food The Drunken Chef

I am so full i am struggling to finish my beer..

fresh prawns were good.. only had one of em though :P MrMel is finishing off the food whilst the dogs are enjoying the prawn tails :D
OK, for todays menu, we have Bloody Marys this morning while I prep...

Fajitas, both chicken and beef

Charro Beans

Spanish Rice

first pic is of the Charro beans ingredients with the obligatory alcohol shot (will be switching to whiskey sours later today)


prep pics coming a little later and still later, the fajita meat prep will show up...this is going to be a drunk and cooking day....drizzling rain and getting colder all day long...

okie dokey...seems there were a lot of drunks last night as is evident because no one is on this thread this morning.....slackers....

charro beans cooking down...1.5 hours until other ingredients added


bacon for charro beans ready...


these veggies (tomato, garlic, onion, and bell pepper) will be added to the bacon and pan seared until transluscent...


the aromas in this house are driving me crazy...stomach is growling...
well good morning gents...I am getting my Tex-Mex on today...I have already started cooking...these charro beans will be delicious in about 6 hours or so....

:scratching head wondering why JayT is telling me the time:
Oh... sorry 6 hours to cook the beans. Nevermind... Carry on AJ. Your house is going to smell terrific all day.
I couldn't well decide on last night's destruction and chaos. mrs. blues wanted nacho's. I wanted to revisit wings. There was only one way to go....

I'll let the pic do all the 'splainin'.....

5 all the way TB....excellent negotiated meal....kina like the one I am gixing today...wife wanted chicken, I wanted beef, so I am cooking both...
I'm only here living vicariuosly. I've been sober too long. Does the fact that I WANT to be drunk allow me here?

I've got to do alot of post sl*tting to catch up to AJ!