food The Drunken Chef

TB you need to eat some meat pronto! This hippy diet you have been on is affecting your brain. (I saw the praising veggie post). I haven't been here for a while as I worked something like 13 days straight, but, you sir I am putting on notice! I am watching you Norton.
Not to worry!!

Have a beer and tell us more about the cheese-stuffed hotdogs.... :beer:
What more can I say? Get great quality redhots, cheese and bacon. Deep fry until cooked thoroughly. Consume.

For tb we can make a faux francheezie, turkey dogs, soy bacon and cashew cheese or yocheese. Where is the hurl like Linda Blair icon?
How is this one?

Hey fan's of all 'thangs gristley and meaty...just off the spin bike and fresh from the shower at 173 and change. Easy peasy. No beer. No coffee. No blubber products. No cheese. No salt. No sugar. No meat. Just fruits, both dried and fresh. Veggies...i.e. last night I sauteed in olive oil mexi and yellow squash with onions and garlic and habs. Added crushed toms and tom sauce like I would for 'sketti 'sketti. Just ate the sauce. It was tasty but a bit boring.I've even been eating oatmeal on the weekends. But not with sugar. In fact I've been adding salsa to it. Looks like crap. Tastes pretty decent. I'll take the bad with the good.

All that being said, there is no secret or tricks. Just stay with it and most of all...don't CHEAT!
Hey fan's of all 'thangs gristley and meaty...just off the spin bike and fresh from the shower at 173 and change. Easy peasy. No beer. No coffee. No blubber products. No cheese. No salt. No sugar. No meat. Just fruits, both dried and fresh. Veggies...i.e. last night I sauteed in olive oil mexi and yellow squash with onions and garlic and habs. Added crushed toms and tom sauce like I would for 'sketti 'sketti. Just ate the sauce. It was tasty but a bit boring.I've even been eating oatmeal on the weekends. But not with sugar. In fact I've been adding salsa to it. Looks like crap. Tastes pretty decent. I'll take the bad with the good.

All that being said, there is no secret or tricks. Just stay with it and most of all...don't CHEAT!

Does this type of nonsense talk REALLY belong in this thread???? :rofl:
Hey fan's of all 'thangs gristley and meaty...just off the spin bike and fresh from the shower at 173 and change. Easy peasy. No beer. No coffee. No blubber products. No cheese. No salt. No sugar. No meat. Just fruits, both dried and fresh. Veggies...i.e. last night I sauteed in olive oil mexi and yellow squash with onions and garlic and habs. Added crushed toms and tom sauce like I would for 'sketti 'sketti. Just ate the sauce. It was tasty but a bit boring.I've even been eating oatmeal on the weekends. But not with sugar. In fact I've been adding salsa to it. Looks like crap. Tastes pretty decent. I'll take the bad with the good.

All that being said, there is no secret or tricks. Just stay with it and most of all...don't CHEAT!



This thread has become real scary and TB has frightened me to my core. Whatever happened to him, I sure hope it's not contagious.

I gotta hurry up and post tonights masterpiece Leftover Extrordinair
There is a method to the madness dontcha' know. Soon, very soon....I'll be able to eat any damn 'thang I want! I will deep fry foie gras and eat it between two slices of bacon while dipping it in chipotle cheese sauce!
Oh...OK TB.......sadly you have lost some credibility with all of this carrot and celery foolishness talk. :rofl:

Hopefully, THIS will get this thread back to where it should be, instead of a weight watchers meeting. :rofl:

This is some awesome leftovers that I whipped up from last nights pasta and peppers. I added Kielbasa and shrimp and Parmesan cheese. Hope y'all enjoy my cast iron wickedness. Damn this is good. :D




There is a method to the madness dontcha' know. Soon, very soon....I'll be able to eat any damn 'thang I want! I will deep fry foie gras and eat it between two slices of bacon while dipping it in chipotle cheese sauce!

... and the reality is that after all this time of overly-healthy eating, your stomach will have dis-acclimated itself to greasy and fried foods, and you will end up like the faux Linda Blair icon. Been there, done that. Make sure you start slowly, with small periodic quantities. And post pics - - - some of us would love to see your hot a$$ when you're done! :eek:

I've never been a huge starch fan (I eat it, just not in large quantities.) My fav spaghetti sauce without making it from scratch is a jar of Prego traditional, some browned lean meat (yeah, not on your list, but on mine), garlic, black and green olives, jalapenos (or other as available), julienned carrots, onion, mushrooms, cubed eggplant, and julienned zucchini, with some merlot or shiraz stirred in. (hmm. I think I'm missing something in that list.) And of course, more seasoning than they put in the jar alone - oregano, basil, cayenne, tarragon, coriander, whatever else I'm in the mood to put in. By the time I'm done adding everything, there really isn't enough room to bother with noodles. But my son manages to put it on noodles, anyway. Kind of sounds like another trip to the grocery store is in order....