PF. Where are you anyway? You should be drinking by now!
Pan seared quail w/balsamic reduction

Crap! I posted the quail in the wrong thread! Allow me to post one piccy here....

JayT said:
I think it can be excused since there is the hint of a beer can there. :lol: So what's on tap today?

Dunno' yet. mrs. blues wants some au gratin pots with honey glazed ham. I got some clams I want to do something with. Chowdah' or linguine...I can't decide.
From this point forward today, the rest of my posts will either be here or Smaeshd for life. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I have a lot of cooking to do, but I think I will go to the bar and think about it for a while. I have made the pork and cooked the rice. Now I have to let it cool before I put it all together and fry it. Before I go here's what I've done so far.

The Fatalii Bloody Mary


Marinated Chipotle Citrus Pork


And some jasmine and long grain rice cooked and waiting to be fried.


Be back in a bit gents.
JayT said:
From this point forward today, the rest of my posts will either be here or Smaeshd for life. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I have a lot of cooking to do, but I think I will go to the bar and think about it for a while. I have made the pork and cooked the rice. Now I have to let it cool before I put it all together and fry it. Be back in a bit gents.

Awesome! First time anyone has posted how f@#ked up they're going to be in advance! :rofl:
I know how this movie goes, I've seen it before. That's why I went back and posted some pics now so it's less I have to do later.
Hi y' guys have been busy already today I see and again I'm behind the 8 Ball. Guess I better start getting out of bed earlier.

TB, that quail is 4 stars for sure! I also agree, since there is beer in the pic, it's in the right spot. Although, it looks like it should be posted on some Gourmet Cooking site instead of here. :lol: have made me laugh this morning :lol: Next time, I will find more appropriate drinks to accompany my meals. :rofl: I can't wait to see what you are planning with the pork and rice.

Paul, control yourself're scaring me :rofl: