food The Drunken Chef

Guess it was time I posted here again been a while. How bout a little Chicken Fajitas. The pics came as an after thought, was almost caught up with Paulky on the Keystones

Some chix breasts just off the grill

And the rest, onion, bell, anaheim, jalapeno, guac and salsa




And time to eat

Doesn't hold a candle to paulky's chili with a whole jar of AJ's puree, but Mrs. Logs certainly enjoyed it.
Inspired from DTS! and it inspired the 'Dude also!

After seeing DTS's lamb roast recently, it was an inspiration to try one for ourselves.

That's what makes this forum and these threads so fun....

You're the Inspiration!.....

I can't keep up with all these posts, but logchief's fajitas and paulky's chili are/is looking like awesomenessess...

but I still gotta flip a little to Paulky for using packaged chili seasoning mix. I KNOW!!! I do that myself! But I still gotta give you a little rub about it. ;) :lol:

Logchief comes swooping in wit the KILLER chicken....then HSL leaps from the free throw line with a 360 degree slam dunk!

I'm liking this VERY much!!

**chili simmered for 8 hours yesterday....and is now in phase 2......the CHILL. ;) It's a bit hotter than the kids will eat (imagine that!), so I took the precaution of removing some before the puree dump so B&B can enjoy.

Piccys later tonight!

Logchief comes swooping in wit the KILLER chicken....then HSL leaps from the free throw line with a 360 degree slam dunk!

I'm liking this VERY much!!

**chili simmered for 8 hours yesterday....and is now in phase 2......the CHILL. ;) It's a bit hotter than the kids will eat (imagine that!), so I took the precaution of removing some before the puree dump so B&B can enjoy.

Piccys later tonight!

I couldn't imagine the twins eating that with a whole jar of AJs puree, I have a jar of Black Congo in the frig and it's :hell:

Thank you SL and Paulky
The food looks awesome lately!!!!

In the spirit of Drunken Chef, I hope people are still getting their booze on for these posts.
Hasn't been enough debauchery!!!
There have been slightly more beer cans than dogs in the last 2 pages. Uh Oh!!

Keep up the good work.

BTW, Salsalady, I'm glad you bought that piece of lamb. Apparently there was a little lamb running around with a leg with no bone in it. Poor thing could only hobble in circles.
Thank goodness you were able to take care of his boneless leg and do something creative with it.
The food looks awesome lately!!!!

In the spirit of Drunken Chef, I hope people are still getting their booze on for these posts.
Hasn't been enough debauchery!!!
There have been slightly more beer cans than dogs in the last 2 pages. Uh Oh!!

Keep up the good work.

BTW, Salsalady, I'm glad you bought that piece of lamb. Apparently there was a little lamb running around with a leg with no bone in it. Poor thing could only hobble in circles.
Thank goodness you were able to take care of his boneless leg and do something creative with it.

:rofl: SL had a little lamb, with a leg that had no bone and everywhere that SL went the lamb was shit out o' luck

Next time I'll put a 30 pack in
FD4 and LC-


Just doing my part for the cottage industries! Boneless lambs are all the rage up here. The real challenge has been getting a consistent lamb that only has bones in 3 legs. A real niche market, for sure! ;)

And Pauly, I couldn't imagine putting a WHOLE JAR of AJ's puree into a pot of chili!


time to re-wine~~~
And Pauly, I couldn't imagine putting a WHOLE JAR of AJ's puree into a pot of chili!

:mouthonfire: was actually more like 3/4 of a jar....the rest went towards leftover Cajun T-down food...;)

At any are the pics of the shenannigans!

It was Tim, the twins, me, and a lot of beer:

Getting ready....


The devil pot.......does that look evil or WHAT?


I let it cook another couple of hours while we watched "Christmas Vacation" and sipped on a dozen or so beers. Here it is all stirred and ready to go:


On the table and ready to go!


And now.....a mid-pic story;

Bradley opted for the milder "side chili".....or the one w/o the heat. BRANDON(in the Redskins sweatshirt), on the other hand, decided he was going to man-up and hang with the big dogs......

How'd that work out? NOT TOO GOOD!!! LOL!!

First bite:


Second bite....tongue hanging out...and I think he's realized he made a poor choice:


This is me.....laughing at him:


....And this is Brandon.......shoving sour cream in his mouth to put out the fire:


I'll spare you the next 5-6 minutes. It wasn't pretty....but it sure was amusing!!!

To be continued....
I really didn't get any killer bowl shots of this feast.....and it's a shame...concidering the amount of time I put into it....but I DID get these drunken shots:






This crap was HOT.....much hotter than it was when I first put it together. I had originally declared it as a 6-7.....but after two days of cooking down, I'd have to put it somewhere in the 9-10 range! It was evil...but so SO GOOD!!!

Y'all drunkards carry on.......
I can just imagine how hot that stuff is, that puree is just pure ground peppers. I put some in the bbq sauce last night :hell: I am disappointed in the choice of beverages :shame: :shame:

Be chili makin time for me this week after we get back from the kids. Stuff looks great
I can just imagine how hot that stuff is, that puree is just pure ground peppers. I put some in the bbq sauce last night :hell: I am disappointed in the choice of beverages :shame: :shame: was a bit on the brutal side of hot....but damn delicious!

Tim brought the Busch....and it was nice to pull off a bottle for a change, but the Keystone was still there. After all...he only brought an 18-pack. It was gone in 2 short hours. :beer:

Make sure you post pics when you make your chili! :woohoo:

Awesome!!! Now thats what it's all about!!! No dogs. No fancy beer. No BS.
Just beers, men, and their chili.

Good times.

Busch light is the moped of the beer community. I'll bet even wheebz has ridden on the busch light train before and had fun!!! (but like a moped, it's tough to admit)
It takes nothing away from quality beer to enjoy a little romp with the cheap stuff now and again (and again and again).

Looks great paul!!!!!
Thanks man!!!

It was something we don't do often enough....and vow to do again soon!

The beer tastes awesome so long as it's cold.... ;)

**Just wait and see what I have in store for tonight!!!

Awww, shucks SL, i'm blushing. Lamb looks fantastic! Made me drool :)

Paulky, that is the true spirit of the drunken chef, beer, f'kin hot food, fun, beeerr, and more breeeer and fun :woohoo:

And you're right with that pic of your chili looking evil...looks like it could strip rust :flamethrower: would make for some killer leftovers too. watcha got planned for it?