"So I normally dont make it a habit to drink on a monday night.... "
and it's a good thing you've learned to accommodate to the weekly schedule and drink as necessary.
"Mind you that glass looks small but it is my 8oz bourbon tasting glass, only used it cuz I underestimated how much liquid was in the jug. "
yea pics always make everything look smaller. It's OK, we understand-
"I even took the kilbasa out of the liquid in the pan and added flour to thicken it and put the meat back in and it made quite the sauce. Not sure how I thought of that I was just kinda floating around the kitchen in a vodka induced haze."
It's because you are being assimilated into the chile pepper continuum! Don't Fight It!
Resistance is Futile!
now, let's all have a drink and CELEBRATE!Good eats there, Spanky~
LunchBox, when you gonna move up to Washington so we can come eat at your place all the time? pasta, meat, tomatoes...... :sigh:
I read all this topic, and is just AMAZING!! texas blues, paulky, roose, JayT.. alot of great drunken chefs!!!
looks great! Welcome.
2 kinds of fish, huh? What you got on that TB?
I can't really imagine what that tasted like, but it looks spot on!
I think by TB he means Texas Blues
And don't worry FD4, everybody who reads this thread recognizes the SoFlo mad SKILLZ!
Soflo? Never heard of 'em.
Every time someone says that...somewhere in the world...an underprivaledged child gets his face mauled off by a bear.
If only Christian Children's Fund would provide these children with Busch Lt instead of rice and education they could fend off Bear no problem.