food The Drunken Chef

RM, as long as you have internet, you get it for FREE here~~~ ;)

Spouse gets up at 2:00am, notices the light on in the den and says, "Honey, what are you doing up at this time of the night?"
Honey replies "Looking at porn..."
Spouse says, "Baby, turn off THP and come to bed~~~"

True Story.




The DC chatter of late reminds me of an "oldie, but goodie"...

South Park... "Creme Fraiche!"


Nice work Wheebs. Send SoFlo a styrofoam box of that mess. We'll eat it.
Nice food pic's everyone. SL your Chile Colorado was D-lish, The smokey burnt flavor added to it. I'm being serious!!!! Thanks for crediting my Mole.
This is such a porn site! I get that feeling everytime I'm here that makes me H----Y!

(hungry) get your head out of the gutter....
P.S. I'm super close to getting a new computer. Then I will finally be able to participate (and happily lose) in the TDs. and be able to post pics here. Photobucket, here I come!
sheesh, DeVille, you know it was your Mole that turned us to the dark side of spicy way-back-when.

Yeah, I know we were all having an 'off' day for cooking this last weekend, but it still rocked to have good eats with friends.... even with the burnt chile colorado.

BTW, do you realize I've signed you up for chicken mole at the NW Chilefest in a couple weeks!?!?!!!

(sorry, can't relate to the SP reference, never seen an episode~ )
A cookbook usually has actual measurements and recipes....unless it was just a collection of food porn pictures. :lol:

Mi Lady, that's just a matter of us sobering up enough, Gads Heaven forbid, to look back at what we did to put some numbers with the listed ingredients. Most of the procedures are there.

thumbs up on this one, i like this better than the one that has the beer i brew in it lol

Wheebz, the Haba-peno seems to be the hands down favorite of all my friends and family members that I give sauce away to and since I added the SDTs to it even more so. I have some Fatali seeds now so I'm hoping to be able tonkick the heat up another notch for those that like a hotter sauce to have both a medium and a hot version.
I have had and enjoyed the Habapeno a few times now. Did some wings with it again this past weekend. Today I tried the other two for the first time. I like them both. The Southern Tier one a little more, I think, but I have to use them on food to be sure. They are strong tasting of the beers which I guess you were going for. I'll cook with them and then post something.
Wheebz, the Haba-peno seems to be the hands down favorite of all my friends and family members that I give sauce away to and since I added the SDTs to it even more so.

I gosta get me a bottle of that!
I like the beer sauces too! Haven't had time to play with them with the throwdown and all. I prefer the 90 minute one, so far, but I've only done preliminary tastings!

I'm getting ready to bottle my aji sauce. Maybe I'll send you a bottle and some Fatali Jelly I made in exchange for a habapeno!
So I normally dont make it a habit to drink on a monday night but on top of having a shitty day, my gf was cleaning the fridge and wanted me to do something with the almost empty jug of moose juice. Moose Juice is pineapple rings coated with sugar in a pitcher to which you add vodka(tito's) and let sit for atleast two weeks. Its Delicious and I was actually able to get quite a bit of booze out of the jug.

I diced up some of the pineapple, couple Habaneros, few jalapenos, threw em in the pan with garlic and sliced up kilbasa and let that simmer. Mind you that glass looks small but it is my 8oz bourbon tasting glass, only used it cuz I underestimated how much liquid was in the jug.

That shit goes down easier than juice and I had filled that glass twice and added some of the booze to the pan and still had enough to fill the glass once more for my meal. I was feeling great.

I even took the kilbasa out of the liquid in the pan and added flour to thicken it and put the meat back in and it made quite the sauce. Not sure how I thought of that I was just kinda floating around the kitchen in a vodka induced haze.

It was a good meal and I had a great buzz, all that sugar made for a 4 advil headache though, it was completely worth it!