food The Drunken Chef

10 hours in the UDS and many many beers inbetween (and a power nap that I don't remember starting :shocked:). The beef came out a bit dry but the flavour is whoop ass. Kinda like pastrami. The pork is tender and juicy but most of the flavour is on the suraface. Guess the marinade couldn't penetrate the fat layer. And before anyone asks, NO they're not burnt, just a great bark :) THP will back me up. Yummy concentrated flavour.

That's what I did with the beef, sammiches of mater's, red onion, wholemeal bread, salsa, THSC skobiyan and thin slices of the beef. Tasty :)

The pork went into a Vietnamese style shredded pork salad. Pork, vermicilli rice noodle, bok choy lightly blanched, maters, onion, vietnamese mint, mint, lime juice, fish sauce, birds eye chillies, pepper, garlic and I ran out of peanuts :( I removed the rind of the pork and deep fried it until it was crunchy, seasoned with salt and used as a garnish. Mmmm...deep fried pork skin... drool.

No photos of said meals so they don't exist :lol:
Deathtosnails said:
And before anyone asks, NO they're not burnt, just a great bark :) THP will back me up. Yummy concentrated flavour.
Testify my brother, looks delish!
I'd love to gnaw on a big hunk of that DTS! I KNEW that was going to turn out good. I just cooked me a BIG porterhouse with some homemade pico de gallo served on top and some vodka and peach tea to wash it down. The pico de gallo is a little on the hot side as I used fataliis in it, but it goes really well with the steak. I cranked the grill up to 700F for this big guy. It came out a nice medium rare.




Oh and for a twist, I added a little hickory smoked salt and a splash of tequilla to the Pico de Gallo too.
That looks really good, is this a steak Throwdown? I see a quarter :lol:
Holy hell, Batman!!

What are you doing grilling mammal flesh in the middle of the day on a Thursday, Jay???


Add a big baked potato and I'll be beating on your door!!

Lunch. :lol: I had to take the afternoon off to watch my little fella as his daycare is closed today and tomorrow. He's taking a nap and I am drinking and grilling! Woohoo!
Great Balls of Fire!!! Holy Mother of all things sacred, THAT is a steak!!!! Jay, I must say that I am beside myself with drool slobbering all down my front. Now, that just ain't fair! Me want.....

That steak would have taken the Steak Throwdown for sure.

Damn, I was going to go 4 wheeling today, but I might just have to stay home, grab a steak and do some grill'n now. :think:
Thanks PF but I doubt it. Don't you remember that plate of awesomeness that DTS put out. It belonged on the cover of a magazine. Mine belongs coming off a cowboy's campfire. I am a real Cowboy Cooker. Now... where did I put my Dr. Pepper?:lol:
JayT said:
Thanks PF but I doubt it. Don't you remember that plate of awesomeness that DTS put out. It belonged on the cover of a magazine. My belongs coming off a cowboy's campfire. I am a real Cowboy Cooker. Now... where did I put my Dr. Pepper?:lol:


Yeah....DTS whipped us all!

That's a damn fine steak though....and for lunch to beat all!!!
You gots teh hot blue and righteous Jay. What a hunk o'meat! I ain't down with the pico on that steak though....I'm more of a bearnaisse guy.
texas blues said:
You gots teh hot blue and righteous Jay. What a hunk o'meat! I ain't down with the pico on that steak though....I'm more of a bearnaisse guy.

texas blues said:
Si! But I still like skirt wearin' french sauces.

Amen, brother!!!

Steak and bearnaise with a nice saffron rice and some grilled shrimp on the side.......

Holy crap on three different types of sticks JayT!!! That is one huge plate of tender beef love right there! Do you plan on having dinner tonight :lol: It's coming on lunch time here and I know what I'm having...mmm steak...drool

Thanks Ya'all for the kind words on me beef :lol:

lol@TB, nothing wrong with skirt wearing Frenchies hehehehe I don't mind the odd Froggie sauce every now and then myself.