damn paul!!! That may be your finest. One pic in particular stands out (I'll repost it, just because it's awesome!). I like to imagine the keystones are your version of my busch lights. If this is the case, you, sir, have found the spirit of the drunken chef. It's not about who can find the fanciest ales and lagers, paying top dollar to have a fancy bottle in a picture.
It's about REAL people!
Who get REAL drunk!!
and we do this by drinking the cheap stuff, and we AREN'T AFRAID TO TAKE PICTURES OF THE SHIT WE DRINK!!!!!!!!!
Paulky, I salute you! I am currently working on a keg of PBR, and I have poured myself a tall one in your honor. My next Busch light will also be in your honor, if I have one tonight.
Hmmm....does "Honoring Paul" count as a reasonable excuse for having a beer I don't really need without becoming an alcoholic?
I'm gonna go ahead and say I'm in the clear. Honor away.

I'll drink to you drinking to me!!