food The Drunken Chef

Jester said:
You people are advanced Drunken Chefs! I've got a lot of work ahead of me to reach your level. Thank goodness, my liver is in drinking order.

Paul -- that is some seriously good looking grub you cooked up there sir. *a tip of the hat*

A good start sir would be to post a pic or your liquor cabinet or a money shot of your beer fridge....cavity shot! And welcome compadre...
Well I started smoking two chickens just after I read through this entire thread (yes, I'm a sucker for drunken food porn). Would have posted pictures but it was too late. When they came off the smoker, the wild hoards that live in my house attacked without warning. It was all I could do to save a leg for myself.

I'll be all over this bad boy this weekend! Beer, cocktails, and food...oh yeah!
Novacastrian said:
:lol: Yes i have parents :D

In fact totally off topic but i just had my mother sitting next to me eating T.Scorpion, SHE ASKED FOR MOAR! :shocked:

Oh noes! I think your mom could kick my ass! Your mum must be a fire breathing sheila!!
I'm afraid I am too drunken a' chef tonight to post my pics. They will come Manana as TB says. Really, I am loving the ACC basketball tournament too much right now. Well, that and my Margarita.
Jester said:
Well I started smoking two chickens just after I read through this entire thread (yes, I'm a sucker for drunken food porn). Would have posted pictures but it was too late. When they came off the smoker, the wild hoards that live in my house attacked without warning. It was all I could do to save a leg for myself.

I'll be all over this bad boy this weekend! Beer, cocktails, and food...oh yeah!

You will fit RIGHT in....
texas blues said:
A good start sir would be to post a pic or your liquor cabinet or a money shot of your beer fridge....cavity shot! And welcome compadre...

Excellent suggestion!

Let's start with the smoker and work our way down:


Beer fridge:


A little help from my opener:

paulky_2000 said:
Our saviour has come

Nah...more like your new pal who loves to eat, drink, and have a ton of fun.

I'm simply in awe of all the food and drink that is contained in these 123 pages. Good times!
paulky_2000 said:
Well...I'm sure looking forward to seeing your contributions!

WELCOME to the Drunken Chef!

I think you meant to say "WEL... uulllGHT! Sorry. I... I... I tHRew up i... in my mouth A Little...WElcoME to da DRunkIN' chEF!" :drunk:
stir fry looks great!! i'm drunk and about to start cooking but dont know if it will be worthy of posting... we'll see.. depends on how drunk i am when its done!
the "numba 6" looks delicious and I bet it was tasty too...

where are you pass out?
nah not passed out.. taters are cooking in the oven, once they're nearly done steak and creamy mustard mushroom sauce will go on.. eta around an hour... have to watch the heat intake as we're currently digging up sewer pipes in the front yard and dont need excess crap to clean up tomorrow!! i'll still post pics even though i'll get slammed for a lack of heat