food The Drunken Chef

Orite... i've been drunking tonight so I guess tonights feed is one of the drunken chefery kind?

I'm about to go cook me a daal...


toor and channa daal with a seasoning of dried red chili, green chili, onion, garlic, ginger, mustard seed, cummin seed, turmeric, asafoetida, curry leaves and tomato.

and then to finish it off, fresh coriander and lime juice.
i looooove dal!! make sure you post pics...

damn you.. now tomorrow i'm going to have to go find me some curry :P

edit: where'd you get your curry leaves from? grow em or buy em? my mums got a curry plant waiting for me.. i want it now.. frozen leaves dont have the same flavour!
where's your dal paul??? i'm hungry...

here's mr mels dinner tonight... no chilli though.. had to make it boring for him... i had some taters and left over pasties...

Doesn't that just piss you off making bland food!?

As for the peas gimme, steamed and salted please.

Edit: OMG gimme gimme!
that dal looks fantastic!!!!

as for mr mels dinner, well yeah it is bland... but i felt bad for him.. i have a sneaky feeling he ate one of the pies last night after i went to bed and has been on the loo all day... not pretty... :P chicken has lots of garlic and black pepper.. should get his digestion back on track :P
Thanks y'all!

It was actually a tiny bit disappointing though..... after gobbling down, I'm left feeling like it was missing something. I ended up omitting the tomato and lime so maybe I was missing the sourness..........
Novacastrian said:
:D He should join purely to contribute to the loo tales!

I think he'd make a worthy contributor... lets just leave it at he had to meet with a customer today and had to cut his meeting ver-ry short :P sweats 'n all..
Hahaha, reminds me of a workmate. He likes chilli but not the slice of naga i gave him that morning, he doesn't touch my stuff now. I will have to change that!
I have never had Dal before. Can you post the recipe?

Nova, you are cool man! Glad to hear you like peas, those that don't just don't know what they are missing. :P

Mel, that meal you laid out for Mrmel looks fantastic! I bet it would be out of this world with some garlic, black pepper, Fatalli Powder, Bhut Powder and Tabasco Powder rubbed all over it after patted with butter, then cooked. Then it would be just too good for words and would simply be culinary bliss. :cool:
Pepperfreak said:
Nova, you are cool man! Glad to hear you like peas, those that don't just don't know what they are missing. :P

I've gotten to where I can tollerate them in certain dishes.....but that's about all you'll ever get outta me! :lol: