So true. I'll step it up.
Hey all, JayT here. Hijacked Wheebz computer for a minute. I want to say that I will be back and better than ever soon as I can. SoFlo those posts are funny and I AM putting up a PA Posse Gang Sign in your honor right now. Also, I do not spill beer. That is the work of amateurs. Nice grub you guys have been making in my absence. Alright, I am back to my beer now.
JayT out.
TB Drink the beer you fool. Don't spill it! I lit Wheebz up with a Scorp tonight. Some dumbass in his bar decided he was going to educate me on peppers and how no one here likes hot stuff and how HE brought hot wings here in the 80's. He also told me how the cayenne is the world's greatest pepper. After Wheebz gave him a slice (the tip) of the Scorpion he told us we are sadistic. We also showed him how it is not wise to drink water and how dairy is his friend. Pretty funny stuff.
that guy was a freaking idiot, he really started pissing me off after slugging down 4 samples of my hot sauces without asking
i loved how at the end when the peppers really started to take their toll, he shut up for more than 10 seconds, and by the time you left, he basically couldnt move and had to pay his bill and gingerly get off his chair
R.I.P., drunken chef....
Bring it back to life! I would if I could but not much drinking lately. Plus I don't think it counts if I just lovingly describe the food!
Here's one I'm doing today.(in progress) What is it? Hellifiknow!! I'd call it a pot-roast.....some would call it a stew.
I call it damned delicious!
Here is today's lineup:
I got most of these ingredients from the grocery on the discount (must sell) racks. Thus, I put this together for pennies on the dollar.
By the way....that's just SOME of the pure habanero powder I've done this year.
Thick sliced Wright bacon......cut into a heavy dice:
Gettin' happy in the pan!:
While the bacon cooks, let's slice up and season the roast:
to be continued....
Nice and crispy.....gonna make a killer topping later!
Beef goes into the really hot bacon fat to brown on all sides:
Onion....a healthy, thick dice:
Lastly, the garlic.....about 5 good size cloves:
Add all the liquid....(plus one beer) to the pot....and every damn thing else:
Stir a good bit, mmmmmmm hmmmmmmmm ( I love Carl Childers!)......and forget it on high for 4-5 hours:
See y'all in a while......we'll finish it up tonight!
Hot damn does that look Delicious!!! Got me at the bacon and beer thoughI can't wait to see the finished plate Paul. Hum....
.....4-5 hours.....
I doubt I could be there in time.
Oh, damn the injustice of having to work for a living.