-1 for the invisible comment but + 10 (add the 3, carry the one, x 72.486, divided by 450v plate voltage....) equals..Hot blue and righteous for the po' boy sammich with original hotness!
Looks awesome. What is that biohazard stuff?
I thought it was his homemade powder.
Jay! My man! Cheap wine always gets me off! So does that pizza! Love it loooooooong time!
It has been a while since I posted in this thread, so I thought I would since I am making chili today...nothing special...just my AJs Texas Red...
thanks guys...
yup...7 pot bloody mary...
would you believe there is alitle over 10 pounds of meat in this pot?
it is almost ready...will post a pic when it is served...
10 Lbs.AJ, that's a protein coma in the makin
Damn, TB - was just talking about Frito Pies with a friend in San An today. Guess it's true what they say about great minds thinking alike!Looking at it I can only imagine an old Texican favorite of mine....FRITO PIE!!