Crazy goin's ons last night in teh Blues Kitchen ya'll. I picked up some very nice 13/15 camerones, and a couple lobster tails from one of the local joints on the way home from worky work. $3.99 each for the tails, can't beat that, even for South American tails! I began the eve with my good friends "cheap beer" and "hornito's". It only went downhill from there. Once the proper load level of alcomohol had been achieved, I fired up The Blues Grill and prepped the shellfish with some of PF's evil Trinidad Scorpion Powder. Good 'Gawd!! I don't know what it is about this powder but when putting it on whatever food, it feels like you're eating pure plutonium. Hotter than magma but it's so damned addictive. On the side I decided to saute' up a bit of asparagus and whip out a sweet thai chile cream sauce (with more t-scorp powder, 'lawd have mercy!). Cheesus crisp on a crutch that stuff is gooooood!
The goin's on.....
Grill it baby!
Jay will attest how good the sweet thai chile cream sauce is....AWESOME!! Make it by the trough load and dive in ya'll!
Get your drunken chefly grill on ya'll!
The goin's on.....

Grill it baby!

Jay will attest how good the sweet thai chile cream sauce is....AWESOME!! Make it by the trough load and dive in ya'll!

Get your drunken chefly grill on ya'll!