So does that mean you're not doing anything in here but being a voyeur when Nova whips it out to pee?
Pepperfreak said:So does that mean you're not doing anything in here but being a voyeur when Nova whips it out to pee?
paulky_2000 said:I'm doing ham-n-swiss sammiches on rye....nothing earth shattering here tonight.
texas blues said:Add some kraut and russian dressing (or your favorite dressing) and turn that into a reuben pronto!! I could eat that every day!! Pics please and thank you in advance!!
texas blues said:So...where 'da booze at?
texas blues said:PF you get the hot and blue but I am holding the righteous hostage until we get a booze shot. And I mean a good one!! Better still....we want a shot of the whole damned liquor cabinet!!!
Pepperfreak said:I'll post some after I finish this hot-n-spicy meal![]() said:Looks good but is this still The Drunken Chef? Whereee bee theee booozzzeess last few meals????
Pepperfreak said:Here you go TB. Can I mix something up for you