food The Drunken Chef

texas blues said:
Paul, every'thang there gets the hot blue and righteous except for the grits. I just can't eat the stuff. The texture to me is like fingernails on a chalkboard so it gets my It'llmakeaturd rating which btw, is still a 2.

:rofl: That is more than fair! LOLOLOL!!

Pepperfreak said:
Paul I give thee...

5. YES! I think I've died and gone to heaven!
4. :woohoo: I want More! NOW Dammit!
I just can't decide. :lol: It looks great.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!
I gotta go with a 4...

well done...that's a poor southern boys feast... :lol:
Well, with all the doo doo talk in the What was your last spicy meal you cooked thread, I decided to come here to post the freaky happenings in pepperfreak's kitchen tonight.

These puppies are taking a nice hot bubble bath in some beer( Special Order Hab Sausage)

The veggies are all just chilling for the finale
the stuffing for my pies is happily simmering away.... used the rest of the douglah plus some jalepenos and thai hots... its going to be tasty... will be blind baking my pie crusts in another 20 minutes.. yaay!!

the filling tastes good so far.. not too hot, but you can definitely feel the douglah influence :)
I'm going to do three man-size and around 5 mel size.. it depends on how many dishes i can dig out of the cupboard.... MrMel has already refused to try it after I told him the rest of the douglah is in there.. i'll take some mel sized ones across to Alby and if he likes it he can come back for a man sized one.. although i'd say i've got enough filling for double that (2kgs of beef, lotsa bacon and more ingredients) so theres a good chance there'll be round two..

anyone hungry????

edit: Mr Mel will be eating domino's tonight :P
lol yeah.. jals and thais... he just tasted it and reckons that i have no tastebuds yet as its way too hot.. i tasted it and i think its pretty good... its warm.. but not hot..

the blind baking is going on now.. then i'll fill em up.. top em and they'll go back in the oven and be ready.. hopefully alby will like em... otherwise i'll be eating pie for a week :P
He will scoff them, hey the TRUE Naga pies are back at Ron Bruns patisserie Umina. You should go and visit Hippy and get a pie while you are there ;)
I'm still trying to convince MrMel we need to go up on Saturday.. he's asking for special favours for his agreement....... if we make it I'll make sure we make a pit-stop :)

heres the filling

and after the blind baking

I'm smashed.. i've only had 7 beers.. but havent eaten anything but a few grapes today.. hope it all turns out oki!