food The Drunken Chef

OMG, I havn't had conch is years and in fritters to beat :dance: :dance: and to top it off Pickapeppa (my first sauce as a kid still keep a stock of it). Screw Thanksgiving dining, FD4 you're killin me :cheers:
SoFloPosse...My brothers! Yall sure you ain't transplanted Texicans? That banana leaf ain't foolin' me. Bacon wrapped shrimps are just soooo dirty! Beyond hot blue and rigtheous! Jump back and kiss 'yo 'sefs 3 times!



12 pounds of wings? Really? Please forgive my earlier dissing remarks in regards to bestest friend, buddy and pal. You're looking quite handsome in your pics Paul and the ear 'thang actually gives you an aura of superior intelligence over all other men. those wings......12 pounds is more than any mortal man should consume by himself at one sitting if you know what I mean...(wink). Lemme' know if you need any help. I live only to serve.


Your pal, Leslie.

Wings and things on a Saturday night, nothin better! I got chili cheese tater tots that go great with wings.

Here are tonight's WINGS!!!

I'll let the photos speak for themselves......








I take back all I said previously since you didn't even save me ONE wing. Booooooo!! And to think I was your best friend! What a ripoff! You put family before me? I am soooo disappointed! No wings for me. How sad is that?
DTS's Roman Lamb

Left to right: Fish sauce (it was actually an essential ingredient in day to day Roman cooking!), garlic, marinated goats cheese in olive oil, black peppercorns, charred rosemary and bay leaf (adds a smokey flavour), big ol' chunka lamb leg, fresh rosemary and bay leaves, a lemon fresh off the tree. Beer...duh this is the drunkened chef


Lamb leg coated in oil from the goats cheese.


Gots the CI grill smokin' hot with a few sprigs of rosemary twigs on for some more smokeynessess...i think that's a word.


On she goes... definately hot!

Pounded the garlic, charred rosemary and bayleaf, lemon zest and pepper. Added the juice of the lemon and fish sauce.


All together for a slow cook


3 hours at 150 C


It's so tender that if you speak to loud it will fall apart :)


Crusty bread, grilled eggplant, lamb and crumbled marinated goats cheese and beer. Dang, life is so hard!



I take back all I said previously since you didn't even save me ONE wing. Booooooo!! And to think I was your best friend! What a ripoff! You put family before me? I am soooo disappointed! No wings for me. How sad is that?

You are ALWAYS welcome at the Circle-H table, my friend!!



By the way...I tried the CREATOR's suggestion of piercing the wings halfway through the cooking...and it works better than I ever could have hoped!! Makes for a very crispy wing!! The powder on thos wings is an OLD BAY and 7-pod powder combo...and was excellent when dipped in the sauce....


A side note...I was so excited about the wings that I forgot to put out the celery and bleu cheese!! :lol:
Definitely glad I found this topic, to me there isn't much better than cooking with a glass of good bourbon in hand. I will definitely have to try that lamb recipe sometime when I have a free afternoon.

Btw, is that a le creuset dutch I see...? I got one for christmas last year and its the shit :dance:
DTS that lamb braised out beautifully, could you put it on Quantas frozen east bound?

Paulky, hope the twins friend's parents don't see the pics with all the brewskys. What's up with the Coors Light, splurging??