food The Drunken Chef

Had a little bit of butter shrimp tonight. Creamy enough to taste slightly like butter chicken, but with a slight shrimp flavor. Coriander Lemon basmati rice and green beans on the side. Very good with the lime bud light.

Had a little bit of butter shrimp tonight. Creamy enough to taste slightly like butter chicken, but with a slight shrimp flavor. Coriander Lemon basmati rice and green beans on the side. Very good with the lime bud light.

You can be my personal chef! That looks divine.
Seafood is my "bacon" to other folks around here. That looks like H B and R to me! (double up on teh shrimp and leave off the rice!) Me so hungy' now!
made 2 casseroles last night

i usually never bake, but meh

mushrooms, asparagus, spinach, chicken, above items sauteed in a touch of fatalii puree, cream of mushroom/asparagus/celery because I really didnt feel like making my own from scratch, some Defcon Smokey seasoning, ancho chili powder, and lots of garlic

the one i made for everyone was topped with asiago and panko, the one i made for myself I have the pictures of is topped with Red Savina powder, munster, mozzarella, and sharp cheddar and panko

i told everyone except this one dumb lady I dont like that the small one was hot, so caution

well I am downstairs and all of a sudden I hear "oh my god, holy shit thats hot, holy shit", i just start doing an evil chuckle and take a sip of my drink, muhahaha

lazy dog





my sister was not amused


begging for a treat


mmmm homebrewed Kolsch


and the finished shot, with the 2 pastas on there


and shot of the kitchen

Guess what I'm making.....

**that little jar in front of the pepper-mill is AJ's black congo puree. I'm using the whole damn thing....**








It ought to be edible in 6-8 hours.....

....or 14-18 beers. ;)

(of course....the REAL feast will be TOMORROW after it sits covered overnight in the cold place. :dance: )
Guess what I'm making.....

**that little jar in front of the pepper-mill is AJ's black congo puree. I'm using the whole damn thing....**

It ought to be edible in 6-8 hours.....

....or 14-18 beers. ;)

(of course....the REAL feast will be TOMORROW after it sits covered overnight in the cold place. :dance: )

Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn Paulky, a WHOLE JAR that's gonna be :hell: :hell: :hell: with all that puree and I'll bet it's going to be more on the outside of 18 :beer: before it's done, you pushin 12 yet??
Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn Paulky, a WHOLE JAR that's gonna be :hell: :hell: :hell: with all that puree and I'll bet it's going to be more on the outside of 18 :beer: before it's done, you pushin 12 yet??

I've been tasting along the way and it's really not too bad as far as the heat goes. I'd give it about a 6 or a 7. Heck, I bet even the twins will eat it w/o complaint!

4 1/2 hours in and I'm just finishing up my 9th beer. I think I'm right on pace! :beer:

It looks very inviting, you'll wait until tomorrow, you're not tempted by this goodness :onfire: :eek: :beer:


I may try a bit will the twins, I'm sure. Dinner tonight is Po-Boys....and the chili is for tomorrow! :dance: