food The Drunken Chef

If I had known how nice this turned out...I would have taken pics while making it. I made home made meatballs, and mushroom sauce...and accidentally dumped a pile of bhut flakes on intention was a bit less.

I ate it anyway...the flavor of the bhuts ws more overpowering than the heat...which was impressive. It made me go through my trusty rum and DP (Diet Dr. Pepper) a little faster than anticipated...glad I stocked up.


"So I normally dont make it a habit to drink on a monday night.... "

and it's a good thing you've learned to accommodate to the weekly schedule and drink as necessary.

"Mind you that glass looks small but it is my 8oz bourbon tasting glass, only used it cuz I underestimated how much liquid was in the jug. "

yea pics always make everything look smaller. It's OK, we understand-

"I even took the kilbasa out of the liquid in the pan and added flour to thicken it and put the meat back in and it made quite the sauce. Not sure how I thought of that I was just kinda floating around the kitchen in a vodka induced haze."

It's because you are being assimilated into the chile pepper continuum! Don't Fight It!

Resistance is Futile!

now, let's all have a drink and CELEBRATE! :woohoo: Good eats there, Spanky~
Spanky that Mouse juice just sounds like a headache waiting to happen but damn good too. Bet it's great over some ice-cream or like some bread puddin like stuff. I'd kill that kilbasa.

LB - pasta fit for a King but sounds like you got it hot enough for the devil himself. Good stuff Maynard!!
Hello yall!!!
this is my fist "real" postage on the drunken chef!!!
I read all this topic, and is just AMAZING!! texas blues, paulky, roose, JayT.. alot of great drunken chefs!!!
My fist post is Popper!!! this dish is completely new for me!!
lets go.. no more talk..

tuna, anchove and goat cheese. habanero harold st barts and jalapeños

a litle shot of Brazilia cachaça!!! yeahh

avocato salad, jalapeños and habanero popper!!!
I read all this topic, and is just AMAZING!! texas blues, paulky, roose, JayT.. alot of great drunken chefs!!!


looks great! Welcome.
2 kinds of fish, huh? What you got on that TB?

I can't really imagine what that tasted like, but it looks spot on!
Kib, the poppers looked really good.

But you have something on that plate that is AMAZING!!!

That simple avocado salad...lettuce, tomatoes, and some LARGE avocado slices with citrus juice!!!
That is one of the best flavor combinations EVER!!!!!!!

You didn't mention it because you're used to it.
Our avocado season is about to begin, and I miss them dearly. But pretty soon, I'll be slapping them on everything.
Squirt of lime juice and some salt. Pepper flakes. You get it.

The stuff I'm probably taking for granted down here!!!
Every time someone says that...somewhere in the underprivaledged child gets his face mauled off by a bear.

If only Christian Children's Fund would provide these children with Busch Lt instead of rice and education they could fend off Bear no problem.
If only Christian Children's Fund would provide these children with Busch Lt instead of rice and education they could fend off Bear no problem.

I agree. I mean, where are these peoples' priorities????

Rice and education has only helped one man succeed. Uncle Ben. Busch Light has helped the masses!
i would eat my own weight of those poppers!!!!!!
Sorry but I'm totally jumping in here, but, OMG I think I made my first picture post. New computer. Well these are some Chickin Wings with Habanero honey sauce (homemade)...
I know, I know, no alcohol in the picture... Don't worry tho, there was alcohol involved! believe me! These things were hot! What a fiasco figuring out photo bucket! Thanks SalsaLady!!!!

Ok, I'll go away now....

Peas out!