food The Drunken Chef

TB, I blame AJ and paulky for the shrimp goins on. They had the whole gambit of shrimp suggestion working. There was sub-liminal, liminal and super liminal when they wuz shouting "EAT SHRIIIIIIMP!"
Blister said:
TB, I blame AJ and paulky for the shrimp goins on. They had the whole gambit of shrimp suggestion working. There was sub-liminal, liminal and super liminal when they wuz shouting "EAT SHRIIIIIIMP!"

Shrimp is the most perfect balance of flavor vs. price in the known universe.
paulky_2000 said:
I'm loving the bacon fat idea A LOT.

I'm tellin ya, fellas, TB's got the FEVER....and the only prescription....



Cool, here's the recipe...

Cut the bacon into small squares, like large bacon bits. Cook in a cast iron until 95% done and fat is rendered. Scoot it to the side and add the scallops. Sautee on each side. Deglaze the whole thing, bacon and all, with white wine. Serve over linguine. said:
Cool, here's the recipe...

Cut the bacon into small squares, like large bacon bits. Cook in a cast iron until 95% done and fat is rendered. Scoot it to the side and add the scallops. Sautee on each side. Deglaze the whole thing, bacon and all, with white wine. Serve over linguine.

Where 'da heat at? And the garlic? And the cream? said:
Cool, here's the recipe...

Cut the bacon into small squares, like large bacon bits. Cook in a cast iron until 95% done and fat is rendered. Scoot it to the side and add the scallops. Sautee on each side. Deglaze the whole thing, bacon and all, with white wine. Serve over linguine.

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!! Heart attack Central!
That's just the basics, embellish.... y'all can do it. The point is the bacon fat. I just rambled the rest out. said:
Cool, here's the recipe...

Cut the bacon into small squares, like large bacon bits. Cook in a cast iron until 95% done and fat is rendered. Scoot it to the side and add the scallops. Sautee on each side. Deglaze the whole thing, bacon and all, with white wine. Serve over linguine.

SOLD!!! two awesome flavors.......

Would garlic go well in there, I wonder?
Novacastrian said:
Still missing da hawt!

Got any Lemon flava powda? Or just yellow for that matter..

I have the scorpion powder and the red savina powder.....oh yes...and my fatalii/bhut powder. I can swing the heat! ;) said:
Cool, here's the recipe...

Cut the bacon into small squares, like large bacon bits. Cook in a cast iron until 95% done and fat is rendered. Scoot it to the side and add the scallops. Sautee on each side. Deglaze the whole thing, bacon and all, with white wine. Serve over linguine.

Many a romantic night has been started that way...

"whatcha going to do with the scallops hun?"

"Oh I'm going to sautee them in bacon grease..."

"Mmmm, tell me more..."

"Well, first I'm going to cut the bacon into small squares..."

"Ohhhh that's hot! Then what?"

"Then I'm going to cook them in the pan until almost done..."


"Then I'm going to..."

Well you get the idea.
Novacastrian said:
Paul's IN! Oh wait there she was just kidding :D

It's all good Nova.

I'm happily married, but I've also worked in restaurants and on construction job sites for most of my life. I learned a long time ago how to "banter with the boys" and it's all good. I know where the boundaries are (hopefully!).

I do find it interesting how the language on the job site changes when I'm on site. I actually appreciate the fact that most men try to "clean up the mouth" a little with a woman around as far as the swearing goes, but we still talk a little dusty during lunch breaks etc.

BTW- aren't bacon-wrapped scallops a CLASSIC????//
Novacastrian said:
You don't want to risk failing do you? If you did a small batch now you could be assured of WIN!

The way I see it...I'm about due a fail!!

Besides....I have a house full of teenagers having a slumber party.....

...and I'm not sharing!