food The Drunken Chef

JayT said:

Forgive me if it's already been done, but please introduce the belle signore. SL

I smoked several pork tenderloins Saturday and we made like 90 pulled pork sandwiches. Unfortunately, I'm all alone tonight and all I have left are some hot Italian sausages.

I may go digging in my chest freezer and see what that reveals. ;)
90!? Were you feeding your unholy army of the night?

Be sure to dig deep in the freezer. We needed to get a new freezer so we could store all the wild game we got one year and went with an upright. I couldn't believe some of the stuff we found at the bottom of the old chest freezer as we were cleaning it out. 12 half bags of pirogies, a couple of whole chickens, some fish... man you name it. There were even a few Japanese men hiding in there that didn't know the war was over. It was crazy. The upright is soooooo much nicer for organizing and finding things. Anyways the weather today has been absolutely fantastic and is perfect for grillin'.

We'll be doing some "Piri-Piri Chicken Wings in the Style of Nando's" from South Africa. Now that I'm looking at the recipe, I should get them into the marinade pretty quick!
If I supply the Italian beef and Paul the sausage those would make some great combo sanwiches. I LOVE Italian beef, Italian sausage combos.
I cooked another massive meal today. Pics tomorrow. Ribs, chicken, burgers, dogs, London Broil, corn, beans, potatoes, and poppers.
Here are some pictures from the BBQ yesterday that JayT cooked at

Unfortunately I didnt stay long enough for the ribs




Love the Chilehead t-shirt Jay where the hell did you get that ? !

My money is on "Peppers at the Beach 2010"......but that's just a guess. I'd like to have one in the one Blair Lazar was wearing!
Blister said:
Holy Crap! That's quite the spread! You guys are Q'in up a storm.

If you only knew! We 'qued until there was a storm. A major one with hail and a tornado just a few miles away! Luckily I was done cooking by then!